Exercises and Techniques

These are the exercises and techniques that you will learn throughout the book. The five main techniques are indicated with an asterisk.*

Chapter 3

To gently let go:


Graceful Begging

Chapter 4

To organize your energy system:

Grounding Outdoors

Grounding Indoors

Trace Around the Eyes

Tap Your Thymus

Inch Your Way to Better Thoughts and Feelings

Chapter 5

To get answers from your subconscious mind:

The Standing Test (Muscle Testing)

The Arm Test (Muscle Testing)

Chapter 6

To connect with your body:

A Thank-You Prayer

Speak Lovingly to Your Body

Use Sticky Notes

Move and Direct Energy

Chapter 7

To clear unprocessed experiences:

Thymus Test and Tap *

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) *

Chapter 8

To release beliefs:

The Sweep *

Chakra Tapping *

Chapter 9

To transform unhealthy patterns:

Accept Your Humanness

Call It Out

Forest Fire Visualization

Throwing Stones

3 Hearts Method *

Chapter 10

To repattern the fear response:

Heartbeat Thymus Tapping

Use the Panic Point

Nose Breathing

Panic Pose

EFT or Chakra Tapping

Triple Warmer Meridian Trace

Create a Safe Place

Chapter 11

To have a guide for your healing journey:

Use the Healing Tree Illustration


Chapter 2

Triple Warmer Meridian

Chapter 4

Eye Trace

Thymus Gland

Chapter 6

The Seven Chakras

Chapter 7

EFT Tapping Points

Top of the Hand (Gamut Point) and Fingertips

Chapter 9

3 Hearts Method

Chapter 11

Healing Tree