AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 47
air, fresh, 89
allergy, 94
to animal hair mattresses, 38
breast milk and, 65
to cow’s milk and dairy products, 91
to egg yolk, 62–63
to wheat, 61
American Academy of Pediatrics, 47–48, 113
anger, 101, 108, 125–38
antibiotics, 93
from guilt, 137–38
separation, 97–98, 99, 103, 117, 118
stranger, 95–103
transitional objects and, 105, 107
appetite, loss of, 67–76
during colds, 85, 88
during ear infections, 92
from separation anxiety, 103
from teething, 7
applesauce, 61, 71
Baby and Child Care (Spock), 16
on beginning solids, 61
on circumcision, 44, 45, 47
on infant feeding, 51
popularity of, xiii
on SIDS, 18
7th edition of, xvi
on toilet training, 119, 122
on vegan diet, 66
infant on, 18–19, 80–81, 94, 109, 113–14, 117
rubbing, 36
bacteria, 80, 84, 93, 118
as bedtime ritual, 117
containers for, 39
head while, 23
hypertonic baby, 6
penis cleansed while, 46
playing while, 11
bathroom, frequent use of, 98
beans, 65, 66, 79, 80
anxiety, 98, 100
rituals, 117
bed-wetting, 118, 124
biting, 7, 78, 126, 141
blaming oneself, 9
crib, 38
security, 104, 105
swaddling in, 4, 6, 8
blood pressure, high, 63
blues, 38, 42
bonding, 1, 34, 43, 116
on back, 80–81, 94, 117–18
breast-feeding and, 35, 54, 58
colic and, 3
crying after, 53
on demand, 105
formula for, 36–37
holding bottle during, 106
nasal congestion and, 87
of premature infants, 70
schedule of, 34, 56–57
solid food and, 71
weaning from, 108–9
bouncing, 110
bowel movements:
illness and, 9–10
of nursing babies, 20, 21
toilet training and, 119–23
brain, 23
Brazelton, T. Berry, 122–23, 124
bread, 73, 79
breast-feeding, 33–36
benefits of, 18, 65
bottle-feeding and, 54, 58
colds and, 88
colic and, 3
co-sleeping and, 116
infections and, 91
before midcentury, 49
premature infants, 70
schedule of, 50–51, 54–55
SIDS and, 18, 114
solid food and, 61, 71
sucking and, 10–11
weaning from, 66, 108–9
at work, 58 see also nursing
breathing patterns, 22
bronchitis, 85
burping, 2
caffeine, 4
calcium, 65, 66, 73, 79
calories, 65, 66, 67
cancer, 46, 64, 66, 82
candy, 80
Care and Feeding of Children, The (Holt), 60
carrying baby, 56, 115, 139
car seat/restraint, 39–40
cavities, 80–81, 109, 117
cereal, whole grain:
as first solid food, 61–62, 71, 80
during pregnancy, 79, 80
rejection of, 73
cervix, 46
cheese, 64, 73
chocolate, 4
circumcision, 44–48
clinging, 99
clinic, well-baby, 29
colds, common, 83–89
ear infections and, 90–91, 141
symptoms of, 9–10
teething and, 77, 78, 141
colic, baby, 3–5, 105, 114
after three months, 32
anger with, 125
bodily contact for, 8–9
diagnosing, 33, 53
pacifier for, 110
comforters, 104–11
congestion, nasal, 85–87, 90, 92
conscience, 137, 138
contact, bodily, 9, 11
control, 4, 125–38
convulsions, 77
cooperation, 131, 135–36, 142, 143
co-sleeping, 100, 116–17
coughing, 9, 19, 83, 85, 92
crackers, 73
cravings, 69
crib, 38
during breast-feeding, 20
from circumcision pain, 46
as communication, 1, 2–3, 42
during diaper changes, 106
from ear infections, 91, 93
from hunger, 35, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57
kicking and, 12
reasons for, 1–7, 33
responding to, 8–9, 112, 140
from ridicule, 137
from separation anxiety, 97–98, 99
at sleep time, 112, 115, 141
from stranger anxiety, 96–97
cues, reading, 1–15
dairy products, 64, 66, 91 see also specific dairy products
day care:
advance preparation for, 100
colds and infections at, 84, 91
cooperation at, 135
for older sibling, 41
scheduling, 102
time-outs at, 134
death, 118
dental visits, 83
deprivation, 129, 130
diabetes, 65
diaper(s), 39
changing, 12, 42, 106
rash, 7
toilet training and, 120
wet, 2, 7, 12, 20, 21, 33, 112
diarrhea, 49–50, 77, 91
digestive system, 5, 60–61, 77
diphtheria, 82
discharge, ear, 92, 93
discipline, 125–38
divorce, 118, 136
doctor, choosing, 26–31
Dr. Spock’s The School Years (Spock), xvi, 146–47
carbonated, 88
sweet, 80
drooling, 7, 77, 78, 141
drops, nose, 87
ear infections, 89–94, 112
bottle-feeding and, 109, 118
breast-feeding and, 65
colds and, 141
eating, changes in, 10
eggs, 61–62, 64
elbow, dislocated, 23–24
emergencies, 31
Eustachian tube, 90
fat, dietary, 64, 65
fathers, 42, 43, 98, 101
crying and, 9
of mother, 38, 56, 59, 85
naps for, 115
transitional objects and, 105, 107, 109
feedings, 42, 141
anticipation of, 12
during colds, 87, 88
colic and, 3, 4
on demand, 2
fussing after, 139, 140
naps and, 115
periodic irritable baby and, 5
poor, 25
regurgitation during, 24
satisfaction with, 113
scheduling, 10, 49–58
weight gain from, 20–21 see also bottle-feeding; breast-feeding; nursing
colds and, 85
diet during, 69, 88
ear infections and, 91
sleep problems and, 112
teething and, 77
vomiting and, 25
flossing, 83
fluoride, 81–82
food, solid, 60–66
during colds, 88–89
introduction of, 70–71
sitting upright for, 106
breast-feeding and, 54
changing, 4
during colds, 88
forms of, 36–37, 65
hunger and, 6
before midcentury, 49–50, 56–57
tooth decay and, 80–81
fretfulness, 5, 42, 53, 139
after three months, 32, 140
bodily contact for, 8–9
breast-feeding and, 32, 33–34
from ear infections, 91
kicking and, 12
sucking for, 10
from teething, 7, 78, 141
Freud, Anna, 122
friends, 41, 42, 44, 56, 102, 138
fruit, 65, 71, 72, 73, 79, 80
furniture, baby, 38
fussiness, 5, 139–40
music for, 8, 141
pacifier for, 10–11, 56, 57
germs, exposure to, 19
grains, whole, 65, 66, 79
grunting, 12–13
guilt, 3, 137–38, 143, 144
gums, 7
hands, washing, 83
banging, 110, 126, 128
floppy, 17–18
rolling from side to side, 110
soft spot on, 23
swollen, 21–22
health management organization (HMO), 27, 28
Healthy Families, 29
hearing, 92, 93
heart disease, 63, 64, 66, 82
hesitancy, parental, 142
hiccups, 22
hitting, 131, 134, 135, 138
holding baby, 4, 5, 18, 92, 99, 105
Holt, Emmett, 60
house, childproofing, 127–28
humidifier, 86
humiliation, 132, 136
crying and, 2, 6, 8, 33
prompt relief of, 50–51, 105
scheduling, 51–53, 55–56
screaming and, 125
solid food and, 71
hyperactivity, 6
illness, 9–10
appetite loss during, 67–70
separation anxiety and, 118
independence, gaining, 106–7, 120–21, 127
indigestion, 140
infection(s), 9–10, 19
appetite loss during, 69–70
diet and, 75
immunity to, 65
jaundice and, 25
of penis, 45, 47
infections (cont.)
of umbilical stump, 17
vomiting and, 25 see also colds, common; ear infections
insensitivity, 135
insurance, medical, 29, 30
intelligence, level of, 79
intestines, obstruction of, 25 iron, 61
irritability, 5, 6, 9–10
isolation, 134
jaundice, 25
Jenkins, Mrs., 126–27
juice, fruit, 80, 81, 88
kicking, 11–12
La Leche League, 35
legs, kicking, 11–12
lethargy, 25
limits, 144
liver, baby’s, 25
masturbation, 45
McClendon, Preston, 50
measles, 82
meat, 64, 66
Medicaid, 29
milk, 72, 73
breast, 20–21, 25, 35, 37, 50–51, 55, 65
cow’s, 4, 50, 64, 65–66, 91
skim, 79
moods, fast-changing, 14
Morgan, Mary, xvi
help for, 43–44
refusal to recognize, 101
moving, 118
mucus, 86–87
music, soothing, 4, 8, 9, 100, 141
naps, 115
nervous system, 5
newborns, 16–25, 32–48
anger of, 125
feeding, 34–37
preparing for, 38–44
siblings and, 40–41, 118
sleep and, 113–14
nightgowns, 39
nightmares, 118
noise, 4, 6
nose, runny, 9, 85–87
nurse, 28, 29, 31
nursery school:
colds and infections at, 84, 91
for older sibling, 41
quality of, 102
time-outs at, 134
caffeine and, 4
chocolate and, 4
nasal congestion and, 87
on-demand, 105, 139
pacifier and, 11
schedule of, 56–57
weight gain from, 20–21 see also breast-feeding
nutritionists, 63–65
permanence of, 98
transitional, 104–11
obstetrician, 28–29, 30, 48
obstinacy, 126
after feeding, 8, 53, 57
breast-feeding and, 34, 36, 56
for colic, 4
for hunger, 6
for periodic irritable baby, 5
as transitional object, 109, 110, 139
weaning from, 10–11
pail, diaper, 39
from colic, 3
crying and, 2
ear, 92, 93
fear of, 133
stomach, 12, 91
from teething, 141
panic, see anxiety
Parenting, xiv
pediatrician, 27–31, 48, 49–51
penis, 44–48
physician’s assistants, 28
Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, 66
picking up baby, 4, 8, 14, 102, 141
pin, safety, 33
plaque, 80
play, 11, 23–24, 141
pneumonia, 84
possessions, 130
baby’s teeth during, 79, 80
diet during, 79, 80
premature infants, 70
privileges, 130
protein, 4, 65, 66, 73
pumping breast milk, 37, 56
punishment, physical, 129–36
questions, 29–30, 32–33
reaching out, 11
reasoning, 129
Redbook, xiv
reflux, 24–25
relatives, 41, 42, 43
resentment, 101, 132, 133, 144
response, parent’s, 13–14
rice, 61
ridicule, 136–37, 138
riding, 8, 56
for avoiding feeding, 34
for crying, 8, 56
for periodic irritable baby, 5
for reaching out, 11
for sleeping, 36
transitional objects and, 110
rocking baby:
salt, 61–62, 71
scales, 39
school, 131, 133–34 see also nursery school
scolding, 129, 135
self-esteem, 136, 143
shame, 136–37
sheets, crib, 38–39
shouting, 134–35, 138
siblings, 40–41, 101, 118
Simsarian, Frances, 50
sinusitis, 84, 85
slapping, 131
sleep, 105, 108, 112–18
sleeper, 38, 39
smallpox, 82
co-sleeping and, 117
ear infections and, 91, 94
SIDS and, 18, 114
sneezing, 19, 22, 83
sociability, 102, 103
spanking, 129, 131–32, 135
spitting up, 18, 19, 24–25, 114
spoiling, 129–30, 139–44
spoon, 70, 74, 78
squealing, high-pitched, 13
starch, 61
stimulation, 4, 19
ache, 12, 91
lying on, 4, 18, 113 see also colic; digestive system
strangers, 95–103
stress, see anxiety
striking, 131, 133
stroke, 63, 64, 66
stroller, folding, 39
sucking, 10–11, 109–10
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 18–19, 113–14
sugar, 65, 81
sweets, 80
table, diaper-changing, 39
talking, age of, 79
teething, 7, 77–83, 112, 141
telephone calls, 29–31
temperature, changes in, 10 see also fever
temper tantrums, 125–28
tension, 10, 140
tetanus, 82
throat, sore, 85, 92
thumb sucking, 10, 104–10
time-out, 134
toilet training, 106, 119–24
tooth-brushing, 82–83
toys, 7
tubes, ear, 94
umbilical stump, 16–17
urine, 20, 38, 47
vaccinations, 82
vaporizer, 86
after age two, 65, 66, 80
at age 1, 73–74
during pregnancy, 79, 80
vegetarian, 64–65
veneral disease, 47
violence, 132, 136
viruses, 83–89
visiting nurse association, 29
visitors, 6, 19, 56, 59
vitamins, 67, 72, 79
vomiting, 9, 19, 24–25, 77, 91
walking, 139
age of, 79
for avoiding feeding, 34, 53, 57
for coaxing to sleep, 114–15
for crying, 8
periodic irritable baby, 5
for reaching out, 11
for sleeping, 36
for teething pain, 141
weight gain, 3, 20–21, 71, 72
Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 105
wheat, 61
whole grains, 65, 66, 79
whooping cough, 82
Winnicott, D. W., 104