AY The Abominations of Yondo (1960)

BB The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith (1979)

DC The Dark Chateau (1951)

OS The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies (1933)

EC Ebony and Crystal (1922)

FA The Fantastic Art of Clark Ashton Smith (1973)

GF Grotesques and Fantastiques (1973)

GL Genius Loci (1948)

IM In Memoriam: Clark Ashton Smith (1963)

KT Klarkash-Ton and Monstro Ligriv (1974)

LL Clark Ashton Smith: Letters to H. P. Lovecraft (1987)

LW Lost Worlds (1944)

OD Other Dimensions (1970)

OST Out of Space and Time (1942)

PO Planets and Dimensions (1973)

PP Poems in Prose (1965)

SA Sandalwood (1925)

S&P Spells and Philtres (1958)

SP Selected Poems (1971)

SS Strange Shadows: The Uncollected Fiction of Clark Ashton Smith (1989)

ST The Star Treader and Other Poems (1912)

TSS Tales of Science and Sorcery (1964)