To be in the presence of Bari J. Ackerman is to be in the presence of generosity, quality, and thoughtful attention to detail. These are the principles that exude from this most talented artist as she maneuvers through all facets of her life as a wife, mother, artist, and entrepreneur. The demeanor that Bari projects might be understated, but have no doubt—she is a creative force who knows how to set her sights on the “big picture” with the kind of focus needed to make grand gestures and lasting marks.
When I first met Bari, I could hardly believe the beauty that I saw in her handbags. The colors and textures of fabrics that her unique eye could pull together were what impressed me most. For us who love to sew, selecting the right combination of fabrics is arguably the most difficult part of the process. A primary reason Bari has become such a successful artistic sewer is her mastery of scouting luscious fabrics and combining them in fresh and fabulously unexpected ways.
Another reason for Bari’s success is her ability to translate her quality fabric choices into breathtaking designs with beautiful silhouettes. This ability to do both—select fabrics and create amazing designs—is why Bari’s work is so sought after and continues to gain a strong and loyal following.
This loyal following is one that I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand, as I have had the pleasure for many years of being Bari’s editor for numerous magazine titles. Through this relationship, I have been deeply inspired with her openness to share her knowledge and teach those who want to learn. She is an artist who is passionate about sharing her tips, her tricks, and all of her wonderful techniques and design concepts. Not surprisingly, this generous approach has garnered an enthusiastic response from readers, who become entranced with her designs and her down-to-earth approach. In other words, readers love Bari’s ability to keep it real.
The book you hold in your hands is 100 percent Bari. She brings you projects that you’ll want to start right away. And thankfully, because she’s already made them, she offers all the lessons she learned in the process—important lessons that keep things real and ensure that you are successful not only when you start but all the way until you finish.
Are you ready to be inspired? Are you ready to create? You’ve come to the right place, as you will find inspiration bubbling over with the turn of every page in this beautiful book filled with innovative projects presented with instructions that are easy to understand.
For real,
Jenny Doh
President of CRESCENDOh, LLC
Former Editor-in-Chief of Somerset Studio,
Belle Armoire & sister publications