Nick felt sick as Hope ran from the church, a man following her. He’d seen the cut throat gesture and recognized him as the knife man from the crisis center. He announced the next carol and as the music started he left the pulpit and went to Jack. “Can you take over? Hope just ran out of here, with a bloke in close pursuit. I’m pretty sure it’s the bloke who threatened her. I’m going after her. Can you let Nate know? I had a quick look from the pulpit, but can’t see him anywhere.”

Jack nodded. “Sure.”

Nick headed down the aisle and out the door. The snow fell heavily, obscuring any footprints there might have been. Praying hard, Nick ran to get the car. He drove down the road, hoping he was going in the right direction.

As he drove, the wheels slid repeatedly from underneath him and several times he almost swerved, recovering at the last moment. He approached the bridge, seeing two people running. A blue coated figure with blonde hair flying was being chased.

Nick’s stomach dropped into his boots.

The man grabbed her arm, yanking her around. They struggled. The man was pushing her, trying to force her over the side into the icy water below.

Nick pulled the car over, praying he’d be able to intervene. He slammed the hazard lights on and pulled his phone from his pocket as he jumped out of the vehicle and dialed 9-9-9. “A woman is being attacked on Richmond Avenue Bridge. The bloke’s trying to throw her over into the river. Tell them to hurry.” He raised his voice. “Hope!”

“Nick…” came the strangled reply. Her feet slid and she screamed as she was forced onto the side of the bridge.

Nick ran up behind the man, pulling him off. “Leave her alone.”

The man swung an arm towards him, knocking Nick to the pavement. Nick scrambled to his feet, sliding in the snow. He grabbed for the man again, and he got in several punches before getting the upper hand for mere seconds. He slipped on the snow and fell, rolling in slush, trying to get to his feet.

Blue lights flashed, sirens echoed. The police were here.

Nick had to get to Hope.

The stranger reached for Hope, slipping in the snow.

Hope climbed onto the railing, clinging to it.

The two policemen grabbed the man, seemingly without effort. Nick stared and then it made sense. They weren’t sliding in the snow at all due to cleated rubber trackers on their boots.

Making his way carefully, Nick trudged over to look up at Hope. “You won’t make me climb up there, will you?” He asked. “I have this problem with heights.”

“Watch out!”

Nick swung around, horrified.

The man had fought his way free and lunged towards Hope. Time slowed. The man’s arms flew out, making contact with Hope’s coat. He swore at her as he pushed hard.

Hope seemed to hover in midair, her scream echoing as she fell, then a splash as she hit the water.

“Nooooo…Hope…” Nick tore off his coat and shoes and within seconds had climbed onto the railing. Closing his eyes, he jumped over the side. The fall seemed endless until he hit the water with a cold, sharp shock. He plunged below its icy depths, pressure forcing him to open his mouth. The water filled it, and he desperately pushed upwards, gasping for breath and spitting out water. “Hope!” He couldn’t see her.

Voices echoed from above.

He turned, moving his arms. Something floated on the water to his right. Striking out, he swam the short distance and turned the figure over. “Hope…”

Her eyes fluttered open and she panicked. Arms flailed and she dragged him under the surface.

Pushing upwards he gripped her tightly. “I’ve got you.”

“I can’t swim…”

“I can, just keep still.” He held her securely, using the other arm to head towards shore. The icy water made it hard going and he didn’t seem to be making any ground at all.

A boat appeared beside him. “Pass her up, sir.”

Nick allowed the uniformed officer to take her and then let another pull him onboard as well. A blanket landed around his shoulders as he shivered, water pouring from his clothes. He looked for Hope. “Where is she?”

“I’m here.” Hope leaned against him as the boat headed towards the shore. “Thank you for saving me.”

He slid his arm around her and kissed her. “I love you. I’ll not let anything happen to you if I can help it.”

“He was in the church. I was about to go over to my family when I saw him and he threatened me. I ran, but he followed me.”

“I know. I saw him from the pulpit. That’s why I came after you.”

The boat docked and officers helped them from the boat.

Nate came over to them. “We’ve got him. Are you both OK?”

Nick shivered. “I-I thought y-you’d never get here.”

“Jack rang me as soon as you ran from the church. I then picked up your call for help from the radio. Go and get checked out at the hospital, and then go home. I’ll get statements in the morning.” He looked at Hope. “I’m dropping all the charges against you. We have cast iron proof they were fabricated.”

Hope shivered, teeth chattering. “Th-thank you.”

Nick shook his head. “There’s something we need to do tonight. It can’t wait.”

Nate frowned. “You need checking over. Swimming in the river isn’t a good idea on a summer’s day, never mind tonight.”

Nick sighed. “Have J-Jackson meet us at the manse and check us over there.”

“Fine, but you go nowhere until he’s done so.”

Nick nodded. He handed back the blankets and put his coat around Hope. “Here, you need this more than I do.” He slid into his shoes that Nate had handed him. “Let’s g-go f-find y-you d-dry th-things.”

“Y-y-you t-too.”

He nodded, leading her back to the car. He drove to the manse, heating on full blast, shivering.

At the manse, Hope headed up to shower and change.

Nick settled for a towel and a shirt, jumper and pair of jeans from Jack’s wardrobe. Fortunately they were the same size. He made a pot of tea and warmed his hands on the cup.

By the time Jackson arrived and checked them over, Elliott texted to say they were back at Grace’s and could he please bring Hope over.

Hope looked at him. “Thank you. Again.” She hugged him. “If you hadn’t come when you did…”

“…I wouldn’t be wet and dressed in Jack’s clothes,” he quipped. He gazed into her blue eyes and slowed leaned his head towards hers, catching her lips in a light kiss.

Her arms tightened around him and she kissed him back.

As he pulled back she cupped his face with her hand. “You’re the first man to kiss me in a long time,” she whispered. “That was one thing I’d never do. Or allow any man to do to me.”

He smiled. “Then I’m honored.”

“I was saving my kiss for someone special. Someone like you.”

Nick kissed her again,

“My family were all there tonight. Just behind me in church. With Angel, all together and happy.”

“Not totally happy. They need you.”

“That’s what the letter said.” She paused. “And I need them. Need you and Angel, too, but I’m not complete without them.”

Nick smiled. “I have something for you, Hope.”

“What’s that?”

“Something you need. An early Christmas present if you like. But it means going out, so you’ll have to borrow one of Cassie’s coats.”

She looked at him. “OK. But where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”