Sensational Sweets

I am incredibly impressed by our viewers’ abilities to create really delicious desserts, season after season. It’s funny to me because you often hear chefs say that they don’t bake or that baking is not their strong point. Michael and Mario say it all the time on the show. And I think it’s amazing that our viewers thrive in the world of sweets.

My favorite part about working at The Chew is that our discussion about food is not limited to the walls of the studio. Our viewers keep the conversation going through our social media channels and of course in their own homes. I often check the comments at the bottom of my recipes, and I see so often that people make my desserts and then discuss how they tweaked it slightly to make it their own. It really gives me an inside look at people’s personalities—and to me, it feels like a conversation. I find it incredibly inspiring and it makes me feel, in some way, like I’m a part of their lives.

I’ve been making sweet treats for most of my life. Yet there have been so many moments where a viewer has come on the show and introduced me to an unexpected flavor combination or an old-fashioned recipe from their family that I have never heard of. I love that after so many years cooking, I am still learning.

I’m hoping that the recipes that we have chosen for this chapter will inspire you to carry on the conversation and possibly learn a little something new. And if you feel like it, add some of your own personality to these desserts, and let me know how it goes.

—Carla Hall

Strawberry Red Velvet Love Cakes / Sneh Kadakia

Cola Cake / Karen Burkart

Fudgy Brownies with Raspberry Sauce / Ashley Fiume

Boozy Bread Pudding / Barbara Rogers

Candy Cane Twists / Christine Radice

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies / Angie Shoffner

Apple Crumb Cake / Jenny Gibbons

Pound Cake with Orange Glaze / Dana Ellis

Tiramisu / Theresa Gido

Classic Whoopie Pies / Amy Bouchard

Berry Buckle / Clinton Kelly

Chocolate Chip Pecan Skillet Cookie Sundae / Carla Hall

Summer Fruit Napoleon Trifle / Carla Hall