
Cathy Atchison, a loving spirit whose undying commitment to giving the best of herself each day touches the life of many.



Thank you, my Heavenly Father, my family, Raymond, Chris and Champaine and all those associated with Siri Enterprises, thank you for allowing me to be me. The women who keep it real and drama free: Loretta R. Walls, Nikkea Smithers, Victoria Wells, Lafonde Harris, Rosaline Terry, Judith Wansley, Monica Jackson, Heather Jones- Marable, Angela Burrell, Zelda Holmes-Johnson and Shannon Pernell - thank you for the tears, laughter and hugs when I need them. Thank you to Deatri King-Bey and the Romance Slam Jam Organization. You inspire us to be the best we can in the literary field. Thank you for being there.

The following ladies are the inspiration for characters in one of my novels. They are introduced here, and you will see them again. They are: MsPrissy Parker (Karess Parker), Andrea Junee (Raven Junee), Cynthia Morgan-Medley (Genesis Morgan) and Loretta R. Walls (Rene Naverone). Thank you for the wonderful characters.


To the readers, it is your unyielding devotion to the written word that keeps us authors true to the game. Thank you and enjoy, THE PENDLETON RULE.