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“At his best, man is the nobles of all animals; separated from law
and justice he is the worst.”
I whirl around, unable to believe my bad luck. Jared’s teeth flash in the moonlight, and behind him are four other wolves. Oh yeah, and he’s completely naked.
I avert my gaze, and his laugh raises shivers up my spine—and not the good kind. “Come now, I can’t be that bad.”
He must have escaped from Tristan’s vigilance, leaving him and the Reapers to deal with the creatures. I clench my empty fist, wishing I still had my knife. This is not a fight I want to start defenseless.
Jared takes another step forward, and the wolves behind him fan out. If they surround me, I’m royally screwed.
“I’m taken,” I force through gritted teeth while meeting his gaze. “And under the protection of a pack. You can’t touch me.”
“Are you, now? Funny. I don’t see Lucas anywhere. And last we heard, he ousted your boy toy. Which means you’re free game.”
Shivers run through me, both from my wet clothes as from the implication of his words. This is what Dom warned me against, if he was to leave the pack... One look at Jared’s face, and the glint in his eyes confirms he doesn’t plan to kill me quickly. No, Jared wants to play.
“I thought touching humans is beneath you.”
Apparently, that’s the worst thing I could say as Jared moves even closer. “For you, I’ll make an exception, human.”
I can’t overpower him alone. It’s one thing to fight three small wolves in a dark alley somewhere, but Jared is strong and twice my size and weight. My odds aren’t looking good, and my muscles are clenching because of the cold.
Fear must flash on my face—or maybe he hears my heartbeat increasing—because his smile grows wider. “Run while you can, darling. ‘Cause when I catch you, it’ll be that much sweeter.”
I take one step to the side, intending to do just that. Then I see the excitement flare in his eyes—and other places—and freeze. Hell, no.
I fought Tommy on my own and survived, and he had a gun. There’s no way I’m going to let this macho racist asshole get the better of me. A deep breath later, my panicked heartbeat slows down. I scan the area, trying to pretend like I’m searching for someone to help.
The ruse works and my eyes catch sight of a branch to my left, only a foot away. If I can get to it, it’ll give me some leverage. In some corner of my mind, I realize fighting these Reapers alone is suicide. But if I call out to Tristan or Dom, I risk distracting them and endangering them.
Whether I like it or not, I’m on my own. And I’m no one’s damn prey.
Instead of running, I face Jared, straightening my back. “Sorry, I don’t do role-playing. If you want me, you’ll have to get me the old-fashioned way.”
His lip curls over his teeth, and a low snarl starts in his chest.
The cave is dark, but my eyesight is no longer blurry and I see perfectly where I’m stepping. More vrykolakas line the walls, and I lose count after the first dozens. There must be at least fifty of them in here, if not more. Yet they let me walk amid them, giving no sign of noticing me other than a flash of yellow eyes and growls to my sides.
I get to the center of the cave. Of all the people in the world, it had to be my crack-addicted cousin who leads this band of idiots. He’s in wolf form, shaking his head and pacing in agitation.
My flank is bleeding as is my neck, but they’re flesh wounds. If I morph, they won’t be too bad and can heal over the next few days, despite the full moon. Still, I know full well I need to watch for other strikes, otherwise one of them could be my last.
And I can’t let that happen. I need to get out here for Luz, so we can finally enjoy quality time without this crap hanging over our heads. At thoughts of her, something nags at me. It’s like I feel her panic, followed by some kind of resolution.
She should be with Tristan, but the disconnection I catch predicts nothing good. I’ve got half a mind to turn back and check on her, but Radu stops in his movements and faces me.
Well, well. Look who wandered back to the den.
My jaw opens and I bare my teeth. You and I have unfinished business.
Not really, cousin. You refused to join us. Our business is as finished as it comes. He glances at a wolf to my side, nodding his permission. He’s all yours.
I kick myself for not attacking first and asking questions later, but it’s too late. The cluster of wolves moves towards me, caging me in. One daring vrykolakas snaps his jaw near me, but I smack him over the muzzle, moving out of his reach.
Another one jumps on my back, his claws tearing into my back. I howl at the pain, but it gets cut off when a third wolf claws at my face. They’re attacking from all sides, and there’s no way I can face off against their testosterone and drug-enhanced bodies.
Yet I try. I fight each of them as they come, landing hits, biting, ripping into their flesh. Though they manage to scratch me, I don’t let them get close enough to bite into me, recalling what their venom does to others.
There’s no escape from their midst, not if I continue like this. So I curl into myself, letting them all pile on top of one another, trying to get me. At the last moment, I gather all my strength and jump from their midst, landing to face Radu. I’m panting, and blood is dripping off me to the floor.
Radu tilts his head as if surprised by my demand. I am the alpha here, cousin. You may have the white stripe of our royal bloodline, but you do not call things off.
The...what? Looks like I still have things to learn.
My cousin snorts, rolling his eyes. You’ve never wondered why you have a white line on your back? Didn’t you notice I have one on my chest? He puffs said part of his body to better showcase it. It’s the imprint of our royal bloodline. His gaze lingers on me, then he scoffs. Too bad you’re unworthy of it.
I beg to differ. On the contrary, I think I deserve anything that comes with that lineage more than you do. Taking a step closer, but keeping out of reach, I straighten up. Which is why I’m challenging you for alpha.
Radu’s eyes flash complete red as he throws his head back and laughs. You? You want to challenge me for alpha?
There’s an eerie silence around us now, as the other vrykolakas have stopped fighting. Their stench is overpowering, but I’m almost used to it by now. Yes.
Radu shakes his head, dismissing the idea as ludicrous. You’re a fool, Dominic Konstantin. And I will enjoy ripping you to shreds. When I'm done with you, I'll take my time with your precious mate.
I refuse to rise to the bait, instead shaking my fur and testing my muscles. Radu watches me like a cat would a bird it’s about to eat, then inclines his head. Very well. I will humor you, though you will end up paying with your life.
We’ll see. I feint to the right, but change mid-move and lunge at him. He thinks I’m going for his neck, so he moves to protect it. But instead my razor-sharp canines dig into his flank, long and deep enough to draw blood.
At his howl, I pull back and Radu smacks empty air. The other vrykolakas have now gathered around, circling us. We have a few feet only to move, but I know they won’t intervene. Creatures of the night or not, an alpha contention is the same across any wolf pack: between the current leader and the contender. No one may stop it.
Not that cheating isn't allowed. I focus my attention back on my cousin, wary of his next move. And still I sense Luz’s agitation, and pray she’s alright.
Keep her safe, Tristan. You made me a promise.
I guess Jared doesn’t expect me to face him because his expression when I step closer rather than run is priceless.
“I won't give you the satisfaction. You want me? Come and get me. But at least be a man and fight me in human form, don’t be a pussy.” Not that I want to see more of his naked body, but I definitely don’t want those wolfish canines anywhere near my flesh.
Jared flushes, but takes a few steps forward with clenched fists. I put up my palm, grimacing. “Would it kill you to put on a pair of pants?”
He scowls, his eyes flashing. “You’re annoying me, human.” He takes a swing at me, and I pretend to duck, but do so clumsily. When Jared moves, I allow him to put me in a chokehold.
His breath is on my neck, and every part of his body presses against me. Yuck.
Still, I keep my eyes on the prize, glued to the branch that's so close by. Reaching for it with all their eyes on me would be suicide. But if I use a ruse, it’ll at least give me the advantage of surprise.
So when Jared puts his mouth to my ear, whispering how he’ll enjoy this, I ignore him and clench my teeth, closing my eyes. “What’s the matter, human? Cat got your tongue?”
I wait until his lips opens on my neck as if to bite down, trying to hold back my shivers of disgust and fear. Dom was clear about Jared’s bite being enough to turn a human into a wolf. Since I have no intention of becoming a furry creature, I bide my time.
When Jared stops to inhale, savoring the moment, I jerk my head back with all my might and hear the crack of bone. Ignoring his swearing, I then stomp on his bare foot, putting my entire weight on it. My boots, if nothing else, have a hard sole, and Jared loosens his hold on me enough for part two.
I grab the arm wrapped around my neck and drop to my knees, flipping him over my head. Then I let the momentum carry me too, and land a few feet away. Buried in the snow, I pretend to moan in pain, taking my time to stand back up.
By the time I’m facing the wolves again, I have one hand behind me, gripping the branch and hiding it behind my legs. Gotcha.
Jared’s back on his feet as well, scowling and bleeding from the nose. I doubt I actually broke anything, but I must have pushed his buttons because he switches to wolf form without warning. I hold the branch tighter in my hand, ready for him.
When he lunges, I swing it like a baseball bat and get him in the chest. With an oomph of distress, he falls to the ground, rolling away. I’m panting, biting back my scream of victory as he staggers back to his feet, shaking his head.
Jared’s goons snarl, moving in closer. But he rights himself and jerks towards them, plainly ordering them to stay away. Then he side-steps, circling me.
I’m forced to move with him, while still keeping my back clear of the other wolves. Jared’s eyes drop to the branch in my hand, narrowing. Somehow, I doubt I’ve endeared myself to him.
Snarls grab my attention, but this time they’re faint. I glance towards the cave, biting my lip. Dom...
Jared uses my moment of inattention and jumps again. I turn back in time to duck his attack, but his claws grab hold of my calf, tearing through jeans and ripping into my ankle. I scream, loud and long, and smack his muzzle with the branch.
He lets go, crawling away, and I drag my foot away. Trying to stand up is a fail, and I fall back. Blood seeps from the wound, painting the snow burgundy, and I feel the color leave my cheeks.
I never liked blood, least of all my own. And seeing the gaping flesh around my wound now, the snow getting wetter with the red liquid, is making my breath hitch.
Movement grabs my attention, and I scan my surroundings. Now’s not the time to lose focus. Jared is getting to his feet, and his wolves are moving in closer to him. This time, he doesn’t push them away. He towers over them, alpha in his own right, and whatever he tells them causes ripples of amusement to run through them.
Then Jared advances towards me, his muscles shifting with every movement. His wolves follow from behind, and I don’t have to hear their voices to know what he’s trying to tell me.
You’re mine now.
The gleam in his eyes passes the message clear as crystal, and I gulp, gripping the branch tighter.
Radu’s still circling me when I hear a scream from outside the cave—a human scream. I step towards it, recognizing Luz’s voice, but the vrykolakas to the side gather closer, blocking my path.
Their beady eyes tell me everything I want to ignore: now that the challenge has been called out, I cannot back down. Not if I want to keep my life.
Taking advantage of my distraction, Radu jumps on me. We roll on the floor, snarling and fighting like animals, but my heart’s not in it. If Luz gets hurt because of me, none of this will mean anything. None.
I smack Radu off me, and get up at the same time he does. You should have stayed off this territory.
He laughs, finding my words amusing. You still don’t see it, do you?
I pause in my movements, though my eyes never leave his form, watching for any sudden movements. See what?
We were invited, cousin. Do you honestly think I would have traveled such a long way, and risk fighting various packs, for no reason? My expression must have shown confusion because his voice grows smugger. I took a few vrykolakas and crossed the ocean months ago. Europe is growing restless, hunters appearing everywhere, and with my father dead I thought it was time to try out for new pastures.
He moves again, pacing from side to side but staying out of my reach. Luz... My wolf is impatient, wanting to be by her side now, not ten minutes from now. Yet much as I want to finish this, I also think there’s more to the story, something we’ve missed amid all the chaos.
While we were getting a supply of drugs, we ran into a wolf from this region. He saw the value in our gifts, and invited us over, thinking we could help with a change of leadership.
And you expect me to believe this bullshit?
Radu shrugs. Why would I lie, cousin? What do I have to gain from it, when the wolf is already dead?
Already.... I flash back to the last time I’d seen Radu, and his unfortunate victim. Aiden? He’s the one who invited you here?
Radu nods, watching me. The rest of it dawns on me, and I shake my head. Wow, cousin. You even had me fooled. You were never there to help me that day, were you? Aiden came to blackmail you or some other stupid idea of his. And you weren’t about to let him leave alive.
Well done. My cousin’s yellow-reddish eyes gleam, and I think he would have clapped if in human form. You’re right, of course. Aiden thought the fact he let us into the Reapers’ territory was enough to make us obey him. He found out how mistaken he was, albeit later on.
But why? He had a secured position as beta of his pack. Yet according to you, he’d throw it away?
Aiden thought his alpha was weak, letting you four settle in and not doing anything against it. Then there’s the story of the zmeu he struck a deal with.
My mind is whirling at the information, but I catch the Romanian word. The what?
Of course, I forget you were not bred in the lore as I was. He snorts, echoed by a few of the surrounding vrykolakas. You would know him as a draco.
A dragon? You’re telling me there’s a dragon here, in Rockland Creek?
Radu laughs, shifting his body to face me. I think we’ve chatted enough. It’s time to finish this, cousin.
I prepare for his attack, crouching low and keeping my eyes on him. Luz needs my help, that certainty is almost clear in my head, echoed only by my wolf’s whimpers of unease. The only way I can fix the situation, drive the vrykolakas away, is by showing them this territory is taken.
And they don’t answer to outsiders, especially Lucas. So that leaves me with one option, and it's not one I can do half-assed. You don’t win alpha by letting the current leader walk off.
Not in my world. And not in the world of the vrykolakas.
Looks like you were right, Ileana. Time to own up to who I am.
When Radu jumps, I move out of the way. His body flies over me, and I lunge at the right moment, my paw clawing his chest. Radu hits the wall of the cave and falls down with a thud.
I prowl towards him, taking my time. His heartbeat is going haywire, and I realize it’s from the pain of the hit. My cousin may be strong, but he’s not invincible.
He stumbles up, wobbling on four paws, no longer stable. This time, it’s my turn to attack. I tackle him to the ground and we roll a few times. He ends up on top, but with a smack of my paw he flies on the ground again.
My wolf nudges my consciousness, demanding the kill, and I let him take over. We move as one, unhurried, unrestrained. Radu is on his back, panting. I place my paw on his chest, ensuring he doesn’t move.
The other paw presses into his neck, baring it for my teeth. There’s no forgiveness, no death bed demands, no last words. No barriers between us, only my canines digging into his flesh, ripping his throat—and the sweetness of his heartbeats stopping.
I pull back and spit a patch of fur. Blood is dripping from my muzzle, and my wounds. The vrykolakas watch my every move, and I know they’re waiting for a sign of weakness. My thoughts are on Luz—I need to survive this and make sure she’s all right.
So despite the agony of my own wounds, the pain trying to incapacitate me, I puff out my chest, head held high, and stand up to my full height. You’ve all born witness to what has taken place here. Şeful vostru e mort.
There is a ripple at my announcement of their leader being dead, but their yellow eyes remain on me, unwavering. By wolf law, you all know what this means. If anyone wants to contest me, now is the time, or you may all forever hold your peace.
I turn my gaze to each wolf, until one passes through the pack. He’s bulky and young, enough so that he could probably take me if that’s what he’s after. To my surprise, rather than be aggressive, he bends his front paw to the ground.
His yellow eyes, previously meeting mine, are now downcast to the ground and he exposes his neck for my taking. All hail the alpha!
One by one, each vrykolakas bends their paw until I’m towering over them all. Cheers of hail the alpha surround me, and I know what they’re all expecting.
I throw my head back, letting my wolf loose, and we howl in tandem. The noise is deafening, but it feels like home.
Jared is only a foot away from me, his jaw open and ready to snap my neck. My knuckles are white from clenching the branch, and I know he’s waiting for me to weaken enough so I don’t fight back.
Just when I think I’m seeing two of him, another wolf hops over my head and lands between us. He's followed by another... and another.
I gape at the trio of reddish fur, snowy white and dark grey, knowing it can only be two others that have joined Tristan: Lucas and Finn.
The middle snowy white wolf turns his head towards me, nostrils flaring as he notices my ankle. He backs away from facing Jared and disappears into the woods. A minute later, it’s Finn in human form who crosses through the snow, barefoot and in jeans, a shirt held ripped in his clenched fist.
“Finn...” My mouth is pasty, and I glance down to see the snow soaked with my blood.
“You’re all right, love. Hang on.” He kneels next to me, and the surrounding growls from Lucas and Tristan fade away, until all I can focus on is his touch on my ankle.
With careful movements, Finn picks up a fistful of clean snow and wipes my ankle. I hiss as the cold hits my overheated flesh, then numbness spreads through me.
Finn glances up, frowning. “Why didn’t you call out to us? We were helping Tristan up the hill, unaware of what was going on here.”
I have enough strength to shake my head though my words come out as a mumble. “I didn’t want... to distract you guys. Thought I could...fight...”
Finn’s lips press together, and I distinctly hear his teeth grinding. “You’re part of our pack, Luz. That means we help you, distractions or not.” Despite his firm tone, his touch is gentle as he wraps the ripped shirt around my ankle, tightening it to stop the blood flow.
When all the pieces are wrapped around the wound, he stands up and holds a hand for me to grasp, helping me to my feet. I wince at the pain in my ankle.
“Lean on me,” Finn whispers, not once taking his eyes off Lucas and the face off. I grimace, but do as he says. Step by step, he brings us closer.
By their tense bodies, I can tell Lucas and Jared are arguing. Tristan is keeping watch over the other wolves, though he throws a look over his shoulder when Finn and I inch near.
Finn shakes his head at whatever he asks. “She’ll be alright, don’t worry.”
I tug on his hand, trying to ask what’s going on, but my mouth doesn’t function. I think I’m leaning all my weight on him now, but Finn says nothing, instead firming his grip so I don’t fall.
“Tristan’s worried about you, and he feels guilty for letting you go off on your own.”
I take forever to get out the words. “Not.... your... fault.”
Tristan whines low, and somehow I don’t think he believes me. Communication is limited by his wolf form, but I make a mental note to talk to him when he’s back to human.
A hair-rising howl interrupts us, and we all turn to the cave—minus Lucas and Jared.
“Where’s Dom?”
Finn squeezes my waist in reassurance though I see him share a look with Tristan and Lucas. “One thing at a time, love.”
Whatever conversation is going on with them passes right over my head until Finn whispers. “We’ve got trouble.”
I crane my neck to where he’s pointing. Row after row of creatures emerges from the cave, paired or alone. They fan out until they surround us, and I recall everything me and Finn learned about their special abilities.
“I’m not leaving you two alone and neither will Luz.”
I glance at Finn in surprise, then Lucas who moved by his side. He’s still in wolf form, glaring at me with an almost annoyed look on his face. Tristan is keeping an eye on Jared, ensuring he’s not leaving anywhere.
Finn's words now make sense, and I realize Lucas must have told him to take me away, leaving him and Tristan to face off against the creatures alone. “Finn’s right. I’m not leaving any of you. If we fight, we all fight together."
Movement interrupts our conversation. The creatures closest to us part like water, and in their midst another wolf emerges. He’s covered in blood, his fur matted and bleeding in parts. But I can see the white stripe on his back, and the blue of his eyes when they land on me.