
I’d like to thank all my reviewers of the Dutch version of this book that helped shape the story, Elsbeth Hamberg, Emmy Troquete, Hanneke Verbiest and my lovely sisters Valerie and Fleur Brouwers.

My thanks to my dear neighbour Beth Hutchings for being the first reviewer of the book and connecting me with editor and translator Sarah Fencott. Beth, without your enthusiasm and willingness to help me move the book further, Double Deceipt would never have existed.

Finally, the friendly and professional, creative and skilful Sarah Fencott. Thank you so much for our collaboration. Without your help and input, I’d never have been able to finish Double Deceipt. I’ve learned ever so much from you and had a wonderful time working with you.

Finally my beloved husband Chris and our wonderful three kids. Thank you so much for supporting me in my endeavours.