This is the first time I’ve written a sequel and so massive thanks to Stripes and my editor, Ruth Bennett, for allowing me to stay in Toby’s world a little longer. These characters feel like family now and I hope they get to their island.

Thanks to the wonderful writers Rhian Ivory, Sarwat Chadda and Emma Pass who read and enjoyed Phoenix Rising enough to give me a quote for the cover.

And thanks to all the lovely YA writers who have offered support and company over the last few years – it’s wonderful to feel like part of a community, even if we work alone.

Thanks to Jane Christophers, who has kept me plied with drink, taken the children when I’m at my wits’ end and is a true friend.

And thanks to all of my other friends and family, whose enthusiasm and support make writing such a fun task. You know who you are.

Special thanks to Andy, my husband, who has endless patience, and Maisie and Riley, my children, who do not have endless patience, but are endlessly inspiring and for whom I write, always.

And a final huge thank you to you, the reader, for sticking with Toby’s story as long as I have.

Keep on reading, keep on thinking and keep on changing our world.