


NOAH HELD VALERIE'S hand tightly in his own as he spun her across the dance floor. The atmosphere inside the Taylor Hotel was festive and warm, and he was enjoying himself immensely. As sheriff, he rarely had an opportunity to attend a casual event with the people of town, so he intended to have the best time possible- and being with his wife made it easy.

The Taylor family had spared no expense in turning the hotel's lobby and dining room into a holiday paradise. The fancy papered walls were adorned with sprigs of holly, and each door frame held a mistletoe branch, hung with a piece of ribbon. The corner near the front desk was occupied by a massive Christmas tree. The towering fir was decorated with all manner of baubles, including a popcorn garland, cream colored silk poinsettia blooms, and golden lengths of ribbon. The small candles clipped to the branches were lit, the dancing flames illuminating the room.

Tonight, Valerie was a vision of loveliness, outshining even the fancy tree. She'd chosen a gold gown that bared her shoulders and throat. The tapered bodice clung closely to the feminine lines of her body from her bosom to her waist, then flared into a skirt edged with lace. Her hair was pinned up, with just a few tendrils framing her beautiful, smiling face.

He twirled her again, then drew her into his arms. "Have I told you how fetching you're looking tonight, Mrs. Rogers?"

She giggled against his ear. "Numerous times. Luckily I never tire of hearing it."

They continued to move around the floor to the tune of the festive rendition of "Deck the Halls" being played by the string quartet. The town's first holiday social had not been underway long, but already there were many familiar faces filling the space. He saw many of his friends and neighbors on the dance floor enjoying the music, or holding conversations near the dessert buffet set out by the Taylor family for the occasion. He nodded to the Reverend Chase, who danced by with his wife Prudence. Noah also saw the librarian, Prissy, chatting with a gaggle of women by the front window, and Kelly, the Taylor's teenaged daughter, moving through the crowd with a tray of sweets.

Over the music, he could just make out the sounds of the children singing in the next room, where they were being entertained by the schoolteacher Miss Smart and some of the teenagers. He smiled, knowing their son Abraham was probably having a fantastic time with the other youngsters.

His mind strayed to the future. When he'd spoken to Bernard at Thanksgiving dinner, his father-in-law had expressed his intention to retire as mayor in '88, rather than seek re-election. He understood Bernard's desire to rest, and to spend more time with his grandson; after all, the elder Ridgeway was nearing seventy years old.

Having been sheriff for nearly a decade, the future of the town was something Noah placed a great deal of importance on. As any father worth his salt would, he worried about the kind of town Ridgeway would be when his son came of age. Because of that, he'd been thinking of running for mayor when the next election came around. Even though it was still nearly two years off, it would take a lot of planning to mount a successful campaign, or so he assumed. He had no experience in the political arena, but for the good of the town, he was willing to learn. He'd mentioned to Valerie that he wanted to run earlier in the month, and her reaction had been rather subdued and hard to read. That had surprised him, since the woman he knew and loved rarely held back her opinions, whether they were solicited or not.

As he held her close now, with the string quartet transitioning to a slower tune, he wished he could read her mind. Running for office was important to him, but the stability and well-being of his family remained his primary concern.

She looked up at him then, as if reading his thoughts. "You're thinking hard on something, Noah. What is it?"

He released a pent-up breath. "Still thinking on running for mayor."

"Hmm." Her gaze retreated.

"I know it will involve a lot of work. But after what happened last year with the Bitters gang..."

She blinked back tears. "You don't need to remind me, Noah. The Ridgeway family suffered the greatest loss of all."

He felt a pang of guilt for bringing up the unfortunate incident. He knew how much Valerie missed her mother, and how much Bernard still suffered from the loss of his wife. Still, he was attempting to make a point, so he pressed on. "That's all the more reason you should understand my desire to run. I would never abandon the people of Ridgeway in a time of crisis, as Mayor Stern did. I hope and pray no such horror ever visits this town again, but if it should, I want to be able to do something about it."

"You're very passionate about this, aren't you?" The question spilled forth from the soft lips he loved to kiss.

"Yes, Valerie. I applaud your father for stepping in the way he did- at his age it couldn't have been easy. Now, he wants more time with Abe, and who could blame him? Our son is a delight in every way."

Her eyes sparkled when he mentioned their child. "Yes...our Abraham is such a sweet boy."

"Bernard is going to retire, and I'm ready to make Ridgeway the best it can be. So, do you understand now why I want to do this?"

Her bare shoulders raised in a shrug. "I suppose."

He looked around, hoping to find the words that would convince her to reveal her thoughts. Instead, he saw only the other couples waltzing around them. One couple made him look twice. "Is that Gregory dancing with Angel May Lane?"

Valerie looked up, followed his gaze. A smile spread across her face. "It certainly is. Heavens, I don't think I've ever seen her in a gown."

Noah looked again, taking in the sight of the barmaid in the flowing gray satin gown. Angel May favored denim trousers so much that he couldn't even recall ever seeing her in a skirt, much less such a fancy garment. "Until now, I didn't even think she owned a gown."

"She looks lovely, though. And our deputy can barely keep his eyes on her face."

He chuckled, shaking his head in amazement. He'd never expected to see Gregory and Angel together- an odder couple, he couldn't imagine. Nonetheless, he was grateful that speaking of them had broken some of the tension between him and his wife. Considering that, he asked, "Why haven't you told me what you think of me running for mayor, Val?"

She looked into his eyes again. "I—well—"

He used his hand to gently cup her chin, "You can tell me anything, my sweet. Now, out with it."

She blinked, holding her eyes closed for a few seconds before opening them again. "You know how much I love you, and how much I've loved raising Abe so far, don't you?"

He nodded. "I feel just the same. This last year has been the happiest of my life. But what has that to do with my plans to seek office?"

She hesitated, but only briefly. "Abe is growing up so fast, and I—oh, I can't." She drew away from him.

He caught her arm, softly drew her back against his body. "What? Speak you mind, my love."

"I know we've already got a hectic life, and I might be insane to want this, but..."

He held fast to his patience. "For heaven's sake, Valerie..."

She blurted, "I want another child!"

A few people nearby must have heard her, for all eyes within several feet turned their way.

Noah didn't care, he just wanted to soothe his wife's fears. "Is that all? That's why you've been so sullen?"

Eyes lowered, with the dark fringe of her lashes touching her cheeks, she nodded. "I thought you'd be upset that I wanted another little one, just when you're about to embark on such a demanding career."

He chuckled, held her close. "Valerie, being sheriff is already plenty demanding, and we manage just fine."

"Yes, but we only have one child."

"And we'll do just fine with two. If you find you need help around the house, we'll simply hire someone on, or ask one of our mothers. You know how they love to spoil Abe- another grandchild will only be like a feather in their caps."

She smiled up at him, her dark eyes sparkling with happy tears. "Really? You're ready to take on another child?"

He brushed his lips over her forehead. "With you by my side, love, I'm ready for anything."

She pressed her body closer to his, wrapped her arms around his waist. "Oh, I'm so happy, Noah."

He returned the tight hug. "As am I. I'm sure Abraham will cotton to a younger sibling. We’ll wire the orphanage in Grass Valley right after the new year."

And there, in the center the first ever Ridgeway town Christmas social, he raised his wife's chin and kissed her, long and slow.



AS MILFORD AND EUGENIA Taylor went about the hotel, extinguishing lamps and cleaning up after the Christmas social, Eugenia stifled a yawn. The hour was late, or early, depending on how one viewed it. Midnight had long since come and gone, and now all she wished was to restore the lobby to its usual orderly state so that she could collapse into her bed.

Placing a plate on the stack of dishes atop the buffet table, Milford commented, "I think the social was a great success. We'll have to do it again next year."

"Only if you'll hire a crew to help with the cleaning." She searched the tree to be sure she'd blown out every candle nestled in its branches.

"I suppose we could do that. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves immensely- that makes it worth the added cost."

She couldn't resist teasing her husband of two decades. "Milford Taylor, agreeing to spend money? Could I be hearing things?"

"Pshaw, woman." He waved her off.

Certain all the candles were out on the tree, she continued her rounds. Going over to the front window, she was about to douse the oil lamp on the sill when something outside caught her eye.

There were two people standing across the street, in front of the newspaper office. They stood in the shadows between the circles of light cast by the gas lamps lining the street. It was definitely a man and a woman, but she couldn't identify them.

"Milford, come and have a look at this. Who's that still out there at this hour?"

He put down the refuse sack he'd been filling, and strode over to join her at the window.

As they both looked on in silence, the mysterious pair clasped hands. The man placed a kiss on the woman's forehead, then released her hands and began walking westward.

As he passed under a streetlamp, his face was briefly illuminated.

Milford said, "Why, it's Thaddeus Stern."

Eugenia nodded, now even more intrigued. "Yes, but who is the girl?"

The woman stood still for a few moments, as if watching the man depart. Then, she turned and started walking east, in the opposite direction of her companion. After a few steps, she too passed beneath a streetlamp, and Eugenia's eyes widened when she saw her face.

She turned to her husband, who looked equally shocked.

In unison, they said the woman's name aloud.

"Janice Smart."

The two of them stood by the window a long time, staring at one another.

Finally, Milford said, "Either our school teacher is trysting, or we're both delirious with exhaustion."

Eugenia shrugged, unsure of whether her weary eyes had deceived her. "At this point I don't know. But I'm going to bed."

She started for the stairs, with her husband close behind.

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this holiday visit to Ridgeway. This is my most popular series; the characters really resonate with readers. I knew you'd probably enjoy taking a peek at how they were all doing, and what better time to visit with old friends than at Christmas?

I'm sure you picked up on the "subtle" hints at Ridgeway stories to come. The next book will be a full-length novel of at least 50,000 words, as a matter of fact, I'm already well into writing the initial draft. When I talk to readers about the series, you express a great love of the books and a real connection with the characters- as a writer, hearing this is a wonderful feeling. Aside from the request for more books, the other request I frequently get is for the books to be longer. I love my readers, so if longer is what you all want, longer you shall have. Look for Electing to Love, the full-length story of Deputy Gregory Simmons and saloon owner Angel May Lane, available now at most online retailers.

As for Thaddeus Stern, our young light horseman, and beloved schoolteacher Janice Smart, they'll get their tale as well. Thaddeus and Janice will be the stars of Book 5, Lessons of the Heart. A release date is TBA, so stay tuned.

No matter what, the best way to keep up with my release schedule, as well as my appearances, giveaways, and other important stuff, is to sign up for my mailing list. If you're not already on it, just click the link below to join. I'll be pleased to have you, so much that I'll give you a FREE book when you sign up.

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Until next time, best wishes to you all :)



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