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Adams House
Allen, Frederick Lewis
conservatism in
Coolidge Prosperity in
Depression in
economy, late 1920s, in
evolution of presidency in
Latin America and
liberalism in
1924 election results in
strikes/unrest in
World Court and
American Antiquarian Society
American Bankers’ League
American Review of Reviews
American Society of Newspaper Editors
American Taxpayers’ League
Amherst College
Andrews, Charles
antitrust suits
arms control
Arthur, Chester
Association of American Advertising Agencies
auto industry
autobiography, Coolidge, Calvin
Baker, George Barr
Barron, Clarence
Barrymore, Ethel
Barsum Bill
Barton, Bruce
Baruch, Bernard
Bayard, Thomas F.
Bent, Silas
Bernays, Edward
Black Hills
Black River Academy
Black Thursday
Bliven, Bruce
Borah, William
Kellogg-Briand Pact and
Mexico and
Boston police strike. See strike, Boston police
Briand, Aristide
Brown, Carrie
Bryan, Charles
Bryan, William Jennings
Budget and Accounting Act
Burns, Lucy
Bursum, Bill
Bush, George W.
Business Without a Buyer (Foster and Catchings)
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butler, William
Coolidge’s formality and
electoral defeat of
front-porch campaign and
Senate and
Calles, Plutarco Elias
“Calvin Coolidge Says” (Coolidge)
Capitol Hill. See Congress
Capper, Arthur
Cardozo, Benjamin
Carlisle, Alexandra
Catchings, Waddill
Chamberlain, Austen
Chamorro, Emiliano
Chaplin, Charlie
Clark, Edward T.
on Coolidge’s persona
on rural poses
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Coolidge’s relationship with
farm bill and
immigration bill and
Kellogg-Briand Pact and
Mississippi River flood and
1924 budget battle and
1924 election results and
overrode veto by
Sargent’s confirmation and
Stone’s nomination/confirmation and
Warren’s rejection and
World Court and
Convention, Democratic 1924
Convention, Progressive 1924
Convention, Republican
Cool Million, A, (West)
Coolidge, Abigail
“Coolidge: A Life for Our Time,”
Coolidge and the Historians (Silver)
Coolidge, Calvin. See also Coolidge, Calvin, 1920 campaign of; Coolidge, Calvin, 1924 campaign of; Coolidge, Calvin, as governor; Coolidge, Calvin, as vice president; Coolidge, Calvin, economics of; Coolidge, Calvin, first term of; Coolidge, Calvin, oratory of; Coolidge, Calvin, retirement years of; Coolidge, Calvin, second term of
at Amherst College
autobiography of
birth of
at Black River Academy
boyish simplicity of
burial of
businessmen and
Calvin Jr.’s death and
Calvin Jr.’s illness and
cigars and
conservative habits of
death of
devastation of
as dour
as egalitarian
as enigma
family influence on
formality of
as forward looking
governor races of
as hypochondriac
as lieutenant governor
marriage of
Mencken on
mischievous nature of
moderate political traits of
as modern
as movie buff
New Right and
as old fashioned
parenting style of
parsimony of
as passive
as peoples’ champion
persona of
physical appearance of
political ascent of
political classification of
practical experience regarding
on presidents’ words
as Puritan in Babylon
Reagan and
religiosity of
Rogers, Will, on
as shy
Slemp on
sons of
study of law and
as successful
as unambitious
youth in Vermont of
Coolidge, Calvin, 1920 campaign of
Barton and
election results of
Republican Convention and
seeds of
vice-presidential nomination and
Coolidge, Calvin, 1924 campaign of
acceptance of nomination during
actors regarding
advice to Dawes during
appeal to majority during
Barton’s efforts regarding
Bernays’s efforts regarding
communism/socialism comments during
Coolidge Non-Partisan League and
election results of
Ford regarding
La Follette and
nomination during
personality in
Pinchot’s nomination run and
in Plymouth Notch
propaganda regarding
radio and
Roosevelt, Theodore, concerning
running mate during
testimonials in
war chest and
Coolidge, Calvin, as governor
Boston police strike and
governing ideals of
moderate policies of
publicity and
unpretentious nature of
Coolidge, Calvin, as vice president
“Enemies of the Republic” by
Harding’s death and
on job’s value
obscurity of
as withdrawn
Coolidge, Calvin, economics of
budget/national debt and
business and
Coolidge Prosperity and
Depression responsibility regarding
federal programs and
as governor
Hamiltonian vision and
laissez-faire and,
Mellon and
1926 Mellon Bill and
origin of
regulatory policies and
State of the Union regarding
tariff policies and
trickle down/tax cut and
veterans’ bonus and
vetoes regarding
Wall Street regulation and
Coolidge, Calvin, first term of
appointments by
battle of the budget and
bully pulpit and
Congressional relations during
culture wars and
daily routine during
delegation of duty and
dilemmas concerning
early days/successes during
first lady and
foreign affairs and
hands-off government and
Harding’s staff and
immigration and
Ku Klux Klan and
miner strike during
Muscle Shoals deal and
news management/propaganda during
newsreels and
oath of office and
photo ops and
press conferences and
Prohibition and
racial issues and
radio and
Russia and
staff treatment during
State of the Union during
study of history and
Teapot Dome scandals and
World Court and
Coolidge, Calvin, Jr.
death of
illness of
Coolidge, Calvin, oratory of
at Amherst College
Bliven on
brevity and
bully pulpit and
graduation address and
Lindbergh speech and
“Our Heritage from Hamilton,”
“Press Under a Free Government, The,”
“Religion and the Republic,”
“Spiritual Unification of America, The,”
as state senate president
taciturnity and
use of radio and
Coolidge, Calvin, retirement years of
Coolidge, Calvin, second term of
advertising speech during
appointments during
arms control during
Barton interview during
Black Hills and
business regulation and
China and
cowboy outfit during
Dominican Republic and
economy, late 1920s, during
election results for
farm bill during
final year and a half during
hands-off government and
Hoover, Herbert, concerning
Hoover’s, Herbert, inauguration ending
humor during
as hypochondriac
inauguration day for
isolationism and
Kellogg-Briand Pact during
lame duck and
Latin American keynote address during
League of Nations and
Lindbergh and
Mexico and
midterm elections during
Mississippi River flood during
Nicaragua and
1926 Mellon Bill during
peace and
publicity entourage and
resignation announcement during
Sargent’s confirmation during
Soviet Union and
Stone’s nomination/confirmation during
term limits and
Warren’s rejection during
World Court and
Coolidge Effect
Coolidge, Grace
on absence of Coolidge
Calvin Jr’s. death and
character of
death of Coolidge and
Hoover’s inauguration and
Longworth on
magazine stories and
marriage of
resignation announcement and
treatment of
Coolidge, John (son)
Coolidge, John Calvin (father)
Calvin Jr.’s death and
death of
Harding’s death and
Coolidge Prosperity
Coolidge, Victoria
Coolidge on
locket and
Coupal, James
Couzens, James
Cox, James
Crane, Winthrop Murray
Crosby, Harry
Curtis, Charles
Curtis, Edwin
Daugherty, Harry
Davis, John W.
as Democratic presidential nominee
election loss and
Klu Klux Klan and
Dawes, Charles
on Coolidge
election of
inaugural speech of
stumping of
as vice-presidential nominee
Warren’s rejection and
Dawes Plan
De Forest, Lee
Democratic Party
Calvin Jr.’s death and
Coolidge Non-Partisan League and
DuBois on
Ku Klux Klan and
1924 Convention of
1924 election results for
1926 Mellon Bill and
war chest of
Denby, Edwin
Denny, Ludwell
Depew, Chauncey
Coolidge’s fiscal policy and
Coolidge’s responsibility regarding
Coolidge’s retirement and
farm crisis concerning
Federal Reserve and
global trade/credit and
gold standard regarding
Wall Street regulation and
Diaz, Adolfo
Dickstein, Samuel
Doheny Edward
Dominican Republic
Douglas, Lewis
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dukakis, Michael
Durstine, Roy
business and
collapse/depression of
Coolidge Prosperity and
market speculation and
pessimists/optimists/politicians and
post World War I
wealth distribution and
Edison, Thomas
Eisenhower, Dwight
election results
1926 midterm
“Enemies of the Republic” (Coolidge)
Fall, Albert
federal budget
Federal Radio Commission
Federal Reserve
Federal Trade Commission
Field, Henry
Fillmore, Millard
Firestone, Harvey
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fleming, Alexander
Florida real estate boom
Food and Drug Administration
Forbes, Charles
Ford, Henry
automobile boom and
campaigning for Coolidge
Muscle Shoals deal and
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
foreign policy
Coolidge regarding
League of Nations and
World Court and
Foster, William
Franco-German crisis
Freud, Sigmund
Fuess, Claude
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Garman, Charles
Garvey, Marcus
Goodhue, Grace. See Coolidge, Grace
Great Crash, 1929, The, (Galbraith)
Great Society
Grew, Joseph
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammond, John
Hammond, John Hays
Hanihara, Masanao
Harding, Florence
Harding Memorial Association
Harding, Warren
death of
evolution of presidency and
McAdoo on
Mellon and
scandals and
World Court and
Harlem Renaissance
Harrison, Benjamin
Haugen, Gilbert
Have Faith in Massachusetts (Coolidge)
Hays, Will
Hearst, William Randolph
Heritage Foundation
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hoover, Herbert
Coolidge concerning
Coolidge’s advice to
Coolidge’s death and
economy and
inauguration of
Mississippi River flood and
prediction concerning
on prosperity
radio regulation and
Hoover, Irwin “Ike,”
Hoover, J. Edgar
House, Edward
House Flood Control Committee
House of Representatives
Mississippi River flooding and
World Court and
housing market
Hughes, Charles Evans
arms control and
Mexico and
retirement of
World Court and
Hull, Cordell
Humphrey, William
Hurricane Katrina
Ickes, Harold
bill to cap
Congress and
influx of
Japanese-exclusion provision and
results of restriction of
Indians, American
Industrial Workers of the World
Interstate Commerce Commission
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jolson, A1
Josephson, Matthew
Kellogg, Frank
appointment of
Mexico and
outlawry of war and
World Court and
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Kent, Frank
Keynes, John Maynard
Ku Klux Klan
La Follette, Robert
La Follette, Robert, Jr.
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lasker, Albert
Latin America
American imperialism in
Mexico and
Nicaraguan crisis in
League of Nations
foreign policy and
World Court and
Lenroot, Irvine
Leuchtenburg, William
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Party of
Lincoln, Willie
Lindbergh, Charles
dark side of
exaltation of
Lippmann, Walter
on Coolidge
Davis and
Locarno agreements
Lodge, Henry Cabot
death of
League of Nations and
veterans and
Long, Richard
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
on Coolidge
on Coolidge, Grace
Lowden, Frank
Lowry, Edward
Lynd, Robert and Helen
Man Nobody Knows, The, (Barton)
Marx, Groucho
Massachusetts. See also Northampton
McAdoo, William
McCall, Samuel
McDonald, Eugene
McKenna, Joseph
McKinley, William
McNary, Charles
McNary-Haugen bill
Mellon, Andrew
budget of
foreign affairs and
investigations of
1921 Mellon bill of
1924 Mellon bill of
1926 Mellon bill of
1928 Mellon bill of
tax cuts of
as Treasury secretary
Mencken, H. L.
on businessmen
on Coolidge
on government
Calles and
Morrow and
Obregon/Coolidge and
Wilson concerning
Michelson, Charles
Mississippi River flood
concessions during
Congress and
hands-off handling of
Hoover, Herbert, and
private funds for
Moncada, Jose
Moor, Victoria. See Coolidge, Victoria
Morrow, Dwight
Lindbergh and
Mexico crisis and
motion pictures. See newsreels
Muscle Shoals deal
Nation, The
National Association of Broadcasters
nativist movement
Nazi Germany
New Deal
“New Era,”
New Republic, The
New York Life Insurance
Nobel Peace Prize
Bryan’s, Charles
Johnson’s, Hiram
La Follette’s
Roosevelt’s, Theodore
Stone’s, Harlan Fiske
Norbeck, Peter
Norris, George
Novak, Robert
Novarro, Roman
Obregon, Alvaro
oratory. See Coolidge, Calvin, oratory of
Oulahan, Richard
Parker, Dorothy
Patterson, Eleanor “Cissy,”
Paul, Alice
peace effort
Coolidge/Kellogg concerning
Kellogg-Briand Pact and
outlawry of war and
Permanent Court of International Justice (World Court)
Peters, Andrew
Pierce, Jason
Pinchot, Gifford
Plymouth Notch, Vermont
campaigning in
transition to president in
police strike. See strike, Boston police
Pomerene, Atlee
Ponzi, Charles
Coolidge on
economic influence of
evolution of
Roosevelt, Franklin and
Price of Freedom, The (Barton)
Progressive Party
Coolidge’s attack on
1924 election results for
Coolidge’s, restraint regarding
State of the Union regarding
Puritan in Babylon (White)
racial issues
Coolidge and
Ku Klux Klan controversy and
acceptance of nomination on
Coolidge’s embracing of
as nonpartisan forum
regulation of
Silent Cal image and
Radio Act
Randolph, A. Philip
Raskob, John
Ratcliffe, Samuel
Reagan, Ronald
Coolidge and
as forward looking
real estate
Red Scare
Reed, David
Reid, Frank
Republican Party
Coolidge within
Coolidge Non-Partisan League and
division in
DuBois on
Ku Klux Klan and
1920 Convention
1924 election results
1926 midterm elections
Roosevelt, Theodore, and
war chest of
Ripley, William Z.
Road to Plenty, The (Foster and Catchings)
Roberts, Kenneth
Roberts, Owen
Rockefeller, John D.
Rogers, Lindsay
Rogers, Will
on Coolidge
Mississippi River flood and
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Coolidge’s death and
influence on presidency of
Stone and
Roosevelt, Theodore
break with GOP
evolution of presidency and
general v. special interests regarding
Pinchot/miner strike and
presidential nomination and
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Root, Elihu
Rowell, Chester
Ruth, Babe
Sacasa, Juan
Sacco, Nicola
Sanders, Everett
Sandino, Augusto Cesar
Sargent, John
attorney general appointee
Garvey and
Say, Jean-Bapiste
Say’s Law
Scopes, John
Butler and
Kellogg—Briand Pact and
Mexico and
Mississippi River flooding and
Sargent’s confirmation by
Stone’s nomination/confirmation and
Warren’s rejection and
World Court and
Sheffield, James
Sheppard-Towner Act
Shotwell, James
Silver, Thomas
Simmons, Furnifold
Sinclair, Harry
Slemp, Campbell Bascom
on Coolidge
Coolidge’s nomination and
NAACP view of
stepping down of
Smith, Alfred
Somoza, Antonio
Soule, George
Soviet Union
speeches. See Coolidge, Calvin, oratory of
Starling, Edmund
Calvin Jr.’s death and
Coolidge and
on Roaring Twenties
Warren’s rejection and
State of the Union messages
anticipation for
Coolidge’s proposals in
on immigration
on prosperity/peace
on racial issues
radio broadcast of
response to
World Court and
Stearns, Frank
as consultant
Coolidge’s formality and
nomination of Coolidge and
as patron
Steffens, Lincoln
Stephenson, David
Stimson, Henry
St. Johnsburg Academy
stock market
business and
collapse of
“Coolidge Market” and
Coolidge’s resignation and
margin trading and
pessimists/optimists/politicians and
speculation/bubble in
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Harding scandals and
Supreme Court and
Stone, Roger
strike, Boston police
Coolidge and
riots during
unionizing attempts and
strike, miner
Taft, William Howard
tax cuts
Taxation: The People’s Business (Mellon)
Teapot Dome scandals
Coolidge’s response to
Daugherty and
Fall’s giveaway and
investigation of
veterans scandal
Tilson, John
trickle down economics
budget regarding
Mellon tax cuts and
stock market crash and
Trotter, William Monroe
Truman, Harry
Tumulty, Joe
Tyler, John
Urban League
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo
Vermont. See also Plymouth Notch
Coolidge on
political culture of
Versailles Treaty
Congress and
Coolidge and
Villa, Pancho
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Waldo, Rhinelander
Wall Street. See stock market
Wallace, Henry, Sr.
Walsh, Thomas
Stone’s nomination and
Teapot Dome scandals and
Wanniski, Jude
Warren, Charles
Washington Conference on International Disarmament
Welliver, Judson
West, Nathanael
Wheeler, Burton
White House press corps
White, William Allen
on Coolidge
Puritan in Babylon and
on resurgent conservatism
Wilbur, Curtis
Wilson, Edith
Wilson, Woodrow
evolution of presidency and
general ν. special interests and
League of Nations and
Mexico and
on police strike
press and
racial issues and
State of the Union and
Wise, Stephen
Wood, Leonard
World Court. See Permanent Court of International Justice
political culture