Awareness of common dog predicaments ahead of time will save you angst in the moment when your dog starts chattering her teeth, sucking in air through her nose in long snorts, or emitting a noxious smell from her glands when frightened.
The lists in this chapter have been compiled with the contributions of veterinary professionals as well as new and long-time dog owners. Let their experience save you some uneccessary middle-of-the-night trips to the vet.
And, more importantly, the safety information contained in this chapter on poisonous substances and performing the Heimlich maneuver on a choking dog can save your dog’s life.
Most dogs will chew nearly anything: bones, toys, shoes, socks, etc. But would you know what to do if something became lodged in the windpipe or stuck on the palate and your dog began to choke?
If a dog is suffocating, he will often panic. A dog may paw at his mouth if something is lodged.
1 Lift the dog up off the ground like a wheel-barrow, with her head facing down. Try to shake the object out of her mouth using gravity.
2 Sweep from side to side to dislodge the object.
3 Use back blows. Forcefully strike five times between her shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.
4 Place your arms around her waist. Form a fist and cover the fist with your other hand. Place your fist on the soft spot just under the ribcage. Quickly and firmly give three to five thrusts inwards and upwards. Repeat three to five thrusts up to four times. Do not use excessive force.
Reverse sneezing
Occurs more in brachycephalic (short-nosed) dogs. The dog makes rapid and long inhalations, stands still, and extends his head and neck. A loud snorting sound is produced.
Chattering teeth
A lump located on the roof of your dog’s mouth, behind his front teeth, is called the Jacobson’s Organ. It is receptive to pheromones (body scents or chemicals we emit in response to our emotional state). Dogs use this organ to gather information about other dogs and to “smell fear.” Dogs access the organ by licking or snapping the air or chattering their teeth. You may see this after they smell or lick urine.
Express anal glands
Anal glands produce a foul-smelling, greasy substance that probably serves as a territorial marker and relays biochemical information. They occasionally become impacted or infected, and some vets and groomers express them manually (although the preferred solution is to switch the dog to a grain-free dog food).
Flea biting / corn cob nibbling
Sometimes called “corn cob nibbling” or “flea biting,” this gentle nibble on your arm or shirt or loose thread on your clothes is an affectionate, self-soothing behavior done by some dogs. There is no need to curb this behavior unless you do not like it.
Nooking / suckling on stuffies
This hereditary trait is a self-soothing behavior where the dog suckles on a stuffie or blanket. There is no need to curb this behavior.
Fast panting
Dogs do not sweat through their skin, but they do sweat through their paw pads. They also cool themselves by panting. Panting may be with their mouth wide open and tounge hanging out, or it may be with mouth closed and very fast, short breaths.
Eating feces
Coprophagia is common in dogs and may stem from a mother’s instinct to clean the den of her puppies’ feces. There are products which can be fed to the dog to give his feces a foul taste, however these products have limited success.
Growl-howl / growl-purr
Not all growls are aggressive. Some vocalizations may sound like a purring or howling growl and stem from excitement or pleasure. Some breeds (basenjis) even make a yodeling sound.
Hiccuping is common in puppies and is usually attributed to an overindulgence of life: breathing, swallowing, running, etc.
Eating grass and throwing up
Dogs eat grass to cause themselves to vomit or because they need fiber. In either case, it is not desirable, as vomiting is a violent act that can irritate their bodies and result in a loss of electrolytes.
Humping dogs and people
Humping is more common in puppies and intact male dogs, but can be present in females as well. See here to here for more.
This is the term for those wild-eyed crazy circles younger dogs run when they get excited.
Belly scratch leg wave
Scratch the right spot on your dog’s belly or side and his hind leg will reflexively mimic your scratching motion.
• The entire spoon when giving a pill with peanut butter
• Gravel under an outdoor grill, upon which grease has leaked
• An entire rawhide bone, in one piece
• Fish hooks at a beach or river (which had bits of fish stuck to them)
• Zipper-lock baggies that contain food (the zipper strip can clog their intestines)
• Towels
• Squeakers from toys
• Disposable razors
• Children’s toys
• Batteries, watch batteries
• Tennis balls
• Chewing gum (the sweetener xylitol is extremely poisonous)
• Cigarette butts
• Soap bars
• Drywall
• Cooked bones
• Corn cobs (which can get stuck in their intestines)
• Sticks (often get stuck in their mouths)
• Feces in litterboxes
• Peach stones / pits
• Underwear
• Socks
• Diapers
• Pacifiers
• Condoms
• Feminine hygiene products
• Mouth retainers, dentures, hearing aids, ear plugs
• Hair scrunchies
Top 10 Toxins to Dogs
1. Dark chocolate
2. Rodenticides / insecticides:
Including DEET pest repellent
3. Xylitol:
A very toxic sweetener contained in many products, including sugar-free gum, some brands of peanut butter, and toothpaste
4. NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.):
May result in vomiting, ulcers, and kidney failure
5. Grapes and raisins:
Can cause kidney failure
6. Household cleaners:
Concentrated products such as toilet bowl, oven, and drain cleaners may cause chemical burns if licked.
7. Acetaminophen (Tylenol):
The effects of acetaminophen poisoning are quite serious, often causing non-repairable liver damage.
8. Fertilizers:
Be cautious of dogs walking on fertilized grass and then licking their paws.
9. Mushrooms:
Poisonous mushrooms found growing in the yard can be extremely toxic, causing death.
10. Corn on the cob:
May cause intestinal blockage
A Few More Poisonous Substances
• Antifreeze:
Tastes good to dogs and is very toxic
• Gorilla Glue:
Tastes good to dogs and will harden into a lump in their intestines
• Raw / undercooked meat, eggs, and bones:
Can contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. Raw eggs decrease the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), leading to skin and coat problems.
• Yeast dough:
Can rise and cause gas in your dog’s digestive system, causing the stomach to bloat and twist, becoming a life-threatening emergency.
• Hops (used in home beer brewing):
Can be highly toxic. Death can occur in as little as six hours after ingestion.
• Onions, garlic, chives:
In large amounts, can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage
• Coconut water:
Is high in potassium and should not be given to your dog
• Macadamia nuts:
Can cause vomiting
• Milk and dairy:
Can cause diarrhea
• Nuts (including almonds, pecans, and walnuts):
High in oils and fats, which can cause pancreatitis in large amounts