8 In the original, possibly by a mistake of the copyist, “The Lay of Volund” precedes “The Lay of Alvís.” In this translation it has been moved to a more logical position following “The Lay of Grotti.”

9 An exception is the Prose before and after “The Lay of Grímnir.” Likewise the Prose called “The Fall of the Niflungs.”

10 As in “Helgakviða Hjǫrvarþssonar” and “Sigrdrífumál.” Such remarks as “that was the belief in olden times,” at the end of “Helgakviða Hundingsþana” II, others in “Fáfnismál” after St. 1, and the tenor of the Concluding Prose of “Brot af Sigurþarkviðu,” certainly do not point to contemporaneity of composition!