79 These are the “limb runes.” See “Sigrdrífumál,” St. 12, from which these lines are supplied by the Translator.

80 That is, by magic.

81 On this stanza, see “Rígsþula,” St. 44.

82 Consisting also of “runes.” In Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica IV, 22, a prisoner who frees himself from his fetters is asked “an forte litteras salutorias, de qualibus fábula ferunt, apud se haberet.” This is also the theme of one of the “Merseburg Charms.” See “Grógaldr,” St. 10.

83 In which manner Grettir’s death is brought about (Grettis saga, Chap. 81 ff.)

84 See “Rígsþula,” St. 45.