20 “Seafarer.”

21 The names of Hlédís and Fríaut occur nowhere else. Fróthi [OE. Frōda], “the Wise,” bears a name common among the mythical Danish kings; See “Grottasǫngr.”

22 Accepting F. Jónsson’s emendations for the Áli of the original. According to “Skáldskaparmál,” Chap. 62, Authi was a son of Hálfdan.

23 “Half-Dane” [OE. Healfdene] Hálfdan the Old, a legendary king of the Danes. He is always “the High,” which may have reference to his stature.

24 “Skáldskaparmál,” Chap. 62, indicates that she was the daughter of Eymund, King of Russia. Her sons by Hálfdan (born nine at a birth) were the mythical progenitors of the royal families of the North.

25 Álmveig’s?

26 “The Suabian.” See “Helgakviða Hjǫrvarþssonar,” Note 1. Saekonung, “Sea King.”