37 For this as well as Svarins Hill, see St. 31. Compare with the modern Schwerin.

38 See “Helgakviða Hjǫrvarþssonar,” St. 13, Note 18.

39 Kennings for “ships.”

40 One of Ægir’s daughters, hence “the wave.”

41 See “Helgakviða Hjǫrvarþssonar,” St. 18, Note 23.

42 “The Stained (Piebald) One” (?), perhaps referring to his illegitimate origin (compare with the Anglo-Saxon Fitela). He is Helgi’s brother and forecastleman, like Atli (“Helgakviða Hjǫrvarþssonar,” St. 14 and Note 19).

43 A red shield indicated warlike intentions, a white one, peace.