1 That is, the Gjúkungs, as possessors of the Niflung hoard. This awkwardly written piece (separated by most editors from the following poem) was no doubt meant by the Collector to form a transition to the Atli lays. It has no independent value whatever, its statements being, on the face of them, derived from the following lays, especially from “Atlamál.”

2 See “Reginsmál,” Prose after St. 4. The Vǫlsunga saga, Chap. 28, relates that Sigurth deprived Brynhild of it on the bridal night and gave it to Guthrún.

3 Gunnar.

4 In “Atlamál,” St. 28, only the first two are mentioned as Hogni’s sons.

5 This statement is at variance with all other tradition. It looks as though a motive was sought to justify Guthrún’s murder of her (infant!) children (“Atlakviða,” St. 36, and “Atlamál,” St. 73).