
The early-afternoon sun beat down on the green football field. The play lines were gray from months of disuse. I tugged the hem of my sleeves further down my wrists, concealing my newest scars from the explosion almost a year ago. What were a few more blemishes when it meant evading the police and keeping the freedom I fought to obtain for years?

I waited on the edge of the parking lot for my chance to see her once more before I left.

After about a half hour of waiting, a sea of maroon and gold gathered outside the school. The students in their long gowns were lining up for the graduation procession. I slipped the black fabric around my head and neck, revealing only my eyes, and made my way to the school. I couldn’t take any chances that someone would identify me. A sketched depiction of my true face had circulated to local police websites. The search had been intense for several months, as the police did their due diligence to make sure I had indeed drowned in the boat explosion.

I’d gone into hiding so Nolan wouldn’t be implicated, but after months he begged me to come home. Either the police were moronic or Sylvia didn’t explain our connection to the police.

I scanned the crowd for her. I found her on the front steps with that boy. They held hands as they spoke with the detective and her adoptive family. The parents were as proud of her as I was. Studying them over the last ten months, I could tell they were an adequate substitute for a family. They had provided the love we never knew, and I experienced only with Nolan. Poor Nolan. His death was my best masterpiece, quick and efficient. He had fulfilled his purpose, but I couldn’t risk getting caught. I still had work to do.

I did one lap around the group of people, slipping between the congratulatory hugs and emotional photos with family and graduates. I’d promised myself one last look before I made my new plan.

Soon she’d attend college in a place where no one knew of her past or who I was.

It wasn’t our time now, but soon. Soon we would be together forever.

Sylvia turned and our eyes met for a brief moment. Hers went wide as I turned and melted into the crowd, waiting for my turn. This time I wouldn’t fail.