Klestetstse (Klays-tayts-tsay): More often shortened to Kles (Klays). Scirye’s lap griffin, a gift from Princess Maimantstse.
Lady Tabiti (Ta-bee-tee): A legendary Sarmatian warrior chief.
Lady Sudarshane (Soo-dar-sha-nay): Scirye’s mother.
Lord Tsirauñe (Tsee-rou-nay): Scirye’s father.
Nishke (Neesh-kay): Scirye’s older sister.
Prince Etre (Ay-tray): Kushan Consul.
Princess Maimantstse (My-man-tsuh-tsay): Cousin of Scirye’s father.
Sakre Menantse (Sa-kray May-nan-tsay): A name for the Kushan Empire, meaning “Blessed of the Moon.”
Sakre Yapoy (Sa-kray Ya-poi): Another name for the Kushan Empire, meaning “the Blessed Land.”