Oh, Dr A. –
Oh, Dr A. –
There is something (don’t go ’way)
That I’d like to hear you say.
Though I’d rather die
Than try
To pry,
The fact, you’ll find,
Is that my mind
Has evolved the jackpot question for today.
I intend no cheap derision,
So please answer with decision,
And, discarding all your petty cautious fears,
Tell the secret of your vision!
How on earth
Do you give birth
To those crazy and impossible ideas?
Is it indigestion
And a question
Of the nightmare that results?
Of your eyeballs whirling,
Fingers curling
And unfurling,
While your blood beats maddened chimes
As it keeps impassioned times
With your thick, uneven pulse?
Is it that, you think, or liquor
That brings on the wildness quicker?
For a teeny
Dry martini
May be just your private genie;
Or perhaps those Tom and Jerries
You will find the very
For inducing
And unloosing
That weird gimmick or that kicker;
Or an awful
Of unlawful
Marijuana plus tequila,
That will give you just that feel o’
Things a-clicking
And unsticking
As you start your cerebration
To the crazy syncopation
Of a brain a-tocking-ticking.
Surely something, Dr A.,
Makes you fey
And quite outré.
Since I read you with devotion,
Won’t you give me just a notion
Of that shrewdly pepped-up potion
Out of which emerge your plots?
That wild secret bubbly mixture
That has made you such a fixture
In most favored s.f. spots –
Now, Dr A.,
Don’t go away –
Oh, Dr A. –
Oh, Dr A. –