ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
CARMMA Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
CSW Commission on the Status of Women
FDLR Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
FGM female genital mutilation
ICEUS Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICERD International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination
ICESR International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
ICRC International Committee for the Red Cross
ICRW International Center for Research on Women
ILO International Labor Organization
LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community
MDG Millennium Development Goals
NGO non-governmental organization
NSHR National Society for Human Rights
PRC People’s Republic of China
UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UNAMA United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women
WHO World Health Organization
WRD Women’s Rights Division at Human Rights Watch