Thank you, Nicolas Jolly, Laure du Pavillon, Catherine Rambaud, and my precious first readers.
Thank you to photographers Charlotte Jolly de Rosnay, David Atlan, Alexi Lubomirski, and Mélanie Rey.
Thank you to Laurence Le Falher, for her New York knowledge.
Thank you, Laetitia Lachmann.
Here are the five books that helped me write this one:
Paris Under Water, Jeffrey H. Jackson (Palgrave Macmillan)
Paris coule-t-il?, Magali Reghezza-Zitt (Fayard)
The Secret Life of Trees, Colin Tudge (Penguin)
The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben (Greystone Books)
On Photography, Susan Sontag (Penguin)