
“At a time when the need for independent journalism and for media outlets unaffiliated with and untainted by the government and corporate sponsors is greater than ever, Project Censored has created a context for reporting the complete truths in all matters that matter. . . . It is therefore left to us to find sources for information we can trust. . . . It is in this task that we are fortunate to have an ally like Project Cen-sored.”—Dahr Jamail

“Activist groups like Project Censored . . . are helping to build the media democracy movement. We have to challenge the powers that be and rebuild media from the bottom up.”—Amy Goodman

“Project Censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcasting outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism.”—Walter Cronkite

“[ Censored] should be affixed to the bulletin boards in every newsroom in America. And, perhaps read aloud to a few publishers and television executives.”—Ralph Nader

“[ Censored] offers devastating evidence of the dumbing-down of mainstream news in America. . . . Required reading for broadcasters, journalists, and well-informed citizens.”— Los Angeles Times

“One of the most significant media research projects in the country.”—I. F. Stone

“A terrific resource, especially for its directory of alternative media and organizations. . . . Recommended for media collections.” — Library Journal

“[Project Censored’s] efforts to continue globalizing their reporting network could not be more timely or necessary.”—Kristina Borjesson

“A distant early warning system for society’s problems.”— American Journalism Review

“Project Censored goes where the media conformist angels fear to tread. . . . It’s the kind of journalism we need.”—Norman Solomon

“Project Censored shines a spotlight on news that an informed public must have . . . a vital contribution to our democratic process.” —Rhoda H. Karpatkin, president, Consumer’s Union

“Hot news, cold truths, utterly uncensored.”—Greg Palast

“Buy it, read it, act on it. Our future depends on the knowledge this collection of suppressed stories allows us.”— San Diego Review

“Those who read and support Project Censored are in the know.” —Cynthia McKinney

“This volume chronicles 25 news stories about events that could affect all of us, but which we most likely did not hear or read about in the popular news media.”— Bloomsbury Review

Censored serves as a reminder that there is certainly more to the news than is easily available or willingly disclosed. To those of us who work in the newsrooms, it’s an inspiration, an indictment, and an admonition to look deeper, ask more questions, then search for the truth in the answers we get.”— Creative Loafings

“This invaluable resource deserves to be more widely known.” — Wilson Library Bulletin