IN THE BRIGHT YELLOW trapezoid of sunlight coming through the ACC water tower window, Connie Pereira resembled a short-cropped Rapunzel in a squat tower. She didn’t look up when I walked in. Across the room Murakawa leaned against a segment of the clear plastic desk that hugged all four walls.
Roger Macalester was resting his rump on a portion of the desk between them. He was fingering a squishy orange ball, but not squeezing. Color me nonchalant. “Three police officers for what she said was just a superficial glance at the books? Like the road repair crews: one to work, two to watch? Or is one of you going to hold the flag?”
A little testy. “The investigation seems to be stressful for you, Mr. Macalester,” I said smarmily.
“When your colleague’s been murdered, it can ruin your whole day.”
“What do you think we’re going to find in your books?” A retainer to Ott?
“Not my books, Bryant’s books. Bryant founded ACC. He hired me. My contribution was showing him the importance of mediating for individuals. I’ve got no idea what’s in his books.”
Pereira stopped still, then leaned into the books like a woman transfixed.
Macalester shook his pony-tailed head. The man looked as if he’d been up all night worrying. His Grateful Dead T-shirt was crumpled around the sides from hours of being pressed into a chair back. The skin on his elfin face sagged. Even his bald spot had lost yesterday’s shine. “ACC’s dead.” His voice was so soft I couldn’t tell whether he spoke in anger or grief.
“Because of the right-wing contributors?” I softened the edge to my voice and leaned against the desk near him.
He was still shaking his head. “Nah. Bad move. But Bryant insisted he had to be evenhanded. ‘Maintain my image of evenhandedness’ was his exact phrase.”
“Bryant only started being evenhanded in the last two months,” Pereira said without turning around.
“We didn’t have the financial credibility before that. No solvent group would have touched us, unless of course it was impressed with what we stood for.”
Now it was “we.”
“But you’re saying that isn’t what will kill ACC?”
“It’s incidental. Our members may be pissed, but they aren’t going to drop out of the fund. They’re not in it because it’s better than a CD; they’re with us because we’re their only option. We take peanuts; we give back on demand. So if there’s a great shipment of Wyoming picture jaspers or white jade leaving Cheyenne, an artist can reclaim his seven-hundred-dollar investment before the stones cross the California line. With our investors, access to their money is a lot more important than earning another percent or two.”
“Another seven to fourteen dollars,” Pereira muttered. “Per year.”
“But if the fund loses moral credibility,” Murakawa said, “what does that say about mediation?”
“Exactly.” Macalester gave him a somber nod. “Mediation, the chance to look at the truth, that’s what it’s all about. For that you’ve got to have trust. Without trust it’s just another sham. Doesn’t matter if you settle cases, if you’ve paid off one of the parties.”
“Did Bryant pay off—”
“How the hell else did he get Cyril off Telegraph?” Roger slammed the ball into the window. The glass rattled, and for a moment I thought it would break. “Our members are calling in; he’s putting them off. Then Cyril’s saying, ‘Yes, sir, yes, sir, how far from Telegraph should I go?’ ”
I waited till the window was silent. “How much did he pay Cyril?”
“I don’t know. Bryant didn’t take me into his confidence. He was the big man, the dealer. I was—”
“Is that transaction in the books?”
“Listed under ‘Business Bribes’?” Pereira demanded. As she returned to her task, a sharp-edged sound escaped her lips, the union of a sneer and chuckle. It was a sound made while she looked down her nose, a sound I’d heard only from Connie Pereira, only when going over sloppy books. “The closest I can come is two entries for unexplained ‘Professional Services’ last month and one ‘Business Entertainment’ at Chez Panisse to the tune of a hundred ten dollars last week.”
“That’s hefty entertaining for a nonprofit.” I remembered Daisy Culligan’s being surprised about spotting someone from the ACC office at the city’s premier restaurant.
Macalester shrugged.
“Do you have any proof that Bryant bribed Cyril? Or are you just making an assumption, Roger?”
Macalester shrugged again, then muttered, “No. No proof.”
“Why take the chance of dealing under the table with Brother Cyril? I mean, everyone agrees Bryant was a great mediator. So why not trust himself?”
“Because Bryant couldn’t face failure,” he said in that soft, soft voice. Again, it blurred the line between anger and remorse. “It’s my fault. I liked the guy. I was taken in by his ‘most likely to succeed’ attitude.” He scooped up an orange ball. “But here’s the thing. Under that was nothing. He couldn’t face that. For him, looking at failure or even the possibility of failure was like giving it life. You know, like the New Age theories of ‘We are what our thoughts are.’ Allowing a thought of a snarling dog in your mind means getting your ass bitten. Bryant was terrified of the bite. He never faced his mistakes or the danger of them; he just kept moving forward.”
“Hoping he could outrun them?” I recalled Serenity’s comment about Bryant’s inflating you with the intensity of his interest like a helium balloon and, when he moved on, leaving you to sputter to the ground. I wondered when he’d popped Roger Macalester’s balloon. How long had this man with the dream sat in the dark watching Bryant destroy it? And with it his reputation? Bryant was dead, but it would be Roger who was pulled into the grave when ACC went down.
I scooped up a purple ball, tossed it up. It made a nice thud back in my hand, and when I squeezed, it resisted only momentarily before bowing to my strength. So satisfying. I tossed again, caught, and repeated my question to Macalester. “Why bribe Brother Cyril?”
“Because Serenity Kaetz wouldn’t give in.”
“Did Bryant try her?”
The ball didn’t move in his hand. It was the first time his fingers had been still. “Don’t know.”
“But you suspect, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer. He didn’t need to. So Bryant had approached Serenity Kaetz. I was only mildly surprised Serenity hadn’t told me that. Bryant had tried and failed. The man who hated failure. How desperate must he have been to be forced to deal with Brother Cyril?
I looked back at Roger’s hand in time to see his control dissolve and orange rubber squeezed out between his fingers. He looked at the ball, not at me.
“See, Bryant couldn’t avoid that dark hole entirely. So, much as he wanted to believe he was his image through and through, there had to be times when he was alone that he had an inkling that he was fickle, untrustworthy, temporary to any situation.”
“How do you know?”
“A couple of things he said, a phrase here or there, after too much booze at the Solstice Party, that type of thing. He didn’t let on to anyone else; with them he was always Mr. Charm, Señor Apropriado. But me, I was part of the office, like the desk here. After you’ve been here awhile, you’re not so careful where you put your butt.” Macalester stood, then flopped back on the desk.
“But still, Roger, why did he bribe Brother Cyril? If Bryant couldn’t be sure of the outcome, why have Brother Cyril on A Fair Deal at all?” I expected him to concur with Howard’s and my conclusion that Bryant needed a big case, big ratings for his send-off.
Roger shook his head slowly. “He couldn’t see the importance of mediation, of creating unity, of diffusing irritation before it turns to fury. Oh, he mouthed the words well, but he never really believed them. And so, Officer, he couldn’t trust that the importance of his mission would demand attention, inevitably. He was like a pony pulling a beer wagon, prancing and huffing, dragging, whinnying, sure that he’s the only thing that will draw men to the truck.”
Put more succinctly: He needed a big case. I pushed myself up and turned to face Macalester head-on. “Roger, save us some time here. You hired Herman Ott, didn’t you?”
“Why would I?”
“To find out what Bryant was doing and how bad it was going to be for ACC and for you.”
“Are you crazy?”
“We’ll find the entry in the books.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Because you paid him out of your own pocket?”
“Look, I couldn’t even get Bryant to pay me. I haven’t had a check in two months. I’m doing well to eat, much less hire a private eye. Even Ott!”
“But you talked to Ott when he came by with questions.”
“I told him to go away.”
“Did he ask about Brother Cyril?”
His hand relaxed enough to begin working the ball again. “Yeah, he did.”
“What specifically?”
“I don’t know. If he’d been here in the office, if he’d called, if Bryant had called him. I don’t know.”
“And you told him?”
“No, no, and I didn’t know.”
“But you do know, don’t you?”
I let a moment pass, then said, “Okay. Where can I find Brother Cyril?”
“I don’t—”
“Bryant knew. Where did he keep addresses, phone numbers?”
“On his Rolodex.” Macalester was smiling. “Don’t bother checking; Ott already did when my back was turned to answer the phone.”
“Could Ott have pocketed a card from there while your back was turned?”
It was a moment before Macalester said, “Oh, shit.”
“Is that a yes or a maybe?”
He looked down at the ball. I’d seen that same expression on Herman Ott’s face, the lump in the old rad’s throat as he considers helping the police. With Ott the blockage was usually so large he was in danger not of speaking but of choking. Occasionally I eased that lump out, greasing his throat with a portion of the discretionary fund. But Roger Macalester seemed to manage his impediment. “I saw a paper going in his pocket. I called him on it. He pulled out a receipt of some sort. Then he accused me of losing my principles, and he stomped out.”
The Ottian inverse of bait and switch. I could picture him stalking out in a huff of righteousness.
And stalking into Cyril’s lair. I sighed.
As if in concert with me, Pereira groaned.
“What? Something in the books?”
“I can’t tell yet. But…I don’t know…something.”
“How soon are you going to know?”
“I don’t know.” She turned a page and leaned closer. She wasn’t groaning anymore. All the semesters and quarters she’d taken classes in economics, stocks, trading strategies, accounting, forensic accounting, all seemed in vain. Her family siphoned her profits; her patrol buddies’ eyes glazed at numbers and theories and terms we’d heard but could never define. But here she was like a pig nosing out the best truffle in France. She’d sniff and dig until she’d found it. Nothing was going to deter her. Alas, nothing was going to rush her either.
“I’ll check back,” I said. And to Macalester: “One last thing. How did you come into your job here?”
He was staring at Pereira’s back as if updates of her suspicions and discoveries were being spelled out across the back of her neck like the news in Times Square. “This job? That’s easy. Daisy recommended me.”