Qiskit Terra – Capstone project

In previous chapters, we learned the basics of quantum computing with simple circuits meant to illustrate academic points. In this section, we will work with some more advanced usage and create a real project, leading into the third part of the book on algorithms. The idea is to do a fun and useful project with Qiskit to illustrate and practice some of the concepts the book has covered so far, without having to get into advanced algorithm description or design.

IBM has some great tutorials on short quantum programs that illustrate the nature of superposition (https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-tutorials/tree/master/community/hello_world) through ASCII characters and through sound clips. In this section, we'll illustrate the nature of superposition through encoding musical notes via the MIDI code. We'll make chords, groups of notes that play together, which represent the superposition of a quantum state, and be able to listen to the results of our measurements. To do this, we'll need to briefly study how to represent musical notes on the computer, which can be done with the MIDI specification.