Okay. Poetic attempt number one hundred and five (not that I’m counting).
What about borrowing a line or two of well-known poetry, just to get me started? And rather than being afraid of rhyme, perhaps I should embrace it fully. It’s worth a try, if only because everything else has been a disaster.
If I should die, think only this of me:
Bury me, not in some random cemetery,
But next to my true love, my Destry,
(Assuming she’s dead, of course. If not, that would be
A total disaster, an undeniable tragedy.)
I don’t mean that if she was alive it would be
A bad thing. On the contrary …
Excuse me while I stab myself in the hand with a sharp pencil.
Right. It’s official. I just have to hope that Milltown’s Got Talent impressed Destry enough because I’ve given up on poetry.
Actually, I think it’s given up on me.