BP stands for Byron Pitts.
ABC World News Tonight, 159
Abernathy, Ralph, 27
A Better L.A., 242
affirmative action hires, 170
acts of kindness in, 211–15
Americans’ little knowledge of, 188
medical practice in, 198–99
post-9/11 war in, 183–208
Soviet war in, 188
three warnings to visitors, 184
women’s rights in, 213
in network reporting, 168–73
rising trajectory of, 263–64
Al Qaeda, 189
Alvarez, Manny, 222–26
Ambush Alley (Iraq), 237
BP’s bid to be, shot down, 170
not BP’s ambition to be, 158
Anderson, Craig, 222–26
Anderson, Dave, 251
Anderson, Jack, 137
Andrews, Rev. Joseph, 237, 240
Angelou, Maya, “Still I Rise,” 263
“angels,” BP’s encouragement of, 268–69
BP’s, over insults, 83–84
Apex, North Carolina, 50
(Baltimore, Maryland), 3, 71–90
“articulate,” word as coded insult, 172–73
Attucks, Crispus, 88
Austin, Saundra Jeannette (sister), 11, 13, 16
“back, watch your,” 64–65
“back, who’s got your,” 65, 78–79
acts of kindness in, 215–22
U.S. occupation of, 215–22
Baltimore, Maryland, 11, 12–13, 57, 91
1968 riots in, 136
churches, 26
East Baltimore, 94
Baltimore Colts, 14
baptism, 259
Barber, Eddie, 147–49
Bartholomew, Father, 84–87, 160
basketball, street, 62–63
Bayou La Batre, Alabama, 230–31
Belafonte, Harry, 177
Benjamin, Dr. Regina, 229–31
Bible passages
on index cards, sent by mother, 110–11
bin Laden, Osama, 188–89
black colleges, 144
learning the network business in, 167–69
racially charged environment of, 169
Brucker, Alex, 190
Brzezinski, Mika, 179
bullying, 56–60
car accident, BP’s reporting of a, 161–62
The Carolinian (Raleigh, North Carolina), 140–41
Carrington, Darryl, 251–52
Carroll, Pete, 242–43
Carter, Rev. Harold A., 27
report from Afghanistan, Nov. 12, 2001, 194–96
report from Baghdad, Iraq, April 9, 2003, 220–21
CBS News (organization), 2, 143, 173–81
in Baghdad, 245–46
base camp in northern Afghanistan, 188, 192
educational effects of working for, 209–11
and the Iraq War of 2003, 215–22
Miami bureau, 222
reporting on Hurricane Mitch, 222–26
Chin, Betty, 227–29
Choluteca River, 223
Ciprofloxacin, 199
coaches, importance of, to BP, 65–71
college, importance of, to life success, 90, 93–94
contacts, a reporter’s, 168
Costanza, Tom, 160
Couric, Katie, 234
Cronkite, Walter, 135
cup, half-empty, half-full, or running over, 240–41
curfew, 62–64
death, eyewitnessing of, 181
Delaware, Ohio, 94
diversity, in news reporting, 168–69
Doyle, Larry, 190–94, 202, 204, 206, 208, 211–15, 222–26
driving in Afghanistan
accident, 199–201
at night, 206
Dundalk accent, 91
dysentery, 198–99
The Early Show (CBS), 189
East Carolina University, 151
Edwards, Verne, 272
emotion, not a substitute for good reporting, 167–68
enemies, Chinese proverb about, 176
Estonia, 119–20
executive producers
correspondents visiting them to showcase their skills, 174
insulting interview with one, and the eventual outcome, 174–76
and heavy lifting, 157
teaches that there are no obstacles, 133
Farmer, Dr. Paul, 243–44
Father Bartholomew, 84–87, 160
physical, in war reporting, 185, 206
trait from BP’s childhood, 209
firefight, in Iraq, being caught in, 217–19
flying in small planes, 223–24
football, 65–66
forgiveness, power of, 247–65
Fort Washington Elementary School (P.S. 85), 22
friends, few, in high school, 83
Friendship, North Carolina, 50
gang violence, 242
“the ghetto,” 147
Gill, Martin, 176–77
chances He has given, 171–72
doesn’t make mistakes, 260
grace of, 262–63
praying to, when making decisions, 235
sense of humor of, 176
source of strength, 262
will, that we live or die, 207
gold, digging for in one’s backyard (fable), 61–62
Gonzalez, Elian, 184
guards, 192
Haiti, 243–44
hard work, importance of, 46–47, 84
Harris, Terrell, 162–64
Hazelwood, Ed, 164–65
Hemingway, Ernest, Old Man and the Sea, 82–83
history (academic subject), BP’s love of, 88–89
Holthe, Peter, 3, 98–103, 110, 139, 269–70, 273
Hurricane Katrina, 230–31
Hurricane Lili, 227–29
Hurricane Mitch, 222–26
Hussein, Saddam
death of two sons of, celebration of, 245–46
statue toppled, 215
BP’s work in alleviating, 267–68, 270
hidden extent of, 267
incarceration, 69
interviewing, techniques of, 153–54
Iraq, U.S. occupation of, 215–22, 245
Iraq War of 2003, 215–22, 236–40
embedded assignments in, 236–40
few journalists volunteering for, 237
Ittner, Phil, 192
Johnson, Riccie, 1
Johnson, Timmy, 62
college major in, 134–35
dangers in, 184–86
rules of (never stand when you can sit, etc.), 223
preparation for Iraq War, 236, 237–40
respect shown to, by police, at rallies, 135–36
Kabul, advance toward, 189, 192, 197
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 12
Khoja Bahauddin, Afghanistan, 188, 211, 213
countless acts of, every day, 210–11
in war zones, 211–22
will take you a long way, 165
King, Emery, 137–38
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 27, 277
assassination, 135
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 27
Konduz, Afghanistan
battle of, 207
travel to, 201–7
Kroft, Steve, 234
Kuwait, 236
Laganga, Mark, 192, 197, 203, 206–8, 211, 215–16, 236
Lattimore, John, 77–78
as release, 258–59
handwritten, before the age of e-mail, 110
to loved ones, to be found after one’s death, 183, 186
Lewes, Dr. Ülle, 115–27, 139, 174, 209, 268, 276
Lewis, Rev. Benita, 3–4
Liebner, Richard, 241
Lima Company (U.S. Marines), 215, 219
Lopez, Vincenta, 224–26
Los Angeles, 242
Lucas, Dr. Paul, 103–6, 122–23, 124, 130, 270, 275
Mackey, John, 14
Mann, Horace, 277
marijuana, BP’s experience with, 94–95
Marines, U.S., 215–22
Maryland State Department of Transportation, 90–93
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 189
McGeough, Paul, 194, 196, 197–98, 208
McManus, Sean, 241
Meaux, Louisiana, 226–29
medicine, in Afghanistan, 198–99
microphone, using a, 152–53
Moonves, Leslie, 241
Morgan State College, 67
Mosul, 245
motivation, anger as, 164
Murphy, Mr. (dean of discipline), 72
Nazir family of Afghanistan
(Nazir, Fahranaz, Kambiz, and Vida), 211–15
NBC Evening News, 159
NBC News, 137
Neidbart, Francesca, 190
networking in business, 65
New Shiloh Baptist Church, 27–29, 68
news organizations, traveling with, like a circus, 189–90
diversity in, 168–69
racism in, 169–73
New York Times, 102
Nicaragua, 222
nicknames, in BP’s family, 51–52
North Carolina, 51
Northern Alliance, 189, 192, 201
Northfolk, Virginia, 157–65
notebook, reporter’s, 164–65
Ohio Wesleyan University, 94–107
BP invited as commencement speaker, 270–77
BP’s academic difficulties at, 109–17
optimism, power of, 235, 240–44, 247
Palmer, Elizabeth, 213–15
Partners in Health, 243–44
patience, 233–34
Pelley, Scott, 234
Pitts, Byron
academic difficulties, in college, 97, 104–7, 133–34
academic difficulties, in grade school, 21–25, 32–37, 39–47
academic difficulties, in high school, 84–88
after-school jobs in high school, 86
attempted meeting with famed sports radio announcer, rebuffed, 141–43
boyhood summers, 49–55
church, importance of, in early years, 25–32
college goal, 85–87, 90, 93–94
college graduation, 139–40
college senior year, 134–35
complimented for being articulate, 172–73
confidence issues as reporter, 162–64
confrontation and conversation with father, 249–61
decision to withdraw from OWU, 114–17
desire for a broadcast journalism career, 133, 135–39
disaster reporting of, 184
drinks whiskey and smokes a cigarette, in Afghanistan, 207
early family life, 7–10, 12–19
first job after graduation from college, 140–41
first job in TV as reporter and sports anchor, 149–55
football recruit at college, 95
habits of living and work, 158–61
help from Dr. Lewes, 121–27, 130–32
help from other people, in success, 263–64
hired as correspondent by CBS News, 173–81
illiteracy as child, 21–25, 28–32, 43–47, 55–56
illiteracy revealed, 28–32, 37–39
intrinsic understanding of human struggle, 160–62
job as sports information director, 141, 144
job at WAVY-TV, 157–65
job changes, on the way to goal of network broadcasting, 166
journalism career goal, 102–3
life story as inspiration for others, 268, 270
network broadcast reporter as goal, 158, 165–67
newspaper work, 140–41
news reporting love, 151
“not a drinker, can’t dance,” 157–58, 191
parents’ troubled marriage, 7–10, 260
prediction from a classmate that he would be on the networks, 138
prediction from Dr. Lewes that he would write a book, 123
purpose in life, recognizing, 264–65
reading deficiencies, 81–82
reading problem, revealing it, 100–101
reputation for politeness and hard work, 84
self-analysis of character traits that filed to success, 233–46
as a senior correspondent at CBS News, 233
singing in choir, 30–32
social life in high school, 89–90
socioeconomic class issues at OWU, 97–98
speaking discomfort and limited vocabulary, 99–100
speech practice in front of a bathroom mirror, 137
sportscaster job, 151
sports writing at Curley High School, 89
study habits at college, 101
stuttering of, 29–30, 126–29, 162–64
summer job doing highway maintenance, 90–93
tested for academic and mental delays, 32–37
trip to Afghanistan as correspondent, 186–88
unforgiving nature of, 247–49
wife and children of, 206, 237, 262
Pitts, Clarice (mother), 2, 14–15
angry letters from, color of ink, 111
breakup of marriage, 66–67
calls BP’s college teacher, 104
career advice on dealing with racism, 171
disciplining of adolescent BP, 86–87
and Dr. Lewes, 125
early life and character of, 10–11
encouraging manner of, 42
escorting BP to college, 95–97
faith in BP, 241
giving nature of, 210
interview at Archbishop Curley High School about BP’s admission, 73
and laughter, 244
marital problems of, 7–10, 15–19, 66–67
marriage to and family life with W. A. Pitts, 11–13
proactive moves to forward BP’s career, 141–43
reactions to BP’s illiteracy, 37–38
support of BP in college, through letters, 109–14
treated with disrespect, 142–43
visits with, in later life, 264–65
Pitts, Myron (half brother), 16, 257
Pitts, Saundra (sister), 2, 171
Pitts, William (father), 8–15
appreciation for the things he did right, 260–62
asks BP for money, 256, 258, 261
BP’s conversation with, at age 25, 249–50
BP’s reconnection with in later life, 249–61
breakup of marriage, 66–67
disappearance of, during BP’s high school years, 77
meets Clarice Pitts, 11–13
reactions to BP’s illiteracy, 38
Pitts, William MacLauren (Mac) (brother), 2, 13, 16, 171
homework assistance of, 24–25
plan, lifetime (“what’s your”), 85
Plesser, Ben, 239–40
pocketknife incident, 69–71
police, aggressiveness of, 136
Powell, Colin, 173
in danger, 206
efficacy of, 240–44
before going on a big assignment, 186
importance of, in Pitts family, 17–19
as key to success, 159
prior to Iraq assignment, 237–40
presidential election of 2000, Florida recount, 184
Quantico Marine Corps, 236
racism, in the news business, 169–73
Raleigh, North Carolina, 50
The Raleigh News and Observer, 145
Rather, Dan, 183–84
reading, 81–82
Reagan administration, 137
regrets, 251
remedial reading classes, 39, 83–85
attitude toward fear, 185
“gotta go,” 184
Ridge, Michael, 161
riots, urban, of 1968, 135–36
Russians, 204
Safer, Morley, 234
St. Francis Catholic Church, choir, 30–32
St. Katharine’s (Catholic school), 23–24, 36–40
St. Paul Baptist Church (Montclair, N.J.), 3, 251
sandwich-stealer incident, 56–60
Schreffler, Captain George, 219–22
scripts, learning to write, 167
segregation, childhood lesson in dealing with, 53–55
selfishness, trait from BP’s childhood, 209
September 11, 2001, events, 176–81
brave and kind actions on day of, 180–81
Shaw University (Raleigh, North Carolina), 141
Simon, Bob, 234
60 Minutes
BP full-time at, 241–44
BP’s ambition to be reporter on, 172, 234–35
BP’s casual visits to offices of, 234–35
BP’s first appearance on, 1
most revered news program, 2
profiles, 242–43
skeletons in the closet, 262
Smith, Phil, 157
Solmsen, Mike, 245–46
Soprano, Tony (TV character), 248
Soviet Union, in Afghanistan, 188
spot news events, 177–78
Stahl, Lesley, 234
stepping out
on faith, 259–60
on nothing, 265
Stewart, Charles, story, 168–69
Stoddard, Nurse Nell, of Bayou
La Batre, Alabama, 230–31
Stogner, Larry, 144–49
Stumbroski, Joseph, 74–76, 83, 154
Stumbroski, Mr. and Mrs., 76, 78, 87
on air, 162–64
cure of, 128–29
Sunday Morning, 177
Super Bowl, Miami, BP covering, 143
Tabasco sauce, 236
Taloqan, 207
Tegucigalpa, 223
television reporting
BP’s internship doing, 144–49
reason to choose a career in, vs. in print journalism, 136
television watching, BP’s, as child, 43
terrorism, 178
Thanksgiving, in Afghanistan, 202
Thomas, Clarence, 173
Tobias, Pauline, 25
toilet, field, in Afghanistan, 198
toughness, 241
Unitas, Johnny, 14
University of Southern California, 242
violence, not the answer, 250
visualization, of success, 234–35
Walden, Luther (grandfather), 10–11
Walden, Roberta Mae (grandmother), 2, 11, 49–55, 264
Walden family, 51
Wallace, Mike, 234
Waller, Honduras, 224
war correspondents
embedded in military units, 215
war-training program for, given by Marines, 236
Washington, North Carolina, 152–53
“watch your back,” 64–65
WAVY-TV, 157–65
White, Stan, of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, 230
BP’s introduction to world of, in high school, 73
friends of BP, 98
prejudice against blacks, 169
Williams, Jim, of Meaux, Louisiana, 228–29
WNCT-TV (Greenville, North Carolina), 149–55
women, in Afghanistan, 184, 190, 213
Woodward, Bob, 135
work, dignity in, 92–93
working hard, importance of, 46–47, 84
World Trade Center, plane strike and collapse of, 176–81
World War II, 119–20
learning to write scripts, 167
“out loud,” 159–60
WTVD (Raleigh), 144–49
Young, Andrew, 27
Zero candy bar incident in store, 52–54