So, who am I? That's really not an easy question to answer, although you may think so. Who are we? Electrons and protons and neutrons held together by some quantum force to form neurons and cells and synapses? Are we flesh or are we soul? Isn't this the stuff philosophers and scientists, monkeys and preachers have been asking for centuries?

If you're looking for a quick biographical sketch of my life, here's one for you: I have been—at different times, of course—a fry cook, range boy, greens maintenance technician, reservations agent, room service attendant, editor, banquet server, meteorologist, instructor, program manager for Internet applications, curriculum developer and training simulation engineer.

Exciting stuff, to be sure. There was that one time I took flight on the wings of an F-16, but I puked so I usually don't count that.

All in all, the important thing to remember is that I am a writer. I have penned a few novels, deleted a few novels, edited a few novels and am, of course, writing a few novels as I continue through this life in front of me.

You can join me in my journey through this life by visiting my blog at where I muse, rant, reflect and generally give myself the therapy all writers need.