Eusebius, Aelius Aristides, and Paul were disparate personages—a fourth-century bishop of Caesarea Maritima, a well-to-do second-century sophist and orator from Mysia in the Roman province of Asia, an itinerant first-century Jewish “apostle of Christ to the gentiles.” One thing they had in common, however, was an oration addressed in one way or another to the Roman Empire (self-composed in the case of Eusebius and Aristides, composed by a later chronicler in the case of Paul). Taken together, these three orations focus our attention on a significant question about the construction of early gentile Christian identity.
In 335 CE, in the context of an ecclesiastical gathering in Jerusalem to mark the dedication of the recently completed Church of the Holy Sepulchre—a project initiated by Constantine shortly after his defeat of Licinius eleven years earlier and his consequent emergence as sole ruler of the Roman Empire—a remarkable oration was delivered by Eusebius, the bishop of nearby Caesarea, in praise of the emperor and his accomplishments. After a brief description of the “lofty and noble structures” that Constantine had built to commemorate and honor the site of the Savior’s death and resurrection, Eusebius observed that some had questioned why so much effort and energy was devoted to the project. Apologist that he was, he saw these objections as providing him with an opportunity to proclaim in words what (he believed, and not without reason) Constantine was intending to proclaim in the imperial language of edifice and architecture (In Praise of Constantine 18.3). And so, addressing himself to the emperor, he set himself the task of proclaiming to everyone “the reasons and motives of your God-loving works” (11.7).
The address that follows—commonly referred to as On the Holy Sepulchre—is a kind of theological ethnography carried out within the framework of an encomium on the emperor and his accomplishments.1 Eusebius lays out an apologia for the religion of the emperor in which the history of redemption is intertwined with the history of the nations. His argument contains a number of connected themes: the multiplicity of nations itself as the locus of the malady for which the Savior offers “his heavenly cure”;2 the mission of the disciples to all the nations as the means by which this cure is made available; the Roman Empire, which established peace among the nations of the world, as an important element in the success of this mission; and the emergence of a unified empire under Constantine as the visible manifestation of the divine plan to overcome the division of the nations and to gather them into a harmonious unity, thus fulfilling the prophetic promise that Christ “shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth” (In Praise of Constantine 16.7).
While Eusebius does not portray the existence of multiple nations as inherently negative, he nevertheless establishes a close association between ethnic diversity and the various “evils which of old afflicted the whole human race [to pan tōn anthrōpōn genos]” (In Praise of Constantine 13.8). The root of the problem, as he portrays it, is “the polytheistic error of the nations [tōn ethnōn]” (15.8), an error that had two stages of development. The initial part of the problem had to do with the inability of human beings to recognize the Creator of the world, which led “each race [genos]” (13.5) to devise a multiplicity of other deities, variously identified with heavenly bodies, human passions, deified mortals, and even animals (13.1–6). Here Eusebius goes into considerable detail, listing a broad array of nations by name and describing their various religious practices.
The problem, however, went beyond mere human follies and fancies. Evil demons took advantage of the situation, using polytheistic worship as a means of insinuating themselves into human affairs (In Praise of Constantine 13.4–6) and thus infecting “the whole human race” (13.14) with a malady that first came to expression in human sacrifice (13.7–8) and then manifested itself in a variety of other noxious symptoms (13.9–14). Political disputes, open conflict and warfare, plunder and highway robbery, incest and other forms of sexual deviance, treachery and murder, brutality and dissolution—such was the hopeless situation of division, conflict, and vile immorality that “the nations of the whole world [ta kath’ holēs tēs oikoumenēs ethnē], both Greek and barbarian, driven mad by demonic forces” (13.9), had created for themselves.
While this list of vices and evils is commonplace for the most part, one item stands out—political disputes or, more precisely, “fierce contention over laws and forms of government [nomois te kai politeiais]” (In Praise of Constantine 13.9). One might wonder what place there could be in a list such as this for disputes over politeia, especially a place at the head of the list. But it is a measure of its significance that Eusebius returns to it a little later, when he is speaking of the positive benefits that have resulted from the death and resurrection of the Word of God. Here it appears not simply at the head of the list, but as the (penultimate) cause of the others. What has produced wars, atrocities, and suffering of every kind is the fact that “all the nations of old upon the earth [panta ta palai epi gēs ethnē], the entire human race [genos], were cut up into provincial, national, and local governments, tyrannies and many kinds of rule” (16.2). However, the multiplicity of nations, with their various forms of government, was not the ultimate cause of human evil, strife, and misery. For Eusebius, a nation’s politeia—its form of government or corporate way of life—was an essential element of its character as a nation, and the politeia of every nation of the world was founded on “the delusion of polytheistic error” (16.3). Thus the ultimate cause of the various evils plaguing humankind was the polytheistic (and thus demonic) foundation on which ethnic diversity was constructed.
This, then, was “the inveterate malady which had asserted its dominion over the whole human race” (In Praise of Constantine 13.14) and which, Eusebius goes on to proclaim, Christ had come to remediate. To be sure, the remedy had already been available to some extent through the words of the prophets, together with the example of those few men of old who had been able to discern the truth about God. But the tyranny of the “ruthless and soul-destroying demons and spirits” had progressed to such an extent that a superior form of help was needed (13.15).
Christ’s work, in part, was to reveal himself as the Word of God and thus to reveal the nature of the true God and creator of all things. Revelation, however, was not sufficient in itself; the power of the demons needed to be broken. This is precisely what was accomplished through the death and resurrection of the Savior:
For as soon as the one holy and mighty sacrifice, the sacred body of our Savior, had been slain on behalf of the human race, to be as a ransom for all nations [pantōn ethnōn] heretofore involved in the guilt of impious superstition, thenceforward the power of impure and unholy daemons was utterly abolished, and every earth-born and delusive error was at once weakened and destroyed. (In Praise of Constantine 15.11)
If Eusebius here locates the site of the victory in Christ’s death, he can also link it with the resurrection. When he picks up the theme in the next chapter, he declares that when Christ “was raised, as a trophy of victory over the ancient demons and as a means of averting evil, the works of these demons were at once destroyed” (16.3). Either way, however, the defeat of the demons was the goal and outcome of the divine operation.
Given that the demons’ sphere of operation was the nations themselves, it is not surprising that the next step in Eusebius’s history of redemption is the worldwide mission to the nations. Indeed, it is the defeat of the demons that opens the way for the “one God [to be] proclaimed to all” (In Praise of Constantine 16.3). This mission is carried out by the disciples, “who were destined … to communicate to all humankind that knowledge of God which he before ordained for all the nations [pasi tois ethnesi]” (15.7). It was a sign of Christ’s own power that he was able to take “obscure and unlettered men” and turn them into “the legislators and instructors of the human race,” composing “writings of such authority that they were translated into every language of Greeks and barbarians, and were read and pondered by all the nations [pasi tois ethnesi]” (17.9). Thus not only did Christ promise that “his gospel must be preached in all the world as a testimony to all the nations [pasi tois ethnesin]”; through the mission of his disciples he fulfilled it as well, “for within a little time the whole world [hē sympasa oikoumenē] was filled with his doctrine” (16.8).
The disciples, however, were not the sole agents of the worldwide success of the gospel. God was also at work through a second channel—the Roman Empire itself, which had its own role to play in overcoming the ethnic fractiousness of the human race. Eusebius attaches considerable significance to the fact that the emergence of “the doctrine of Christ” coincided with the emergence of the empire under Augustus: “so at the self-same period, the entire dominion of the Roman empire being nested in a single sovereign, profound peace reigned throughout the world” (In Praise of Constantine 16.4). Coincided, yes; but coincidence, no. For Eusebius, it was precisely “by the express appointment of the same God” that these “two roots of blessing, the Roman empire, and the doctrine of Christian piety, sprang up together for the benefit of humankind” (16.4). Working together, they were able to address the twin causes of the human malady—the division of the human race into hostile, warring nations; and the demonic forces at work in the polytheistic structures of the nations themselves:
But two mighty powers, starting from the same point, the Roman empire, which henceforth was swayed by a single sovereign, and the teaching of Christ, subdued and reconciled these contending elements. Our Savior’s mighty power destroyed at once the many governments and the many gods of the demons, and proclaimed to all humankind [pasin anthrōpois], both Greek and barbarian, to the extremities of the earth, the sole sovereignty of God himself. Meantime the Roman empire, the causes of multiplied governments being thus removed, effected an easy conquest of those which yet remained; its object being to unite all nations [pantoiōn ethnōn] in one harmonious whole; an object in great measure already secured, and destined to be still more perfectly attained, even to the final conquest of the ends of the habitable world [tēs oikoumenēs], by means of the salutary doctrine, and through the aid of that Divine power which facilitates and smooths its way. (16.5–6)
Even so, the “two roots of blessing” are not placed on a completely equal footing. Rome’s ability to unite the nations under one sovereign was dependent on the prior victory of the “Savior,” whose defeat of the demons effectively removed the underlying “causes of multiplied governments.”
While Eusebius may acknowledge that the divine purposes have not yet been “perfectly attained,” he nevertheless places the emphasis on the “great measure” to which these purposes have been “already secured.” The worship of the one God has spread throughout the inhabited world: “the ears and tongue of all humankind on earth [have been filled] with the praises of his name” (In Praise of Constantine 16.8); “spiritual and rational sacrifices are offered as a sacred service by all the nations [hapantōn tōn ethnōn] to the One Supreme God” (16.10); “in every region of the world of humankind,” Christ is “acknowledged by all the nations [tōn ethnōn hapantōn] as the only Son of God” (17.13). Accompanying the spread of true worship, people from every walk of life and every nation have been converted to piety, virtue, and peaceable relations with others: “multitudes from multitudes of nations” (myria myriōn ethnōn) have been instructed to live “a just and virtuous life” (17.6); “the whole human race, subdued by the controlling power of peace and concord, received one another as brethren, and responded to the feelings of their common nature” (16.7). Such transformation took place not only among individuals but among the nations as well: “the inveterate strife and mutual hatred of the nations [tōn ethnōn]” was a thing of the past (16.7); people could travel freely “from West to East, and from East to West,” as if the whole world was “their own native country [patridas]” (16.7); indeed, with the one God as their Father, and “true religion as their common mother, … the whole world [tēn sympasan oikoumenēn] appeared like one well-ordered and united family” (16.7).3 And all of this, Eusebius declares, is a fulfillment of the prophetic promises, especially those “which speak as follows concerning the saving Word. ‘He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.’ And again, ‘In his days shall righteousness spring up; and abundance of peace.’ ‘And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into sickles: and nation shall not take up sword against nation [ethnos ep’ ethnos], neither shall they learn to war any more’”4 (16.7).
It was, then, a remarkable oration, striking alike for its context as well as its content. Speaking in Jerusalem, “that city from which as from a fountain-head the Savior Word has issued forth to all humankind” (In Praise of Constantine 11.2), Eusebius addresses himself to the sole emperor of the Roman world, as he stands within a magnificent new edifice constructed by the emperor himself in honor of that Savior Word, whose devotee and subject he has now become. In vivid terms, Eusebius presents us with a vision in which the mission of the disciples and the empire of Rome function as divinely intended partners in a grand project, one in which all the nations of the inhabited world are gathered into a single unified dominion. What may have appeared at the outset to have been two distinct or even oppositional projects—the mission of the disciples to preach the gospel “to all nations [panta ta ethnē]” (16.8) and the campaign of the Roman Empire “to unite all nations [pantoiōn ethnōn]” (16.5)—turn out in the end to have been a single enterprise directed by the one God of all the nations, each of them dependent in its own way on the prior victory of Christ over the baleful influence of the demons. “Two mighty powers”—“the teaching of Christ” and “the Roman empire” (16.5)—one spreading outward from Jerusalem and the other from Rome, have joined forces, with the result that the “kingdom [basileia] of God” (16.6) and the “kingdom [basileia] of the Romans” (16.4) have merged into a single kingdom, at once earthly and divine, thus bringing to (almost complete) fulfillment the prophetic promises of an age of peace and righteousness among the nations of the world.
Although this remarkable vision was presented in the context of an oration for a very specific occasion, it drew on themes that were deeply embedded in Eusebius’s work as a whole.5 To be sure, in this oration, they are presented in accents that were missing in works written while the Eastern Empire was still ruled by Licinius, a time when Christians were at best tolerated and at worst (toward the end of his rule) persecuted once again. Nevertheless, Eusebius’s vision of the church as a universal people drawn from all the nations of the inhabited world, together with his belief in the providential role played by the Roman Empire, were by no means simple rhetorical flourishes worked up for the needs of the moment. To be sure, the historical moment was a fleeting one; had Eusebius lived to see the internecine conflicts among Constantine’s successors during the next quarter century, he might have been more inclined to put clearer theological daylight between the dominion of the Christ and the dominion of the Caesar.6 Still, despite the ironies that are all too painfully apparent from the standpoint of our own historical moment, it remains a remarkable oration.
We will return to Eusebius a little later. For now, however, let us shift the scene and consider an earlier oration, also in praise of the Roman Empire and the accomplishments of its emperor, this one delivered in the imperial court in Rome. The speaker on this occasion was Aelius Aristides, the highly learned orator and writer from Mysia, a member of a wealthy family with citizenship in Smyrna as well, and a leading figure in the Second Sophistic. He delivered the oration, Regarding Rome, on one of his two visits to Rome (144 or 155 CE), during the reign of Antoninus Pius.7
Following the conventions of the genre, Aristides begins his encomium by describing the difficulties facing any orator who would aspire to find words of praise commensurate with the glories of the city being praised (Regarding Rome 2–5). After touching on the geographical extent of the empire (6–13)—the course of the sun from its rising to its setting “is always in your land” (10)—he proceeds by way of comparison, setting the Roman Empire alongside “the empires which have gone before” (13), first the Persian (15–23) and then the Greek (24–57).8 The remainder of the oration consists of a more topical treatment of Roman superiority, dealing severally with civic and imperial administration, justice, military organization, benefaction, political constitution, and the like (57–106). He ends with a brief but elegant acclamation of the emperor and a prayer to the gods “that this empire and this city bloom forever” (107–9).
The dominant image that emerges from Regarding Rome is of the empire as an ideal, universal realm of peace, harmony, and good government, a common fatherland encompassing all races and nations, and thus a realization of the Greek philosophical and political vision of a single, civilized world (oikoumenē). Of particular interest here is the way in which this image is conveyed by means of the language of nation (ethnos), race (genos), and related terminology.9
In his comparison of Rome with the empires that went before, Aristides begins with the most readily apparent difference, its extent. If one starts at the westernmost boundary of the Persian Empire, he says, and measures from that point, what remains of the Roman Empire to the west is larger in itself than the whole of the Persian Empire. Nothing lies outside the Roman grasp, “neither city, nor nation [ethnos], nor harbor, nor land,” unless, he adds, it was useless to begin with. What for previous rulers were the ends of the earth are for Rome just the fence around the courtyard. Rome has not only discovered and explored “the ocean,” but (and here modern readers are permitted a smile) has even conquered “the island” that it contains (i.e., Britain).10
More impressive than the circumference of its boundaries, however, is the surpassing quality of its governance (Regarding Rome 29). Alexander may have conquered a lot of territory (24), but it was the Romans who discovered how to govern (51, 58). Earlier empires simply “did not know how to rule” (23). Despotic rule might work in a household, but when Rome’s predecessors attempted to extend it “to cities and nations [eis poleis te kai ethnē]” (23), the result was simply “hatred and plotting on the part of those who were treated in this way,” together with “revolts, civil war, continual strife and unceasing contention” (20). Rome, however, has discovered an ideal “form of government [politeian],” one that did not exist before (91).11 Under the efficient administration of “the rulers who are sent to the cities and the nations [eis tas poleis te kai ta ethnē],” “everything is accomplished by edict and by a sign of assent more easily than one would strike the chord of a lyre” (31). The governors consider their subjects not as “foreigners” (allotriōn), but as members of their own “household” (oikeiōn) (65). Likewise with the army, although it contains soldiers drawn from many races (genōn), everything is arrayed in an orderly fashion under “one man, whose authority is all pervasive and who oversees everything—nations [ethnē], cities, legions, the generals themselves,” and so on down the line to the individual soldier (88).
A particular aspect of Rome’s good government is its generosity in benefaction. While other rulers and empires “ruled over, as it were, only the naked bodies of their nations [tōn ethnōn], … you have filled your whole empire with cities and adornments” (Regarding Rome 92). With former sources of strife and conflict now a thing of the past, the only contention among “races” (genōn; 95) and cities (97) involves civic pride: every city “is full of gymnasiums, fountains, gateways, temples, handicrafts, and schools” (97).
Consequently, the empire is a worldwide domain of peace and security. Just a few “cohorts and cavalry troops are sufficient to guard whole nations [ethnōn holōn], and not even many of these are quartered throughout the cities of the races [tōn genōn]”; as a result, “many of the nations [polla tōn ethnōn]” do not even know where the nearest military garrison is located (Regarding Rome 67). In place of the disorder, strife, and bloodshed of the past, “total security, universal and clear to all, has been given to the earth itself and those who inhabit it” (104). “Now it is possible for both Greek and barbarian” to travel freely from one end of the empire to the other, just as if “he were going from one country of his to another” (100). It is no wonder, then, that “the whole inhabited world [hapasa hē oikoumenē] speaks in greater harmony than a chorus, praying that this empire last for all time” (29).
Although individual races and nations continue to exist, Aristides declares that they have been gathered up into a new form of shared identity. Rome governs as if the whole inhabited world were a single city, with each nation being a free citizen of this universal polis (Regarding Rome 36). Again, “what a city is to its boundaries and its territories, so this city is to the whole inhabited world” (61). Rome has turned into reality “that well-known saying, that the earth is the mother and the common fatherland [patris] of all” (100). It is now possible for people everywhere to become citizens of Rome; “no one is a foreigner [xenos] who deserves to hold office or to be trusted” (60). By giving others a share in the empire, Rome has even brought a new kind of race into being:
You used the word “Roman” to belong not to a city, but to be the name of a sort of common race [genous onoma koinou tinos], this not being one among the others but a balance to all the remaining ones. You do not now divide the races [ta genē] into Greeks and barbarians, … but you have divided people into Romans and non-Romans. So far have you extended the use of the city’s name. (63)
This new race can even be described as the “golden race [genous]” envisaged by Hesiod, for if Hesiod could have foreseen the empire of Rome, he would have placed the golden race not at the beginning of human generations but at the end (106).
In comparing the Roman Empire with what went before, Aristides uses the metaphor of illness and healing: “it can be said in medical terms that the inhabited world was, as it were, ill at the start and has now recovered” (Regarding Rome 97). A more striking comparison, however, is with the role of Zeus among the pantheon. Before the rule of Zeus was established, “everything was filled with faction, uproar and disorder,” but when Zeus came to rule, “the Titans were banished to the deepest corners of the earth,” and “everything was put in order.” Likewise with the Roman Empire, before, there was confusion and factionalism; after, “there entered in universal order and a glorious light” (103).
This comparison, though, leads Aristides to an additional point: “it seems that the gods, watching from above, in their benevolence join with you in making your empire successful and that they confirm your possession of it” (Regarding Rome 104). The gods themselves take great pleasure in the establishment of universal order—indeed, they actively support the enterprise—not least because Rome has put an end to a state of cultic disorder that involved even child sacrifice and has reestablished “the altars of the gods” (103–4). Beginning with Zeus, who approves of their “care for the inhabited world [tēs oikoumenēs] that he had made,” Aristides provides a roll call of the pantheon—Hera; Athena and Hephaestus; Dionysus and Demeter; Poseidon; Apollo, Artemis, and the Muses; Hermes; Aphrodite; Asclepius and the Egyptian gods; Ares—each with his or her own reasons for approval and support. Even “the Sun, who watches over all things, has seen under you no act of violence or of injustice nor things of the sort which were frequent in former times” (105).
Just before bringing his encomium to an end with a prayer to the gods, Aristides turns to the emperor and makes one final comparison. “The present ruler” stands head and shoulders above his predecessors, precisely because of the degree to which he has given outsiders a place within the household of the empire: “he has treated as equals his partners in the administration of the empire, whom he regards as kinsfolk [oikeious], and … he has more of them than any of his predecessors” (Regarding Rome 107).
As should be readily apparent, there are striking points of connection between this oration and the one delivered by Eusebius almost two centuries later. Before turning our attention to these, however, let us shift the scene one more time and consider a third oration, this one even earlier.
Toward the end of the Acts of the Apostles (25:23–26:32), we are presented with an account of a speech delivered by the apostle Paul in the city of Caesarea, to an audience consisting of Porcius Festus (the Roman governor of Judea, 60–62 CE), Agrippa II (client-king of territories east of the Jordan, with additional authority over the temple in Jerusalem), his sister (and, it was rumored, consort) Bernice, together “with the military tribunes and the prominent men of the city” (25:23). When Festus took up his office, Paul had already spent two years in Roman custody because of charges brought against him by “the chief priests and the elders of the Jews” (25:15). The charges arose from controversies having to do with Paul’s preaching among the gentiles (literally, “the nations [ethnē]”),12 which were precipitated in part by a visit of Paul to the temple in Jerusalem. Wanting to move the case forward, Festus arranged a hearing, at the end of which Paul, objecting to a suggestion that his case be decided by a tribunal in Jerusalem, appealed instead to Caesar, a request readily granted by Festus (25:6–12). Not long afterward, when Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to pay their respects, Festus described both the case and his own bewilderment: instead of the sorts of charges he was expecting, what were brought forward were “points of disagreement about their own religion [deisidaimonias, “modes of fearing the gods”] and about a certain Jesus, who had died but whom Paul asserted to be alive” (25:19). In response to Agrippa’s expression of interest in meeting Paul, Festus invited him to a hearing that he had arranged for the purpose of getting a better sense of what report he might forward to the emperor’s tribunal—“for it seems to me unreasonable to send a prisoner without indicating the charges against him” (25:27). This is the gathering in which Paul’s speech is delivered.
We encounter this speech in the context of a third-party narrative, and thus it differs in character from those of Eusebius and Aristides, which come to us as the compositions of the orators themselves. We will not concern ourselves here with questions of history, asking about Luke’s possible sources, trying to reconstruct events that might lie behind the account or asking how closely the content of the speech might reflect Paul’s own lines of thought. For present purposes, it is sufficient to take the speech as it stands, as Luke’s own narrative reconstruction of what, in his perception of things, Paul might have said in such a situation.13 Further, instead of an encomium on the Roman Empire and its ruler, Paul’s speech is a defense (cf. apologeisthai [Acts 26:2]) against the charges facing him. In addition, the defense is addressed not to the emperor but to Agrippa and Festus.14 Nevertheless, given that both Agrippa and Festus were agents of Rome and that Paul has appealed to Caesar, the oration is addressed indirectly to the emperor as well.
Paul’s defense unfolds as a narrative of his own conversion, call, and subsequent activity as a preacher to the gentiles. His accusers (he says) are well aware of his story. He was raised “among my own nation [tō ethnei mou] and in Jerusalem” (Acts 26:4). He lived as a Pharisee, the strictest of the Jewish groups (v. 5). As a member of this group, he was convinced that he needed to oppose those associated with “the name of Jesus of Nazareth” (v. 9) and so persecuted them ferociously, not only in Jerusalem but in foreign cities as well. In the course of this activity, while he was on his way to Damascus, he was accosted by “a light from heaven, brighter than the sun” (v. 13), and heard a voice, which turned out to be that of the risen Jesus himself. After briefly acknowledging the matter of the persecution, Jesus announced to Paul that he was appointing him as a servant and witness, and sending him to the gentiles [tōn ethnōn], “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God” and thus be forgiven of their sins and granted a place among the holy ones (v. 18). From that day to this, says Paul, he has carried out this commission, preaching a message that is nothing other than what Moses and the prophets had foretold: “that the Messiah must suffer, and that, by being the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to the people [of Israel] and to the Gentiles [tō te laō kai tois ethnesin]” (v. 23). Thus, as he says at the outset of the speech, what he was really on trial for was his commitment to “the promise made by God to our ancestors” (v. 6).
As Paul’s speech comes to an end, what had been an account of his preaching activity quickly switches into another instance of it. In response to Festus’s bemused interjection—“You are out of your mind, Paul! Too much learning is driving you insane!” (Acts 26:24)—he changes from defendant to witness (in the evangelistic rather than the juridical sense of the term), attempting to convince Festus and all his hearers to become Christians. While his attempt met with no apparent success, it did at least lead Festus and Agrippa to conclude that he was “doing nothing to deserve death or imprisonment,” and that, if he had not appealed to Caesar, he could have been set free (vv. 31–32). Whether Paul ever had the opportunity to present his defense in the context of an imperial tribunal in Rome is something about which Luke is silent.
These three orations span more than two centuries, take place in quite different urban locales (Caesarea, Rome, Jerusalem), and are written by authors with significantly diverse background, training, and conviction. The diversity would be even greater if we were to include Paul directly, and not just through later Lukan reflection—for example, if we were also to consider his letter to the church in Rome and the defense of his preaching to the gentiles that we find there. Brought into juxtaposition with each other, these orations crackle with sparks of interaction—points of connection, striking similarities and contrasts, unexpected ironies, provocative implied questions, and the like.
The most striking contrast, of course, has to do with the composition and context of the Christian movement as reflected in the Acts narrative, at one end of the period, and in Eusebius’s oration at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, at the other. At the outset—at the time of Paul’s Damascus experience, say—what eventually came to be called Christianity consisted of a cluster of renewal movements located within the boundaries of the Jewish world. This world itself was a variegated phenomenon, and the groups of Jewish Christ-believers both reflected and added to the variety. The membership of the movement was almost entirely Jewish, and although non-Jews began to be included, the terms of their inclusion was a matter of considerable controversy. Indeed, variegation within the movement was largely generated by disagreements about the inclusion of gentiles, together with differing stances toward the wider non-Jewish world more generally. Judea was subject to Rome, of course, and so the movement from the very beginning stood in an implicit relationship to the Roman Empire. Still, the most obvious aspect of this relationship was the fact that its founder had suffered an ignominious Roman execution.
By the time of Eusebius, Christianity (now a standard term) had spread throughout the Mediterranean world and had become sufficiently well established among the general population that,15 not only was it adopted by the emperor himself, but Constantine felt sufficiently confident of popular support that he could embark on an active policy of advancing the status and interests of the church in the empire as a whole.16 One who had been executed by Rome as a troublemaker in a dusty outpost of the empire had now become a deity worshiped by the emperor himself and a substantial proportion of his subjects. While Eusebius was prone to exaggeration, still it is not without significance that he could, without hesitation or fear of ridicule, challenge anyone to refute his claim “that whole myriads in crowds together of women, and children, slaves and free, obscure and illustrious, barbarians and Greeks alike, in every place and city and district in all the nations [pasi tois … ethnesi] under the sun,” had wholeheartedly embraced the Christian teaching (Preparation for the Gospel 1.4.11). Needless to say, the population of the movement with which Eusebius identified was now almost entirely gentile. Of course, few Christians from “all the nations under the sun” would have thought of themselves as ethnē in the specifically Jewish sense of the term—that is, as members of non-Jewish nations or gentiles. A more accurate way of putting it would be to say that the population of the movement included very few Jews. While forms of (what is usually described as) Jewish Christianity continued to exist,17 for a member of the orthodox mainstream such as Eusebius, they were now a marginal oddity.18 To be sure, the continuing existence of a recognizable Jewish Christianity serves as a reminder that diversity was a feature of the movement in Eusebius’s day no less than in Paul’s. At this later stage of development, however, diversity was driven by substantially different issues, and the days were long past when division would have taken place over the question whether gentile believers would need to become full torah-observers in order to be admitted. At this stage, for an orthodox Christian like Eusebius, the issue would have been turned on its head: it would have been controversial—even heretical—to suggest that Jews could be admitted to the church while continuing to be full torah-observers.
It is a dizzying experience to move from the world of Acts 26 to that of Eusebius’s On the Holy Sepulchre, and from the Caesarea of Paul’s day to the Caesarea of its bishop, Eusebius, during the reign of Constantine.19 Or at least it should be. Given the Christian foundations of Western culture, however, the natural tendency of those whose perceptions have been shaped by this culture is to take this transition for granted, to see the Christianization of the Roman world as the natural outcome of an inevitable process. For many in the Western world, it takes a prodigious act of imagination to extricate ourselves from this inherited context and to put ourselves into a position where we can perceive the sheer improbability of it all.
Once the inevitable has become the improbable, of course, questions of causality and explanation immediately present themselves. As Rodney Stark has put it:
Finally, all questions concerning the rise of Christianity are one: How was it done? How did a tiny and obscure messianic movement from the edge of the Roman Empire dislodge classical paganism and become the dominant faith of Western civilization?20
Stark is just one of the latest in a long line of scholars who have attempted to answer the question, a line that begins with Eusebius himself and continues on through Gibbon, Voltaire, Harnack, Nock, Lietzmann, Frend, MacMullen, and many others.21 It is certainly not my intention here to make any attempt to append myself to this list; I will leave this to those with the expertise and qualifications necessary for the task. Rather, I want to make a small contribution by picking up and examining one thread that is present throughout the whole process.
We begin, again, with Eusebius. As we have seen, he places great emphasis on what might be called the transethnic character of the Christian movement. As Johnson has observed, the idea of “the church from the nations” plays a significant role in Eusebius’s agenda.22 For him it is an essential characteristic of the Christian movement that its members have been drawn from all the nations, that it has established itself among all the nations, and so on. In fact, Eusebius goes beyond such partitive expressions (“from,” “among”) to speak of nations apparently in their entirety: the Son of God has been recognized “by all the nations” (In Praise of Constantine 17.12); Christian worship is offered “by all the nations” (16.10); the writings of the apostles are accepted as the oracles of God “by all the nations” (17.8; panta ta ethnē in each case). The language is hyperbolic but nevertheless revealing. There is an irreducible ethnic—and transethnic—element in Eusebius’s ecclesiastical demographic; the nations represent a fundamental building block in the construction of Christianismos as he understands it.23
Further, this aspect of Christian reality is embedded in a larger construction—a theological ethnography, as I have called it—that undergirds much of Eusebius’s work and is visible in condensed form in On the Holy Sepulchre, even if some aspects of it are left largely in the shadows and need to be filled in from his other writings. Tracing the history of the nations in their political, moral, and religious characteristics, he lays a foundation both for his account of the history of redemption and for his work in redrawing the internal boundaries within “the whole human race,” a boundary-making project that enables him to position Christianity favorably with respect to other pertinent demographic categories (Romans, Greeks, barbarians, and Jews).
Placing Eusebius alongside Paul, however, brings another ethnic boundary into view. The message of Christ, Paul says, is one to be proclaimed both to “the people”—that is, the people of Israel, the Jews—and to “the Gentiles” (Acts 26:23). Further, he himself was imprisoned because of Jewish perceptions that he had violated the boundary between Jews and gentiles. Gentiles, of course, renders ethnē, the same term that runs through Eusebius’s theological ethnography, normally rendered as nations. The transition reflected by the contrast between Acts 26 and Eusebius’s On the Holy Sepulchre, then, is one in which a mission to the gentiles (ethnē) carried out by Paul and other Jewish Christ-believers (which the Roman governor dismisses as irrelevant madness) develops into a transethnic “church from all the nations [ethnē]” (which the Roman emperor adopts as his own and promotes with enthusiasm). Before reflecting further on this transition, however, a brief digression is necessary to consider this Jewish use of ethnē as a way of marking the boundary between us and them, and on the limitations of the English term.24
This boundary language first appears in the Hebrew Scriptures, where it functioned solely in corporate terms—to speak of “the people [hā‘ām] of Israel” in contrast to “the (other) nations” (haggôyîm). When the Scriptures were translated into Greek, these terms were rendered as ho laos and ta ethnē, respectively. In the later Hellenistic period, however, ethnē came to be used not only with reference to nations but also to (non-Jewish) individuals. In such instances, of course, nations is a quite inappropriate rendering of ethnē. To take a pertinent example from Paul’s letters (Gal 2:12), when Paul says that Peter used to eat “with the ethnē,” he was describing a situation in which Peter’s table companions were individual non-Jews, not nations. The usefulness of the term gentiles, which derives from the Latin adjective gentilis and came into English (and other languages) via the Vulgate, is that it denotes non-Jewish individuals.
Its usefulness comes with an attendant cost, however. The cost is highest in passages such as Acts 26:23, where ta ethnē clearly refers to nations (since it is paired with ho laos) rather than individuals: the message preached by Paul pertains both to the people Israel and to the non-Jewish nations. But even in a passage such as Gal 2:12, to say that Peter used to eat with the gentiles serves to obscure or even eliminate the corporate-ethnic overtones that usually hover about the term ethnē. The issue at play in Galatians is that Peter had at one point been willing to cross the boundary that separated the Jewish people from their ethnic other, the non-Jewish nations. In passages such as these, it would be more accurate to speak of non-Jewish nations (where ethnic entities are in view) or members of non-Jewish nations (when the reference is to individuals). Such phrases, however, are probably too cumbersome to serve as fully acceptable substitutes, and so I will not attempt to avoid gentile and gentiles in what follows. Nevertheless, where clarity is necessary, I will use more accurate formulations; where the common terms appear, they should be seen as convenient shorthand for more complex realities.25
To return to Paul and Eusebius, Eusebius is well aware of the special use of ethnē as a way of referring to non-Jewish nations and individuals. The usage does not appear in his On the Holy Sepulchre; although he mentions the Jewish race (genos) or nation (ethnos) on two occasions (16.5; 17.8), he does not set it in explicit contrast with the ethnē.26 Elsewhere, however, he frequently uses ethnē in contexts where the term is explicitly set over against the Jews or the Jewish nation. In most of these instances, the term appears with reference to Christian preaching to non-Jews and the emergence of gentile Christianity.27 The prophets foretold “that the advent of Christ and the falling away of the Jews would be followed by the call of the Gentiles [tōn ethnōn]” (Preparation for the Gospel 1.3.14). Until that falling away had fully manifested itself, the earliest apostles were not yet in a position “to transmit the word of faith to Gentiles [ethnesin],” and so they “announced it only to Jews” (Ecclesiastical History 2.1.8). Subsequently, however, while Peter continued to preach “to those of the circumcision,” Paul, “in his preaching to those from the Gentiles [tois ex ethnōn], laid the foundations of the churches from Jerusalem round about unto Illyricum” (Ecclesiastical History 3.4.1). The usage is frequently encountered, and the point is not controversial.28
It is clear, then, that Eusebius would see the church from the nations of his own day as the culmination of the mission to the gentiles that was foretold by the prophets, commanded by Christ and initiated by Paul and other Jewish preachers. Indeed, in one passage, he explicitly connects the two in a very personal way. Responding to questions about why (non-Jewish) Christians should use and venerate Jewish Scriptures, he says that “we have accepted and loved as belonging to ourselves the sacred books of the Hebrews” precisely because of these prophecies “relating to us Gentiles [hēmōn tōn ethnōn]” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.4.1). He continues by quoting not only a number of these “prophecies” (Pss 9:20; 96:3–8, 10; 98:1–3; Isa 2:3) but also Jesus’s command to the disciples that they go and “make disciples of all the ethnē” (Matt 28:19–20). In this context, then, his use of the first-person plural (“us Gentiles”) thus serves both to characterize the church in his own day as a gentile entity and to identify this church with the early Christian mission to the gentiles.
Thus, although Eusebius does not make an explicit contrast between Jews and gentiles in On the Holy Sepulchre, we are certainly justified to see a connection between the story that unfolds in his oration and Paul’s narrative in Acts 26 concerning his call to proclaim Christ among the non-Jewish ethnē, the gentiles. In this regard, other points of connection immediately present themselves. Like Eusebius, Paul understands the mission to the gentiles to be a fulfillment of prophetic promises—precisely “what the prophets and Moses said would take place” (v. 22). Further, Eusebius’s emphasis on the power of the demons has a certain counterpart in Paul’s address—the gentiles are under “the power [exousias] of Satan” and need to have their eyes opened so that “they may turn from darkness to light” (v. 18). Also, as we have noted, Paul’s address is placed within a Roman imperial framework, with the emperor himself being called on to render a decision about the degree of tolerance to be given to Paul’s mission.
Of course, there are differences as well, both the obvious differences in the composition and status of the Christian movement between the first and fourth centuries (not to mention the ethnic identities of Paul and Eusebius), and more specific differences in detail. In Paul’s address, for example, more latitude is given to a mission to the Jews: the message of light pertains “both to the people [of Israel] and to the Gentiles” (v. 23); Paul proclaimed his message throughout Judea “and also to the Gentiles” (v. 20).29
While it is not my purpose at this juncture to carry out a detailed comparison, it will aid our initial reflections if we fill in some gaps by looking at the place of the Jews in Eusebius’s theological ethnography as it appears in other works. Central to this is a distinction he makes between the Hebrews and the Jews, though to describe this we need to look again at the larger picture.
In much of his work, Eusebius is concerned to construct an identity for the Christian movement by locating it with respect to the various nations and ethnic groupings that constitute what he frequently refers to as the human race. Nations are characterized by their way of life (politeia), which, in turn, is founded on their mode of religion (tropos theosebeias or tropos eusebeias).30 While each nation has its own specific character, he argues that there are three broad types (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.8–16). The most widespread type, fully in view in On the Holy Sepulchre, is found among all those nations that are fully enslaved to the demons. As we have seen, this mode of religion developed in two stages. At the outset, it involved simply the worship of created entities as gods. In On the Holy Sepulchre, Eusebius attributes the development of this mode of worship simply to the nations’ inability to perceive and recognize the creator of all (In Praise of Constantine 13.5). Elsewhere, however, the picture is a little more detailed. The worship of “things seen in the heavens, the sun and moon and stars,” he says, was something allowed to the nations as a kind of accommodation to human weakness, either by God directly (citing Deut 4:19) or by the angelic guardians assigned to the nations (citing Deut 32:8).31 Even so, this divine accommodation did not extend to the worship of other created beings, including divinized humans, animals, and other named gods. In the second stage, the demons took advantage of this situation of divine accommodation corrupted by human weakness. Infiltrating polytheistic worship, they soon had brought all nations under their sway. Outside On the Holy Sepulchre, this story is repeated and elaborated, as Eusebius describes the rebellion of Lucifer/Satan and the fall of his band of renegade angels (Preparation for the Gospel 7.16.8; Demonstration of the Gospel 4.9.1–12).
From earliest times, however, there was one nation that followed “the opposite course” (Preparation for the Gospel 7.3.1), that of the Hebrews. Observing the visible world, they were able to perceive “the Maker and Creator of the universe” who stood behind it and whom they worshiped as the only God. Beginning with the appearance of the Word “to one or two of the God-fearing [theophilōn] men of old,” the Hebrews eventually became “a whole nation [ethnos]” (Ecclesiastical History 1.2.21, 22). Living fully in accordance with nature and in freedom from the tyranny of the passions, they “enjoyed a free and unfettered mode of religion [eusebeias],” so that they “had no need of laws to rule them” (Preparation for the Gospel 7.6.4). With the implication in this statement that a life ruled by laws is an inferior mode of religion, one begins to see the sort of distinction Eusebius will make between the Hebrews and the Jews. Indeed, the Hebrew nation consists essentially of the Genesis patriarchs, though the line continues with Moses, the prophets, and some others, as we will see.
Although the nation of the Jews takes its name from Judah (Preparation for the Gospel 7.6.2), it comes into being only with the giving of the law by Moses. It is only when “the system of Moses’ Law had … been brought into being” that one can begin to speak of Jews and Judaism; the Hebrews who lived before this, therefore, “were not Jews” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.4, 5). The law of Moses, which brought the Jewish nation into being, was necessitated by the debilitating effects of the sojourn in Egypt. After the death of Joseph, the noble example of their Hebrew forebears gradually faded under the corrosive influence of the Egyptian way of life, so that they “came round in their modes of living to customs similar to those of the Egyptians” and eventually were virtually indistinguishable in character from them (Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.37). So it was that when Moses arrived on the scene, he found them “unable through moral weakness to emulate the virtue of their fathers, inasmuch as they were enslaved by passions and sick in soul” (Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.38). The law, then, is to be seen as a remedial—rather than ideal—mode of religion and way of life. It is medicine to heal a race “worn away by the terrible disease of Egypt” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.31), a “polity [politeia] that corresponded to their condition” (Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.39), and thus “a lower and less perfect way of life” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.31) than that which characterized the Hebrews who preceded them. Even so, aspects of the ideal mode of religion that most of them, in their weakened state, were not able to understand were nevertheless present in the law in the form of “symbols and shadows” (Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.39).
It is only in the form of these symbols and shadows that the law has any relevance to the wider world of the nations as a whole. Eusebius is fond of pointing out that much of the law cannot be fulfilled outside Judea. Pilgrimage festivals, purification after childbirth, removing corpse defilement, and many other requirements of the law all require residence in the land and proximity to the temple, which means that it was never intended as a mode of religion and way of life for “god-fearing people from all the nations [tous ex hapantōn tōn ethnōn theosebēsontas]” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.16).
Still, at the level of symbol and shadow, the law has had some influence. Pointing to what in his view are the admirable qualities of the Greek philosophical tradition—its monotheistic high points (“knowledge of the worship of the One Supreme God”; Preparation for the Gospel 10.1.1), condemnation of the mythological accounts of the gods, concern for virtue and the soul, and so on—he argues that the Greeks got all these things from the Hebrews, who had possessed them long before the Greek nation appeared. “The wise men of the Greeks have been zealous imitators of the Hebrew doctrines,” he declares (Preparation for the Gospel 10.14.19).
To the extent that Eusebius praises the Greeks, however, he does so just to shift them to a less favorable location in his map of the nations than the one to which they themselves would lay claim. The Greeks are inveterate borrowers. What is good in their tradition they took from the Hebrews; the rest—especially their polytheistic mode of religion (with its demonic underpinnings)—they adopted from the barbarians (Preparation for the Gospel 10.1.1–3). Even more, Eusebius on occasion classes the Hebrews among the barbarians,32 which has the effect of turning the traditional Greek-barbarian binary on its head.
Eusebius thus takes the two traditional ethnic maps of the world—one divided into Jews and gentiles, the other into Greeks and barbarians—and redraws them to produce three groups of nations. While he does not erase the Greek/barbarian distinction entirely,33 there is no difference between them as far as their mode of religion and way of life are concerned. Together they constitute the first group, consisting of “all the nations” under the power of demonic polytheism. Thus the Jew/gentile distinction remains, but the Jews, defined by the law of Moses, represent only a partial advance on the gentiles. With the law of Moses functioning as a kind of first aid for polytheists, they “have reached the first step of holiness” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.62) and thus constitute the second group.
The third group are the Christians, those from all the nations who have ascended to the heights “by the stair of Gospel teaching” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.62). In his life and person, Christ, the quintessential Hebrew of the Hebrews,34 has fully revealed the mode of religion and way of life first grasped by the Hebrews; in his death and resurrection, he has demolished the power of the demons and has made this mode of religion and way of life accessible to the nations. Christianity, as a consequence, is “exactly that third form of religion,” which, says Eusebius, “I have already deduced as the most ancient and most venerable of all religions, and which has been preached of late to all nations [pasi tois ethnesi] through our Savior” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.9). As such it is “the most ancient organization [politeuma] for piety” and “the most venerable philosophy” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.10). Thus even as this “third form of religion” has drawn its members from all the nations of the world, it is at the same time also a renewal of the ancient nation of the Hebrews.35 In this sense, Eusebius can also describe it as a “new nation [neon ethnos]” (Ecclesiastical History 1.4.2). All of this was fully anticipated by the Hebrews themselves; Eusebius carries out an extensive exegetical argument, especially in the Demonstration of the Gospel, in which a whole array of scriptural references to the ethnē are read as anticipations of the conversion of the gentiles and the creation of the church from the nations.36
For all intents and purposes, then, Christianity for Eusebius is a gentile entity.37 To be sure, he can make statements reminiscent of Paul’s both/and (“both to our people and to the Gentiles”; Acts 26:23). For example, with reference to God’s promises to Abraham, he says that “in days to come not only Abraham’s descendants, his Jewish seed, but all the tribes of the earth and all the nations [panta ta ethnē] will be counted worthy of God’s blessing” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.12). Later, at the end of his collection of proof texts in the Demonstration, he claims to have demonstrated “that the presence of Christ was intended to be the salvation not only of the Jews, but of all nations [tois pasin ethnesin] as well” (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.2.20).38 These promises of salvation, however, have been fulfilled without remainder in the experience of the Jewish believers in the early days of the church—“a small and scanty number,” consisting only of “the disciples, apostles and evangelists of our Savior, and all the others of the circumcision who believed on Him at the time of the falling away of their whole nation.”39 Except for this small remnant, now a thing of the past, the Jewish nation as a whole has been “lost” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.1.8).
The second of Eusebius’s three modes of religion, then, was a temporary thing, an “intermediate period” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.31) lasting only until the coming of Christ.40 He puts considerable emphasis on Gen 49:10, Jacob’s deathbed blessing of Judah: “A ruler shall not be wanting from Judah, and a leader from his thighs, until the things stored up for him come, and he is the expectation of nations [ethnōn].” In Eusebius’s reading, the period in which the Jews were able “to live under the native rulers of the nation,” a period that began with Moses, came to an end with the accession of the foreigner Herod, which coincided both with the emergence of Augustus as the first Roman emperor and, of course, with the birth of Christ, the “expectation of the nations” himself (Ecclesiastical History 1.6.1–4).
Except for the tiny remnant, “the Jewish nation as a whole” (to pan Ioudaiōn ethnos) rejected Christ, preferring to cling to an obsolete mode of religion and way of life.41 The consequences were swift. Quoting Josephus, Eusebius recounts some of the woes experienced by the Jews in their war with Rome, so that his readers may be able to see “how the punishment of God followed close after them for their crime against the Christ of God” (Ecclesiastical History 3.5.7).42 The punishment represented by the destruction of Jerusalem itself was compounded in that, now deprived of the temple and thus also of the possibility of fulfilling the law, they were subject to the curse prescribed by the law itself for those who did not fulfill it.43 The destruction of the temple by the Romans thus functions for Eusebius as a historical demonstration of the temporary nature of the mode of religion based on the law of Moses.
While the punishment of the Jews and the gathering of the church from the gentiles are thus linked in Eusebius’s construction, at one level it is not a simple cause-and-effect process, with the rejection of the Jewish nation serving as the precondition of the mission to the gentiles, who are brought in to take their place. Part of Moses’s intent in concentrating the functioning of the law around the temple was that when the temple was no more, the Jews “of necessity … would have to receive the new covenant announced by Christ” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.38). In other words, the new covenant theoretically could have been a both/and mode of religion; the Jews could have—should have—recognized the temporary character of the Mosaic politeia and joined with the other nations of the world in turning to Christ. At the same time, however, Eusebius believes that the fate of the Jews was also anticipated by the prophets: “Yes, the Hebrew oracles foretell distinctly the fall and ruin of the Jewish nation [tou Ioudaiōn ethnous] through their disbelief in Christ, so that we should no longer appear equal to them, but better than they” (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.2.21). This statement is followed by an equally lengthy list of prophetic proof texts (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.3.1–29). In the end, then, a both/and outcome was only a theoretical possibility. From the outset, the prophets knew that the salvation of the gentiles would be accompanied by the failure of the Jews; they foresaw that “though one nation were lost, every nation and race of men [pan ethnos kai genos anthrōpōn] would know God, escape from the demons, cease from ignorance and deceit and enjoy the light of holiness” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.1.8). In fact, Eusebius sees the fulfillment of these prophecies in his own day—the emergence of a worldwide church drawn from all the nations, and the ongoing woes of the Jewish nation as it mourns the loss of its land and temple—as “the works of our Savior in our own age” (In Praise of Constantine 17.1) and thus as an incontrovertible “demonstration” of the truth of the gospel itself.44
The destruction of the temple brings us back to the Roman Empire, which occupies an important place in Eusebius’s religious history of the human race. After the conversion of Constantine, the redrawn map of the human race that Eusebius had developed in earlier works is placed even more firmly within a framework provided by the Roman Empire. Rome is now no longer simply the providential means by which God had brought to an end the “intermediate period” of the Mosaic law and facilitated the spread of the gospel to all the nations. Now that the transethnic mission of the gospel had coalesced with Rome’s project of extending its sovereignty to the ends of the inhabited world, the empire has become a partner with the church in an overarching mission of drawing all the nations, Greek and barbarian alike, into the new nation founded on the mode of religion and way of life first exemplified by the ancient Hebrews.
To gain perspective on this merger of evangelic mission and imperial ideology, let us return to Aelius Aristides. As has been noted, one cannot read Aristides’s Regarding Rome alongside Eusebius’s On the Holy Sepulchre without being struck by the similarities, both in the overall shape of these two orations in praise of Rome and in specific details. To be sure, there are significant differences that will occupy our attention in a moment. But Aristides, no less than Eusebius, commends Rome for the extent to which it has achieved its goal “to unite all nations in one harmonious whole.”45
As we have seen, both of them emphasize the unprecedented extent of the Roman Empire, even using the same image of the daily course of the sun to make the point.46 Both draw attention to the peace and harmony that characterize the empire, attributing this to the rule of the emperor as a single sovereign and the establishment of a common politeia.47 Both praise the emperor for his generous benefactions in the form of magnificent building projects.48 In both works, the population of the empire is described as a single family or race inhabiting a common native land,49 and both illustrate this by pointing to the fact that people are able to travel freely from one end of the empire to the other.50 Common to both works is a contrast between the present state of affairs and the violence and disarray that were endemic in the world in previous times;51 common, too, are the images of healing and enlightenment that are used to describe this contrast.52 Also, despite their differences on this point, both Aristides and Eusebius describe the contrast in religious terms: with divine help and approval, the Roman Empire has restored proper worship, putting an end to a state of religious disorder that even involved widespread child sacrifice.53
Of course, this description elides significant points of contrast. For Eusebius, the one whose rule is coextensive with the course of the sun is “our Savior”;54 he also is the one who enlightens the nations, and so on down the line. While the emperor has come in to join forces with Christ in this grand program of uniting the nations, Christ as the divine Word is the primary agent in it all. The major portion of the story of redemption history that Eusebius narrates in On the Holy Sepulchre could be told without reference to a Christian emperor. As indeed it had been, in the more detailed accounts that we have drawn on above (especially Preparation for the Gospel and Demonstration of the Gospel), works—it should be noted—that were completed prior to Constantine’s victory in 324 CE, when Eusebius and the eastern part of the empire were still under the rule of Licinius.
In comparing Eusebius’s On the Holy Sepulchre with Aristides’s Regarding Rome, then, we should recognize the existence of two layers in Eusebius’s work. At the top layer, representing the period after the emergence of Constantine as the sole emperor, it can be said that Eusebius and Aristides are carrying out analogous enterprises; both are engaged in the praise of Rome and its role in uniting and enlightening the nations. This layer, however, is simply superimposed on an earlier construction, without occasioning much rebuilding of what was already there. To be sure, Rome had a place in the earlier construction as well. There Eusebius had assigned it a providential role—emerging at the same time as Christ; punishing the Jews and destroying the temple; providing the worldwide infrastructure that facilitated the spread of the gospel. Nevertheless, Rome was able to play this role effectively only because Christ had already done the redemptive heavy lifting; it was only because the demonic forces had been defeated by Christ in his death and resurrection that Rome was able to extend its domain and rule so effectively. In his later work, including On the Holy Sepulchre,55 the role of the Roman Empire, with a Christian emperor at its helm, was upgraded from that of a useful beneficiary of Christ’s redeeming work to that of a partner with the church in the task of establishing the benefits of Christ’s work among the nations. Nevertheless, even in On the Holy Sepulchre, the success of the empire was dependent on what Christ had already accomplished. It was only because Christ had first “destroyed at once the many governments and the many gods of the powers of darkness” that “the Roman empire, the causes of multiplied governments being thus removed,” was able to effect “an easy conquest of those [nations] which yet remained” and move decisively toward its goal “to unite all nations [pantoiōn ethnōn] in one harmonious whole” (In Praise of Constantine 16.6).
While Eusebius differs greatly from Aristides at the level of his basic construction, the points of similarity remain pertinent, though in a somewhat different way. Although Aristides is from one of the provinces, it is fair to see his Regarding Rome as a representation of imperial ideology—an oration that praises the empire by reflecting back to a Roman audience Rome’s own image of itself, at least the self-portrait that it presents for public display. The points of similarity with Eusebius suggest that we might see the latter’s narrative of the redemptive unification of the nations as an attempt to mimic imperial ideology—a kind of counternarrative that draws on elements of the story that Rome tells about itself in order to present the Christian movement in terms that would both resonate with and compete with the dominant imperial narrative. In material written after Constantine’s victory over Licinius, the two narratives are merged, the Roman Empire being assigned a new role in the Christian narrative alongside that of the church, with the intention that the counternarrative might itself become the official story of a Christian empire.
As was observed at the outset, On the Holy Sepulchre is essentially an apologetic work; Eusebius was using the occasion and the broad audience it afforded him to make a persuasive case for the religion of the emperor. In the opening section of his earlier work Preparation for the Gospel, Eusebius describes the apologetic challenges he sets out to meet in this work and its sequel, Demonstration of the Gospel. The challenges come on one side from the Greeks and on the other from the Jews. Both sets of challenges have to do with Christian identity; both sets operate within the framework of ethnicity.
The Greeks, says Eusebius, accuse Christians of deserting their ancestral family and kinfolk and revolting against (apostantes) “those ancestral gods by whom every nation and every city [pan ethnos kai pasa polis] is sustained.” What is worse, they have exchanged these forms of worship, established from “the earliest time, among all Greeks and barbarians,” for “the foreign mythologies of the Jews,” those “impious enemies of all nations [pasin ethnesi].” What is doubly worse is that they have not really become Jews; while they have based their claim on Jewish mythologies, they refused to follow those customs that characterize the Jews as a distinctive people. Thus the Christians are neither Greek, nor barbarian, nor Jewish. They have cut themselves off from the ethnic map of the human race and are wandering in “a pathless desert.”56
From their side, says Eusebius, the Jews complain that the Christians, who are “strangers and aliens” (allophyloi ontes kai allogeneis), nevertheless lay claim to the Scriptures of the Jews, but then simply misunderstand and misuse them. The most egregious misuse is that Christians claim the Scriptures for their own but refuse to follow the law that lies at the heart of the Scriptures. How can they think that they can ignore and even break the law and still expect to receive “the better rewards which have been promised to those who keep the Law”? Further, the Christians claim that Jesus is the messiah promised by the prophets. But the prophets were Jewish; they promised a messiah who “would come as Redeemer and King of the Jews, and not of alien nations [tōn allophylōn ethnōn]”; the Jewish people would be in a much better position to recognize the messiah when he came than would gentile outsiders. In reading the Scriptures, the Christians unfairly—even fraudulently—claim all the blessings for themselves and leave the Jews only with the sins and the prophetic warnings of judgment “against their nation [tou ethnous].” In short, say the Jews, the Christians thrust themselves in and “try violently to thrust out the true family and kindred from their own ancestral rights.”57
Eusebius is a shrewd debater, showing himself to be both fully conversant with the criticisms of his opponents and not afraid to set them out in accurate and compelling terms. From his summary of Greek and Jewish objections, one can readily get a sense of the role of ethnicity in the three-sided debate. For his opponents on both sides, religion was thoroughly embedded in ethnicity—part of the ancestral customs of a nation. Even the recognition of larger ethnic groupings—Greeks and barbarians—did not override the ethnic character of religious practice and belief. If the Jews stood somewhat outside the categories of Greek and barbarian, they nevertheless were a recognizable nation, with their own ancestral customs. Straddling the boundaries and blurring the categories, the Christians were seen as occupying an undefined space somewhere off the map of the ethnically constructed oikoumenē, attempting “to cut out for themselves a new kind of track in a pathless desert” (Preparation for the Gospel 1.2.4).
Looking at Eusebius’s theological ethnography from this perspective, one gets a clearer sense of what he was trying to accomplish with his own redrawing of the ethnic map. With his invention of the “Hebrews” as a primordial race of pure ethical monotheists, he is able both to place the traditional ethnic groupings (Greeks, barbarians, Jews) into new subordinate positions by redefining their identities in terms of their relationships with the Hebrews and to create a primary place at the center of the map for Christians, a new nation that is at the same time the full manifestation of the ancient Hebrew nation.
Further, looking at Eusebius from the perspective of Aristides’s Regarding Rome, one can also discern how Eusebius has made use of Roman imperial ideology in his apologetic remaking of the map. Playing off Rome’s image of itself as the means by which “all the nations” not only are conquered but also are civilized and drawn into a new peaceable and harmonious form of kinship, Eusebius constructs a counterimage of the church as a superior means by which this transethnic ideal might be realized. While his apologetic construction of the “church from all the nations” did not require a Christian emperor for its cogency, once Constantine had emerged as the sole ruler of the empire it did not take much to turn the counterimage into a single combined image: “two mighty powers”—“the teaching of Christ” and “the Roman empire”—working in concert to gather all the nations into “one well-ordered and united family” (In Praise of Constantine 16.5–7).
Before moving on, one final glance at Aristides will be useful. To this point, his oration in Rome has been used simply as a convenient example of imperial ideology. It is possible, however, that there is more going on in the work. Several aspects of Regarding Rome suggest that we might see it as something of an analogous attempt to use the dominant imperial narrative as a means of creating space within the empire for a subjugated group. Despite his Roman citizenship, Aristides was intensely proud of his Greek intellectual heritage. Further, as a representative of the movement that came to be known as the Second Sophistic, he was engaged in a lifelong project to recover the glory of the Greek past and to enhance its esteem among the educated elite in the Roman world. His Regarding Rome should not be seen in isolation from this cultural and biographical context.
On reading the oration, one is certainly struck, of course, by Aristides’s effusive praise for the accomplishments of the empire. Reading it more carefully, however, one might form the impression that he praises Rome only within certain limits and with a discernible reserve.58 While he recognizes the failings of the Greeks in the administration of their empire, especially in comparison with the Romans, this is the only area mentioned in the oration in which the Romans excel. While the Romans were superior in “the knowledge of how to govern,” the Greeks “far excelled all others in knowledge” more generally (Regarding Rome 51). Apart from matters of governance, Aristides brings nothing else forward for praise, even though it would have been quite appropriate in the context. He has nothing to say about the city of Rome itself—its architecture, monuments, schools, literature, or cultural achievements. He says nothing about Roman history and does not acknowledge Roman claims to a common ancestry with the Greeks. He mentions no Roman by name; even the gods who take delight in the good order of the Roman Empire are Greek. In his encomium, his interest in Rome is restricted to its role as governor of the “cities and nations.” Apart from this he has little to say.
This is not to suggest that Aristides set out to be deliberately subversive. As Pernot has suggested, it should be seen as a case not of outright opposition but of ambivalent feelings:
It is neither a matter of frontal attacks, nor of being “pro-Roman” or “anti-Roman.” We are not speaking of opposition or dissidence, phenomena that did exist in other contexts in the Roman Empire. It is more a question of psychological complexity and subtle undertones.59
What is on view in the oration is the perspective of a Roman subject who appreciates the empire for providing the secure framework within which a Greek scholar and orator can proceed with his work, but who reserves the right to his own opinion on the cultural superiority of his own “native affinities” (Regarding Rome 59).
To the extent that this reading is justified, Aristides’s oration in the court of Antoninus Pius helps to cast that of Eusebius into even sharper relief. Of course, we should not minimize the differences. Eusebius lived near the eastern boundary of the empire and was a member of a controversial group that until recently had been subject to severe imperial repression; Aristides belonged to the elite stratum of a long-established Roman province and was well connected with influential circles in Rome. Christianity had been widely despised, Greek culture widely admired. Nevertheless, despite these considerable differences, both orations represent attempts by well-educated provincials, standing at some distance from the center of the Roman world, to negotiate and preserve a space within the empire for the subjugated groups to which they belong. And in pursuing this goal, both Aristides and Eusebius draw on Roman imperial ideology about the nations and use it for their own rhetorical ends.
Thus, in reading Eusebius alongside Aristides and (Luke’s) Paul, our attention is necessarily drawn to issues of identity, ethnicity, and the emergence of gentile Christianity. Paul’s speech in Acts 26 gives us a glimpse of the Christian movement in its early days,60 when gentiles (ethnē) were first being admitted into a movement that was still largely Jewish and centered on Jerusalem. Eusebius’s speech at the dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre almost three centuries later, in a Jerusalem from which Jews were now banished, brings into view a church that has become well established in all corners of the Roman Empire and that has come to think of itself as a new kind of race or nation drawn from all the non-Jewish nations (ethnē) of the inhabited world. Read alongside Eusebius’s work, Aristides’s speech in praise of Rome helps open a window onto the process by which the gentile church formed a distinctive identity and negotiated a place for itself within the Roman Empire as a whole. And taken together, the three works raise a whole variety of questions about stages in the intervening process that do not come directly into view in these works.
Again, it is not my purpose here to attempt any sort of grand narrative dealing with the Christianization of the empire. But Christian success in the empire would not have been possible without the emergence and development of a distinctively gentile Christianity. If the earliest Jewish groups of Christ-believers had not taken the step of including non-Jews within their membership; if the movement had not taken root in significant ways in areas beyond Judea and outside the Jewish diaspora; if gentile congregations in various parts of the Mediterranean basin had not developed a certain translocal solidarity and socioreligious cohesiveness; and if this had not produced a sense among Christians that they belonged to a distinctive new people drawn from all the nations—then the world that becomes visible through the lens of Eusebius’s Holy Sepulchre oration would have been difficult to imagine.
Of course, this way of framing the matter requires immediate qualification and refinement. For one thing, it gives the false impression of a smooth, linear, and homogeneous process, leaving little space for diversity and conflict at each stage, including that represented by Eusebius himself. For another, it might convey a certain impression of inevitability, as if the emergence of a Christian empire could have been predicted from the emergence of a distinctively gentile Christianity.61 In addition, it might encourage an inappropriate teleological reading of the evidence, as if gentile Christians developed a particular form of self-definition with the conscious purpose of “dislodg[ing] classical paganism and becom[ing] the dominant faith of Western civilization.”62 Further, it casts into shadow the spread of the Christian movement outside the boundaries of the Roman world, particularly to the east. Eusebius provides us with a convenient retrospective vantage point from which to begin, but this brings with it some blind spots that will need to be avoided.
More generally, this way of framing the matter might suggest that I am setting myself up for a grand narrative after all, a full account of “the mission and expansion of Christianity” from its Jewish beginnings to its gentile triumph,63 or from Cornelius of Caesarea to Eusebius of Caesarea. My goals here, however, are narrower and more specific. Most specifically, I am interested in the term ethnē as it was used and understood by gentile Christians, from the time of the earliest non-Jewish Christ-believers to the emergence of a sense among gentile Christians that they were a community drawn from, or somehow representative of, “all the nations.” This means that I am also interested in issues of identity and self-definition—the part played by the term as gentile Christians worked out their identity in relation to the Jewish people on one side and the wider Greco-Roman world on the other. This in turn brings with it an interest in issues of ethnicity and identity more generally—how “nations” were perceived in antiquity and the role played by ethnicity as various groups worked to construct the boundaries that differentiated themselves from others and to negotiate a space for themselves in the complex world of the Roman Empire.
Despite my fourth-century starting point, in what follows I will concentrate primarily on an earlier period, as gentile Christian identity developed from its beginnings through its more formative stages. By the time of the Severan dynasty (193–235 CE), one discerns an increasing self-confidence within the Christian movement—based partly on numerical growth, partly on the intellectual firepower of its thinkers, partly on the development of organizational structures—such that the successes witnessed by Eusebius a century or so later begin to seem at least within the realm of possibility. My interest is in the kind of identity and self-definition that made this increasing self-confidence possible, which means that I will focus on developments up to the early third century.
Nevertheless, Eusebius will continue to provide us with a vantage point from which we can look back at earlier developments. Again, this is not to suggest that he represents the inevitable culmination of those developments, nor is it to overlook other choices and lines of development. Rather, his role will be heuristic. His fully articulated theological ethnology will help us discern potentially significant details in earlier works that might otherwise have been overlooked or undervalued; it will also be helpful, by way of contrast, to identify other self-definitional options that had been available and to trace other lines of development among diverse manifestations of the Christian movement.
As will be clear from the discussion to this point, my questions about early gentile Christian identity touch on several contiguous fields of discourse. In the next chapter, I will look at the three most pertinent areas and attempt to locate my project within them. The first of them concerns Judaism and the process often referred to (though not without some uneasiness about the term) as the parting of the ways. In the first century and a half of its existence, what eventually became known as Christianity developed from a cluster of renewal movements located within the boundaries of the Jewish world (itself a variegated phenomenon) into a phenomenon that was increasingly gentile and independent of Judaism (albeit with its own variegation). We will need to give due consideration both to the complexities of the process and to the debates about how best to characterize it. Nevertheless, the construction of identity among the first gentile Christ-believers and early gentile Christian communities was a fundamental component of this process, and the process of identity construction inevitably involved considerations of how gentile Christianity related to three distinct but overlapping entities: scriptural Israel, Jewish Christ-believers, and the Jewish nation itself.
A second contiguous field of discourse is the study of ethnicity and identity. Traditionally, the success of Christianity has often been linked with its supposed “universalism”—that is, its ability to transcend, and thereby render irrelevant, the normal categories of race and ethnicity by which identity in the ancient world was generally defined and within which religion was normally embedded. The genius of the movement (it was supposed) lay in the fact that it abolished ethnic distinctions (“there is no longer Jew or Greek”) and invited people of all races into a new inclusive community (“you are all one in Christ Jesus”).64 As the example of Eusebius demonstrates, however, such a concept of universalism significantly misinterprets a central aspect of early Christian self-definition. Although it is clear that Eusebius understood the church to be a new, unified community incorporating people across ethnic boundaries, it is equally clear that ethnic categories and conceptions continue to be fundamental for his understanding. In his Preparation for the Gospel and Demonstration of the Gospel, for example, ethnos appears well over a thousand times.65 In recent years, the place of ethnicity in early Christian self-definition has increasingly been recognized. This recent work makes fruitful use of theoretical constructs drawn from contemporary social-scientific studies of ethnicity and identity, and it draws on a wide range of studies dealing with issues of ethnicity and identity in Greco-Roman antiquity. Any study of a movement that sees itself as a community drawn from and embedded in the nations will necessarily give attention to this work.
The third field of study within which my project needs to be located concerns the Roman Empire. Imperial reality inevitably impinges on issues of identity, as subject nations and other groups find themselves forced to revisit their own identity-forming boundaries, now located within larger boundaries inscribed by the empire itself. Put differently, nations and other groups subject to imperial rule find it necessary to rewrite the narratives by which their identities have been shaped, in order to bring them into considered relationship with the dominant imperial narrative put forward by the ruling power. Of course, subject nations, groups, and individuals can choose to relate to the dominant ruling power in a whole variety of ways, ranging from attraction and assimilation, at one end, to subversion and explicit resistance, at the other, with many points in between (acquiescence, compromise, mimicry, withdrawal, passive resistance, and so on). With respect to the Christian movement itself, a lively area of current discussion concerns the significance of the Roman imperial context for a proper understanding of early Christian development, and any attempt to investigate the origins and development of gentile Christian identity needs to draw on and engage this work in appropriate ways.
1. In the manuscripts, this oration is combined with a panegyric to Constantine on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his reign, under the joint title In Praise of Constantine; the Holy Sepulchre oration constitutes chs. 11–18. While there is a more recent English translation (H. A. Drake, In Praise of Constantine: A Historical Study and New Translation of Eusebius’ Tricennial Orations [Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976]), the version by Arthur Cushman McGiffert (vol. 1 of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 2 [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989]) is preferable for present purposes.
2. The phrase is found in 11.5.
3. Literally, “one well-ordered household and kin group” (mias eunomoumenēs oiketeias te kai syngeneias).
4. Respectively, Ps 72:8; Ps 72:7; Isa 2:4.
5. Especially his Preparation for the Gospel and Demonstration of the Gospel, though the themes of these works were anticipated by the shorter General Elementary Introduction and rendered in a more popular form in his Divine Manifestation.
6. One should not exaggerate the degree to which Eusebius conflates the two, seeing him as so dazzled by the recent turn of events and Constantine’s benefactions to the church that he simply becomes a cheerleader for the empire. Even in In Praise of Constantine, there is an element of reserve and undercurrent of qualification; see further below.
7. Since the first visit was cut short by one of Aristides’s recurring illnesses, Behr argues that the speech took place during the second visit; Charles A. Behr, P. Aelius Aristides: The Complete Works (Leiden: Brill, 1981–86), 1:1–3 and 2:373, n. 1; also Daniel S. Richter, Cosmopolis: Imagining Community in Late Classical Athens and the Early Roman Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 131. For the alternative opinion, see Laurent Pernot, “Aelius Aristides and Rome,” in Aelius Aristides Between Greece, Rome, and the Gods, ed. William V. Harris and Brooke Holmes, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition 33 (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 175–201, here 176. For present purposes, it is not necessary to resolve the question of dating. Quotations, together with the enumerated paragraph sections, are from Behr’s translation.
8. Any others, he says, are too inconsequential to mention, in comparison with these.
9. Cities are important for Aristides as well, but they are not conceived as a separate category. Rather, the one (the city) is embedded in the other (the race or nation); cities are “the cities of each of the races” (tas poleis hekastō tōn genōn) (67).
10. All of this from section 28.
11. If it did, the Greeks would have discovered it, since they surpassed all others in knowledge (51). Its newness, however, consists in the fact that it combines the best of the already-existing forms of government—tyranny (in conjunction with oligarchy), kingship (with aristocracy), and democracy—while avoiding the weaknesses of each (90).
12. The term gentiles will require more careful consideration as we proceed.
13. Nor will we concern ourselves with the identity of the author; Luke is used here as a matter of convenience.
14. Actually, he addresses himself to Agrippa directly (v. 2), engaging Festus only in response to Festus’s own interjection (v. 24).
15. Eusebius uses Christianity some twenty-two times.
16. Barnes’s comment is apropos: “The early history of the Christian church in the West is so badly documented that no narrative of its expansion can be written. The surviving evidence, however, clearly indicates that Christianity had thoroughly permeated provincial society long before Constantine became emperor”; Timothy D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981), 53.
17. Both the term Jewish Christianity and the way in which it might be defined are subject to considerable debate and discussion. For recent studies, see especially Oskar Skarsaune and Reidar Hvalvik, eds., Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2007); Matt Jackson-McCabe, ed., Jewish Christianity Reconsidered: Rethinking Ancient Groups and Texts (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2007); and James Carleton Paget, Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in Antiquity, WUNT 1.251 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010).
18. See Annette Yoshiko Reed, “‘Jewish Christianity’ as Counter-History? The Apostolic Past in Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History and the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies,” in Antiquity in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World, ed. Gregg Gardner and Kevin L. Osterloh, TSAJ 123 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008), 171–216, esp. 204–7. This is not to overlook the fact that, at the popular level, interactions between Jews and Christians continued to take place, in ways that often distressed leaders of the orthodox mainstream; see especially Adam H. Becker and Annette Yoshiko Reed, eds., The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2007).
19. In a piece of delightful irony from later in the Byzantine period, the text of Rom 13:3—“Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval”—appears in a mosaic on the floor of an administrative building in Caesarea; in this reuse of the text, advice sent to the Christians in Rome by someone who not long afterward was a Roman prisoner in Caesarea was transformed by the powers that be into a piece of imperial propaganda encouraging citizens of Byzantine Caesarea to be duly subservient to the state. See Terence L. Donaldson, ed., Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima, ESCJ 8 (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2000), 1.
20. Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), 3.
21. For an insightful recent treatment of the discussion, see Jan N. Bremmer, The Rise of Christianity through the Eyes of Gibbon, Harnack and Rodney Stark (Groningen: Barkhuis, 2010). Selected works: Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J. B. Bury (London: Methuen, 1909–26); Voltaire, Histoire de l’établissement du Christianisme, in Oeuvres complètes, vol. 31 (Paris: Garnier frères, 1877–85), 43–116; Adolf von Harnack, The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, trans. James Moffatt (London: Williams & Norgate, 1908); Arthur Darby Nock, Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo (London: Oxford University Press, 1933); Hans Lietzmann, A History of the Early Church, trans. Bertram Lee Woolf (London: Lutterworth, 1961); W. H. C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1984); Ramsay MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D. 100–400) (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984); Stark, Rise of Christianity; also Jonathan Hill, Christianity: How a Despised Sect from a Minority Religion Came to Dominate the Roman Empire (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2011).
22. Aaron P. Johnson, Ethnicity and Argument in Eusebius’ Praeparatio Evangelica (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 203.
23. To be sure, as we will see in more detail a little later, Eusebius also understands Christians to constitute a “new nation” (Ecclesiastical History 1.4.2), which is at the same time the ancient “nation” of the Hebrews (1.4.5), and he also expects converts to abandon all those aspects of their own ethnic identities that involved the gods of their fathers (Demonstration of the Gospel 8.3.13). But this does not override the importance of the nations themselves.
24. We will consider it in more detail in ch. 3.
25. For a full discussion of the path that leads from the Hebrew gôyîm through the Greek ethnē and the Latin gentilis to the English gentiles, together with a discussion of the problems pertaining to the English term, see my “‘Gentile Christianity’ as a Category in the Study of Christian Origins,” HTR 106 (2013): 433–58.
26. Yet he comes close in In Praise of Constantine 17.8. After describing the destruction of Jerusalem “as the immediate consequence of their impiety,” he immediately goes on to speak of “the establishment of his church throughout the world,” in the context of which he refers to the writings of the apostles, which were “read and pondered by all the nations [para pasi tois ethnesi]” (17.9).
27. He can use the term in a more negative sense as well. For example, describing the purposes of his two works Preparation for the Gospel and Demonstration of the Gospel, he says that the first was a response to “the attacks of the polytheistic Gentiles [tōn … ethnōn],” while the second addressed “the accusation of the Jews” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.1.15–16).
28. For other instances, see, e.g., Demonstration of the Gospel 1.7.6; 2.1.1; Ecclesiastical History 1.3.6; 1.6.1, 4; 2.1.13; 3.7.5; 4.6.3.
29. Of course, in the context of Luke-Acts as a whole, this “both … and” is much more complex, especially in view of Paul’s repeated pattern of turning away from the Jews and concentrating on gentiles (Acts 13:44–48; 18:5–7; 28:23–28), the final instance of which brings the narrative to an emphatic conclusion.
30. The former phrase appears, e.g., in Demonstration of the Gospel 1.2.8; 1.6.30; 1.6.54, 60; the latter, e.g., in Demonstration of the Gospel 1.1.4, 8; 1.9.2; 1.10.6; 5.1.28; 6.13.26.
31. According to Deut 4:19 (cited in Preparation for the Gospel 1.9.15), God has allotted the worship of the heavenly bodies “to all the nations everywhere under heaven.” In Deut 32:8 (cited in Demonstration of the Gospel 4.7.1), the boundaries of the nations have been fixed “according to the number of the angels of God” (Eusebius follows the LXX reading; in place of “angels,” “sons of the gods” is found in Qumran material, while the MT reading is “sons of Israel”). In both passages, however, this concession to the nations (ethnē in both cases) is not to be followed by Israel.
32. Preparation for the Gospel 7.1.3; 10.1.1–3; 10.3.26.
33. E.g., he frequently describes the church as including both Greeks and barbarians; Ecclesiastical History 10.4.20; Preparation for the Gospel 1.1.6; 1.4.9, 11, 13; 1.5.1; 2.5.2; 12.32.7; Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.63, 75; 3.2.40; In Praise of Constantine 11.5; 16.6.
34. Eusebius uses the phrase to describe Joseph (Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.36) and Moses (Preparation for the Gospel 7.7.1). Although he does not use the term for Jesus, it is at least implied by his description of “the law and life of our Saviour Jesus Christ” as “a renewal of the ancient pre-Mosaic religion, in which Abraham, the friend of God, and his forefathers are shown to have lived” (Demonstration of the Gospel 1.5.2).
35. See also Preparation for the Gospel 1.5.2; 1.6.30, 54, 62.
36. A significant portion of Demonstration of the Gospel (2.1.1–2.2.19) is given over to a series of prophetic texts, with the aim of showing “how full they are of predictions of good and salvation for all nations [pasi tois ethnesin], and how strongly they asserted that their promises to the Gentile world [tois ethnesin] could only be fulfilled by the coming of Christ” (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.1.1).
37. Occasionally he can use ethnē in an unqualified sense to refer to non-Christian outsiders (e.g., “the terrible rage of the heathen [tōn ethnōn] against the saints” (Ecclesiastical History 5.1.4), in which case it might have the sense of an identity that Christians have left behind.
38. He also speaks of promises that the gentiles will have an “equal share” of things promised to Israel (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.3.30, 32), though he elsewhere says that the Christians are “better” rather than “equal” (Demonstration of the Gospel 2.2.21).
39. Respectively, Demonstration of the Gospel 2.3.48 and 2.3.78.
40. See also Preparation for the Gospel 7.8.40.
41. The phrase is from Ecclesiastical History 1.1.2, where Eusebius indicates that in the history to follow he will recount “the fate which has beset the whole nation of the Jews [to pan Ioudaiōn ethnos] from the moment of their plot against our Saviour.”
42. One wonders why the Romans should not be liable to similar punishment for their part in this “crime.”
43. I.e., in Deut 27:26; see Demonstration of the Gospel 1.6.38–39.
44. The title of his work is deliberately chosen. He rests his apologetic argument ultimately on historical demonstrations of the truth of the gospel—the end of the line of Jewish rulers, the destruction of the temple, the emergence of the Roman Empire, and, at the heart of it all, the spread of the religion of the Hebrews to all the nations of the world.
45. Using Eusebius’s language in In Praise of Constantine 16.6.
46. Aristides: “the course of the sun and your possessions are equal and … the sun’s course is always in your land” (Regarding Rome 10); Eusebius: who else “has ever held his course from the rising to the setting sun?” (In Praise of Constantine 17.13).
47. For the single sovereign, see Regarding Rome 88 and In Praise of Constantine 16.4; for the common politeia, see Regarding Rome 90 and In Praise of Constantine 13.9.
48. See Regarding Rome 92–94; In Praise of Constantine 11.2.
49. Aristides: “and you used the word ‘Roman’ to belong not to a city but to be the name of a sort of common race [genos]” (Regarding Rome 63); Eusebius: “Thus the whole world appeared like one well-ordered and united family” (In Praise of Constantine 16.7).
50. Aristides: “Indeed, you have best proved that well-known saying, that the earth is the mother of all and the universal country [patris] of all. Now it is possible for both Greek and barbarian, with his possessions or without them, to travel easily wherever he wishes, quite as if he were going from one country of his to another” (Regarding Rome 100); Eusebius: “each one might journey unhindered as far as and whithersoever he pleased: men might securely travel from West to East, and from East to West, as to their own native country [patridas]” (In Praise of Constantine 16.7).
51. Aristides: The inept and abusive form of rule in the past resulted in “hatred and plotting on the part of those who were treated in this way, revolts, civil war, continual strife and unceasing contention” (Regarding Rome 20); Eusebius: “All nations, whether Greek or barbarian, throughout the world … were infected with sedition as with some fierce and terrible disease: insomuch that the human family was irreconcilably divided against itself…. Nay, more than this: with passions aroused to fury, they engaged in mutual conflicts, so frequent that their lives were passed as it were in uninterrupted warfare” (In Praise of Constantine 13.9–10).
52. Aristides: “and it can be said in medical terms that the inhabited world was, as it were, ill at the start and has now recovered”; “the confusion and faction ceased and there entered in universal order and a glorious light in life and government and the laws came to the fore” (Regarding Rome 97, 103); Eusebius: “the inveterate malady which had asserted its dominion over the whole human race”; “and irradiated mankind with the bright and glorious beams of his doctrine” (In Praise of Constantine 13.14; 17.12).
53. On child sacrifice, see Regarding Rome 104; In Praise of Constantine 13.4–5.
54. Eusebius avoids Christ and other specific designations in the Holy Sepulchre oration.
55. Also the oration delivered in Constantinople in 336 CE as part of the celebrations commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of Constantine’s accession to power (constituting the first part of In Praise of Constantine) and the Life of Constantine.
56. For this whole paragraph, see Preparation for the Gospel 1.2.1–4.
57. For this paragraph, see Preparation for the Gospel 1.2.5–8.
58. Here I am depending on Pernot’s perceptive article, “Aelius Aristides and Rome.”
59. Pernot, “Aelius Aristides and Rome,” 177.
60. Albeit a retrospective glimpse, through the eyes of Luke.
61. Daniel Richter speaks of his “dissatisfaction with how reception studies often treat end points as the inevitable result of beginnings. Such an approach blinds the student of the past both to the nature of the substratum as well as to the many possible directions in which things could have gone” (Cosmopolis, 6).
62. To use a phrase from the passage by Rodney Stark, cited above, though with no intention of implying that he read the evidence in this way.
63. To allude to Harnack’s grand narrative.
64. To use the oft-cited language of Paul in Gal 3:28.
65. By my count, about 175 for Preparation and 965 for Demonstration.