
Mexican Pecan Pie


Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 3 hours

Servings: 8


For the Crust:

1½ cups flour

1 stick butter, cubed

1 tsp salt

½ cup dark brown sugar

For the filling:

1½ cup pecans, diced

¾ cup corn syrup

3 eggs

¼ cup sugar

½ tsp salt


1. To make the crust; put the butter, brown sugar, flour and salt in a food processor then pulse a couple of times until the mixture blends.

2. Whisk the corn syrup, eggs, pecans, sugar and salt together in a medium mixing bowl.

3. Line the bottom of a slow cooker with foil so the pie can be removed easier. Grease the slow cooker with cooking spray.

4. Press the now crumbly dough with the bottom of a glass into the slow cooker’s base as well as up its sides, about a half inch. Transfer the pecan mixture into the crust then cook on high heat setting for 3 hours.

5. After 3 hours, turn off the heat then take out the crock from the slow cooker. Let it completely cool on a cooling rack.

6. Once it’s completely cool, lift out the pie from the crock using the foil then slice and serve.

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