Karen Martini

Presented in 2004

Black figs with Gorgonzola, honey and walnuts

Serves 6

10 large ripe black figs

1 lemon, halved

100 ml (3½ fl oz) extra virgin olive oil

75 g (22/3 oz) Gorgonzola, at room temperature

75 g (22/3 oz) ricotta

4 slices white sourdough loaf

2 handfuls of whole walnuts, toasted lightly and skins rubbed off

salt and pepper

100 ml (3½ fl oz) of your favourite honey

Slice the figs into 3–4 generous rings each and lightly season with a squeeze of the lemon and a little oil.

Remove any rind from the Gorgonzola and dice into small cubes. Place in a food processor and blitz until smooth. Add a touch of water, if necessary, then add the ricotta and purée until you have a smooth paste.

Toast the slices of sourdough until crisp. Drizzle the walnuts with a little oil and season.

For individual plating, place a couple of fig rounds on each plate, top with a little Gorgonzola paste. Top haphazardly with more fig rings, building height, then a little more Gorgonzola paste and more figs. Scatter over the walnuts and crushed-up crostini. Squeeze over some lemon juice, season with a grind of pepper, drizzle with the honey and serve. This can also be served on a big platter for feasting.

Note: You could add a couple of rocket (argula) leaves to make an entrée or leave as is and serve as a cheese or dessert course.

Edible Garden, City Square, 2010.