Chapter 10


Early Sunday morning, Chelsea raced to open the door as Karina arrived. The toddler threw her arms around Karina's legs with loud belly-laughs of delight. Karina grabbed the adorable child and pulled her into a tight hug.


"Well, hello, sweetheart! How are you?"


"Good. K'rina's here, Daddy! Look, K'rina!"


"I see that," Brian answered with a chuckle.


In a moment of true Karina abandonment, she tossed Chelsea high in the air, pausing only to blow raspberries on the girl's silky belly. Chelsea loved it. Chortling and giggling, the two of them didn't even acknowledge Brian's presence.


Brian watched as the two important females in his life bonded on a level that he couldn't access. A level that gave him insight into another side to Karina he'd yet to see. Bemused, he continued to watch them interact throughout the rest of the day. Although the activities changed—from dolls to storybooks to drawing with crayons—their connection didn't. While cuddling outside in a chaise longue, tummies full of a delicious, simple lunch, Chelsea slipped into a light sleep.


When Brian carried fresh coffee outside to the deck, he found his precious daughter sleeping, carefully protected in Karina's arms. His heart's defenses crumbled. How could he not care for such a woman?


Quietly, he placed the coffee beside Karina.


"Do you want me to lay her down inside?" he whispered.


No response. Perhaps he spoke too softly. He leaned closer to repeat his words when her even breathing caught his attention.


Both his angels were sleeping.


Brian stepped inside to pick up a cotton throw blanket from the sofa in the living room and brought it outside to drape over the sleeping beauties. He settled back in his own chair and sipped his coffee, content to watch over them, forever. He wanted Karina desperately. He wanted her in his bed, he wanted her in his life, but did he want her in his heart? Did he even have a choice any longer? He'd grown up a lot since university. Matured. Loved, married, become a father and divorced in the meantime.


It was far too late now, anyway. He wasn't going to move her out of his life. But maybe…he could move her into his house. It was the perfect answer. The real danger was, with her living in his house, he knew he wouldn't be able to resist having her taking up permanent residence in his heart.


And maybe that was okay too.


With an incredible feeling of rightness to his world, he settled back in his chair, enjoying the sunshine and warm breeze.


Marly arrived to collect Chelsea soon after.


"Your relationship is serious, isn't it?"


Marly's question surprised him, but it shouldn't have. She'd always understood him. "Yes, it is." He grinned sheepishly. "At least, I hope it is."


"Good, it's time." She led the way to the car.


He stared after her. The simplicity of her statement striking him. It was time. He'd been alone for several years now. Healed from his divorce and was ready to move on. Feeling more settled than he could remember in a long time, Brian carried the still-sleeping toddler to her car seat. He wasn't sure just how Chelsea was going to handle waking up and finding Karina gone, but his gut told him just how Karina was going to react. He'd just finished a second cup of coffee when Karina stirred.


"Good afternoon, beautiful." He said softly. "How was your nap?"


Karina smiled and stretched, pushing the blanket off her legs. "It felt wonderful, thanks."


Brian could tell the moment she realized Chelsea was gone. Her expression fell, and her usual bubbly effervescence disappeared.




"Her mom picked her up a little while ago."




Brian shifted his chair closer to hers and reached out to take her hand. "You're wonderful with her, you know. And she adores you."


Karina's answering smile was halfhearted. "She's easy to adore."


"I was thinking about something while you were sleeping."


Her gaze turned wary. "What?"


"There's a way you could see her more regularly. And, well, me, too, if you wanted." He took a deep breath. "What if you moved in here, with me?"


Shocked silence filled the air.


An array of emotions flickered over Karina's face before she hopped up from her chair, grabbed her purse and keys and headed off the deck toward the driveway. "I have to go. Thanks for lunch and the time with Chelsea."


He let her bolt. After all, he knew how to find her later. Besides, she obviously needed a little time to consider his idea. He rolled his eyes. Like more than a little.




"So what if I ran?" she muttered to herself. It didn't matter. But it did matter. She knew that. Brian's suggestion scared her. She hadn't seen it coming. Not from him. She'd thought of it, dreamt of it. But she wanted to move in permanently—not because he felt protective. Talk about pushing her buttons. She hadn't just run—she'd panicked.


Confused, Karina took the last corner to Sandra's house, relief filling her at the sight of the cozy, familiar home.


She pulled in beside Sandra, who was just climbing into her car. The twins came racing over to see her, and their cheerful greetings drained away her temper. Max danced in circles around them, barking playfully. She frowned at the dog. What was Max doing out? "Hi guys."


"Hi Karina. You left Max out! But that's okay, 'cause we're looking after him. We're going to soccer practice now. Can we take him with us?"


No, Karina hadn't left Max out. She knew that for sure. She was always careful that way. Both cats and the dog had been inside when she left. She took a deep breath and looked at her door. Nothing looked out of place.


"Sure. No problem, as long as it's okay with your mom."


The boys grinned and dashed over to their car, shouting, "Great! Come on, Max. Let's go."


Karina waved goodbye as the car pulled away, a careful smile pasted on her lips. Once they were out of sight, she walked slowly up to her door. She wanted to call Brian, but he'd use this as a perfect logic to ask her to move in with him again. And right about now, staring down at the closed door and worried what she'd find behind it, she'd damn near jump at the chance.


Should she even enter? Of course. There was a small chance that she really had left the dog out. Who could be sure? She'd been so excited for her date that it was possible…maybe.


Reaching a hesitant hand out, she turned the knob and watched in disbelief as the door opened. It was unlocked.


Her hand dove into her pocket for her cell phone. "Brian," she started without preamble. "My door is unlocked and Max was outside. I know I left him in and locked the door on my way to your place."


"Don't go in. I'm on my way."


When she didn't answer, his voice snapped through the phone lines. "Karina! Are you listening?"


She stared at her open door, dread building deep in her belly. "Yes. I'm walking back to my car. I'm scared." She turned and ran back to her car, getting in and locking all the doors.


"Good. I'll be there in a few minutes."


She desperately wanted to make sure her cats were okay…but a big part of her dreaded what she might find.


Brian had to have broken every speed limit because he came ripping around the corner in record time. "Oh, thank God," she whispered. She opened her door and ran over to him.


He hugged her fiercely. "Let me take a look, if there is something wrong, I'll call Markham."


"I want to go in."


"I'm going in first." He set her back slightly to look down into her face. "If it's fine, then you can come in. If it's not, then we call Markham. Okay?"


She firmed up her lower lip and nodded. "It's Misty and Mugs I'm worried about."


He gave a curt nod. "I'll go check."


He strode toward her door and she followed a few steps behind. She chewed on her bottom lip when he pushed the door open with his foot and disappeared inside. "Oh, please let the cats be fine," she murmured.


Brian came to the door and waved her in. "There doesn't appear to be anything wrong, but there's no sign of the cats."


"Oh no." she ran inside. "Misty! Mugsy? Where are you?" She walked toward her bedroom. "They hate strangers. They accepted the boys right off the bat and I'd never seen that before."


"Hating strangers is probably a good thing. If Ian was here, then they'd have hid from him."


She ran to her bedroom closet and pushed the door open. "Misty, baby? Are you in here?"


A tiny plaintive mewl came from the back. "Oh, thank God. Come here, baby." Karina reached up and tugged the cat down from the closet shelf, cooing to her all the while. "Where's your sister, huh, baby?"


Just then, Mugsy twisted around Karina's ankles, having appeared from the bottom of the closet. "Oh here she is." Karina smiled with relief. Ignoring the cats' complaints she scooped the second one into her arms and carried them both to the kitchen where she opened up a can of food for them. Once they were eating, she looked over at Brian. "So…he didn't break in?"


"We need to look around and see." Brian closed the door so the cats wouldn't go out. "Let's do a tour and see if anything is missing. It might have been the twins too, you know."


"No." Karina immediately shook her head. "It wouldn't have been. I have rules and they respect them."


"And they are kids. Rules are very bendable at that age," Brian replied.


The kitchen looked normal and so did the living room. The suite was small enough that it didn't take long to go over every inch. Once back in the living room, she turned to Brian, feeling very puzzled. "I don't see anything wrong."


"Good. Then we don't need Markham to stop by."


She shrugged. "I guess not. It's very odd, though. And disconcerting." She hated the sense of violation mixed with her fear that she'd brought this on herself. What if she'd been in such a rush she had forgotten to lock to the door, maybe she hadn't even shut it properly. Max was a smart dog. If it had opened even a crack, he'd have easily gotten it all the way open.


She turned around to see Brian testing the couch. He stretched out full length, his feet dangling over the arm. Karina stared at him uncertainly. "You're too big for that couch." She realized immediately the lameness of her words. She obviously wasn't thinking clearly.


He chuckled quietly. "Maybe, but if I'm staying here, I doubt you're ready to invite me to your bed. Or am I wrong?" He raised a questioning brow.


"No! No, I'm not." Her cheeks tingled and felt hot, and she knew they were bright red. "You're staying here?" She was both delighted and confused.


Brian stood and walked toward her. He pulled her stiff body into his arms. With his chin resting on top of her head, he held her, waiting for her to relax. "I'm not trying to upset you. I'm trying to keep you safe."


"You aren't sure that Ian wasn't here, are you?"


"No one can be sure. I know that you would have most likely locked the door." He squeezed her a little bit tighter, letting the implications soak in. Then he added the final touch. "Let's not have something bad happen to someone else we care about, like Sandra and the twins, because we didn't do enough to keep them safe."


Finally, very quietly, she whispered, "All right."


But what would this step mean?


"Your place or mine?" Brian asked quietly.


"If we're doing this to minimize the danger, then we should be as far away from Sandra and the twins as possible." Karina suggested carefully. "I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to them. Ian hasn't targeted them but if he comes here, the twins are liable to cross his path and who knows what he might do."


"Then my place it is."


Karina headed into her bedroom. She forced herself to do the job at hand and not think too far ahead. Clothes for a week. She could always come back and get more if she needed to. Right now, she needed essentials. She hauled the large suitcase back out to the living room, then returned to her dresser and pulled open the top drawer.


And jumped back.




He came running.


She pointed to the mangled rose on top of her intimate clothing. And the picture taken inside of her store.




Two hours later, Brian honked the horn and waved at the boys before driving down the road. Karina sniffled. "You're not saying goodbye forever, you know," he said.


Karina smiled, albeit a little tearfully. "I know that. It's just that they've come to mean so much so quickly. I'll miss them. And Max." Sandra had agreed to keep the dog. In truth he belonged to the twins already. The cats were in their cage in the back seat. Instead of their usual howling, they'd gone completely silent. Maybe they were as anxious to get shut of that place as she was. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to return.


And even if she wanted to, she wasn't allowed in until Markham was done anyway. A good enough reason to move in with Brian—at least for a few days.


"We can invite them over for a BBQ on the weekend." He smiled. "They could bring Max, too. Besides, the twins will have lots of fun on the beach."


Karina jumped at the chance. "That's a wonderful idea. How about Paul and Susan and their kids? Chelsea will love them too." She paused. "As an afterthought, maybe we'll invite Susan and her family on a different day. It might be easier on Chelsea if there aren't so many strangers at once."


"Did I mention inviting Chelsea?"


"No, but get used to it." She tossed him a warning look. "Even if I am living in your space then I get to do some of the things that I want to do," she added defiantly. "That means spending lots of time with Chelsea."


"She can be quite a handful."


"She's adorable and all kids can be a handful." Karina flushed, belatedly remembering that she had far less experience than he did. A quick glance at his amused expression showed her that he'd noticed that point too, but wisely kept quiet on the subject.


"We'll take it slow and see how it goes."


Later that night, Karina watched from her patio doors as Brian walked out along the beach.


There were major advantages to this new arrangement; living in Brian's house was one of them. On waterfront property located just outside the city, the spacious home had stone fireplaces, high ceilings and skylights that lit the hallways. She even loved the luxury of having her own balcony.


What was Brian thinking about? In truth, he looked satisfied, smug even. Just what did that mean? Then again, why shouldn't he be—he'd gotten everything his way. Well, maybe not everything. She was here in the spare room, not in his bed.


A fact that Cat laughed at and Serena understood. They both approved of the new living arrangements, too.


She wished she knew where she stood with him—and where she was going. Did he know where they were headed? If not—why the hell not? Someone in this relationship needed to know and it sure as hell wasn't her.


It was stupid to wish that this relationship could progress normally, not to be confused or accelerated through danger, misguided guilt or his protective instinct. She sighed in disgust. Who was she kidding? Since when had this relationship ever been normal? Certainly not in the beginning, when she'd jumped into bed with him right away, all-too-willing to help him forget his ex-girlfriend. Still, time healed many things and maybe they needed to focus on what they did have.


Yet, living together was convenient—too convenient. And although she didn't want to be casual lovers, once passion flared, she'd take him any way she could.


Chelsea was another consideration. She was a special little girl. Karina had never known a connection quite like it before. She'd always thought that when the time was right, she'd marry and have a family of her own. Now she couldn't help but think that if she married Brian she'd get Chelsea too.




The next morning, Brian drove Karina to the store, where a surprised-looking Susan watched from behind the front display window.


"Did you spend the night with him?" Susan whispered loudly, glancing at the pair of customers browsing nearby.


"Good morning to you, too." Karina grinned. "Yes, actually, I did. But not in the way you think." Quickly, she explained the events of the last twenty-four hours.


"Good, I approve. I worried all weekend, but I didn't know how I could help," Susan said.


"I explained the situation briefly to Sandra last night. However, Brian was waiting so there wasn't much time. I thought maybe I'd have coffee with her, today."


"Give her a call now and set it up," Susan suggested.


The morning passed quickly. Karina finally looked up from her current task and saw Sandra looking for her.


"Hi. Sorry, it's been crazy in here. I forgot about the time."


"Not a problem. You ready to go?" It didn't take long to get to one of their newfound favorite coffee spots. Once they bought coffee and took their cups to a table, Sandra pinned her with the inquisitive eye. "So. Where did you sleep last night?"


"I slept in the spare room, of course." Karina laughed. "Just because I'm in his house, doesn't mean that I want to move into his bed just yet."


Sandra gave her a bemused smile. "Sure you do. But you don't want to seem too eager."


Karina started as realization flooded through her. "I want it all," she announced simply. "I want to marry him, have his children and grow old together. It scares me to death." Karina stared at her bright-red fingernails intently, but they weren't giving her the answers to her problems. "Maybe I'm asking for too much."


"Never." Sandra shook her head, her voice gentle but firm. "If that's what you want then don't let yourself be shortchanged."


"I know he cares, but to what extent?"


"Maybe it's time to ask him that question." Sandra nodded toward the doorway. Brian was walking through the glass doors and heading toward them.


Karina beamed at him. "What a nice surprise."


Brian dropped a kiss on her cheek. "Ladies. Do you mind if I join you?"


He reached for a spare chair from a neighboring table, but Sandra jumped up and offered hers.


"I have to get back anyway as I'm running late." She gave Karina a meaningful look. "Remember what I said." With a smile for Brian, Sandra was gone.


Brian ordered a coffee then turned to look at her, but stayed quiet.


"Okay, what's wrong?" Karina asked. "You only go silent when there's something that you don't want to tell me."


"Do you know me that well already?"


"Yes, I think so. So what's up?" She searched his face, looking for any hint of what bothered him.


"I spoke to Officer Markham this morning."


Dread knotted in her stomach. "And?" she asked, carefully.


"They found out where Ian's been staying. Unfortunately, there's no sign that he's been there in the last few days."


"What're they doing about it?"


"They're still looking for him. However, he's getting better at covering his tracks. The longer Ian can stay hidden, the better chance he has at improving his situation. Crooks, if they don't get caught early on, end up building an impressive arsenal of skills to evade capture."


"It's a horrible thought, isn't it?" She stared down at her own coffee cup, unable to hold back the shiver rippling down her spine. Horrible to consider Ian getting better at this stuff. He was too damn good now.


"Yes. Markham also said you can go back but he recommends you stay at my place until they can locate Ian."


Karina propped her elbows on the table, staring at him across the way. Damn, the man was gorgeous. And damn her for being an idiot for particularly noticing it at a time like this. She forced her brain away from studying his serious face and back to the questions at hand. "When will our lives get back to normal?"


"What's normal?" he asked, his face lightening slightly with humor. "Think about our relationship so far. There's no normal in there."


"So when can I stop being afraid?"


"You mean, when can you move back home? How about never?" He took a sip of coffee, studying her reaction over the top of the mug.


She shook her and snorted. "Quit joking. You know you don't mean that. The longer we're caught up in this drama the less real our own situation becomes."


"Our relationship is what we make of it." He put down his mug and leaned forward. "It's going to change and grow with us. This can bring us closer or we can allow it to destroy us."


Brian reached across the table to cradle her hand in his much larger one. He traced the outline of her fingers with his roughened ones. Shivers slipped over her spine as she watched, mesmerized.


"Let's give us a chance, Karina. To see what might be."


She listened intently, searching for hidden meanings, wanting to understand the emotion behind the words. He was always so contained. She wanted to shake him out of that control.


He tried again. "I know I can't change the past. But we aren't the same people we were back then." he countered instantly. He looked closer at her, his half smile vanishing as his forehead creased. "You still aren't sure we have more than a one night stand, are you?"


"It's hard. The past keeps intruding, like a living reminder. But I want…need more." She bowed her head, staring fixedly at their clasped hands.


"Look at me, sweetheart."


She raised her head and stared into his eyes, searching. Confusion melted away as understanding rushed in. Flames of barely-controlled desire danced in his dark eyes. He'd loosened the reins just enough to show her the need riding his soul.


Karina was entranced. Wryly, she also acknowledged that she was responding, helplessly caught in the mesmerizing hold of a hunter eyeing his prey.


"Brian?" Her voice trembled under the waves of heat emanating from the splendid male across from her.


"Now do you believe?" His voice was gritty with the pain of barely restrained desire. Steel threaded his voice as he reinforced his message. "This is real. As real as it gets. But it's up to us to take it to the next level."


She couldn't find any desire to argue. It was true. She was his and he was hers.


"Why are you waiting then?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.


"I want you to want me just as badly. To come to me knowing that you can't wait another moment to be in my arms." He lowered his voice so deep, it resonated up and down her spine. "I need this to be your decision. To trust that I will be there in the morning. That I will be there for you."


"And if I said that I was ready now?" Yet, she dropped her eyes, not able to stare into those knowing, bottomless depths.


"Then you'd burn as badly as I am. But you're still a little scared. Uncertain. I only want you to take that step when you're ready and not a moment before."


He lifted her hand. Gently carrying it to his lips, he tenderly dropped kisses on her knuckles. "I don't want you in my bed for one night or two, I want everything that you have to give."


His words echoed endlessly in her mind for the rest of the afternoon. They took on a life of their own, warming her thoughts, tugging at her heart and steaming through her body. A part of her was furious at him and at herself. Damn it, why wasn't she ready?


Susan just laughed at her.


"Am I glad Paul and I are well past that stage. Why don't you just crawl into his bed and seduce him? I'm sure he wouldn't object." Karina just scoffed. "Like any man is going to object. He's right, you know. My life has changed so quickly in so many areas. I'm still reeling and need a little time to adjust. Foolish maybe, but I don't want to make a mistake. This thing between us is too big." And last time she'd slept with him she'd been hurt unbearably, making her cautious in this one area of her life. In all other aspects she was like Max the puppy. Leaping in with abandon and joy. But in this area she was like her cats, hiding in the closet.


"I can understand that." Susan smiled contentedly.


"So, why don't you go home tonight and seduce Paul yourself? Meet him at the doorway in a negligee—or even less—and make love to him there in the hallway, before dinner," she said. "You could have the kids go to Sandra's and give Paul a treat."


Susan immediately blushed, but looked intrigued at the thought. Finally, she shook her head. "No. Paul would be shocked."


"So?" Karina countered. "Shake him up a bit. Imagine if he saw how you were changing yourself." A mischievous grin curved her lips upward. "You never know, you might get to like it."


Susan laughed softly and shook her head. "We'll see, but I make no promises."


It was late when Brian finally arrived to pick Karina up. She was exhausted and irritable. All she wanted was to go home and put her feet up for the rest of the evening. Damn, but she was tired. But then how long did she expect to survive with no sleep? It was next to impossible to get a decent night's rest with Ian invading her nightmares and Brian invading her dreams. She slouched farther into the cushioned seat and closed her eyes. "I need my car. I want my independence."


"I don't want you travelling alone. Let's just play it safe a little longer." Brian punched a button on the dash. Soothing jazz filled the car.


Karina slept the whole way home only waking as the car rolled to a stop.


Still sleepy, she shifted and stretched, easing her back into a more normal curve. She moaned in pleasure as her muscles loosened up. Slowly, she let her head gently loll from side to side, finally letting it drop back peacefully against the headrest. She sighed contentedly.


Stark silence filled the car.


She opened her eyes to look at Brian. The shadows in the car played over his face, highlighting the sexual tension radiating off him. Glittering black eyes stared at her. His nostrils flared and he looked on the edge of losing something. His control.


God, she loved that. She uncrossed her legs slowly, letting her knees fall apart. His eyes followed perfectly. Wonderful. She was just in the mood to push him. She smoothed one red nail slowly up his thigh, then a little higher, stopping briefly at his belt. His breath caught and then started again as she kept moving.


The devil inside made her ask, "Are you coming, Brian?"


He closed his eyes, his jaw tight with tension. His voice hoarse, he asked, "Where does this woman come from? She hides and then pops up at the oddest times."


"She's part of me. Today some magical combination teased her into coming out. Maybe it was finding out that she's wanted, desperately."


"So you need to be exhausted from work, worried about Ian and waking from a nap."


"You missed the most important point. I need to wake up hungry."




Karina laughed and slid out of the car. Had she pushed him enough for now? She was having so much fun playing, it was hard to stop. "I'm going to go in and have a long hot soak in a bubble bath. Maybe you should have a cold shower, yourself."


As they walked up the front steps, he paused for a moment, then said calmly, "As much as I love seeing this part of you, the next time she pops up, I'll take her up on her offer."


Karina contemplated his words for a moment. That was fair. She was almost ready to take the next step in their relationship, but not yet. This teasing was fun, but it wasn't fair unless it was enjoyable for both of them.


"Thanks for the warning. The next time it happens, know that it will be an invitation."


"I'll be waiting. Let your sensuality out, let your passion ripen and when you can't stand it anymore, come to me and we'll both go up in flames." His passion-filled eyes darkened even further.


Fiery images penetrated her mind, pinning her in a place of enthrallment. Karina shuddered with need. He'd only awakened and heightened the images that already lived in her mind. Her breath hitched, only to raggedly start again as some of the intensity drained away.


Their passion would burn them, consume them and unite them. God, she couldn't wait.




The days passed in one continuous span of time, virtually unnoticed by Ian.


He waited patiently, letting Brian and Karina live their lives, innocently unaware of his constant presence, of his watching their every move. He'd followed them home from the store to Brian's lovely house on the beach where they cozied up nice and safe. Or thought they were safe.


They never noticed the car that always sat in the small lot beside Karina's store or even him as he strolled past several times a day. They never connected him to the gray vehicle that shadowed their every trip, no matter how short or insignificant.


Now Brian had moved her into his house. How convenient for Brian.


How convenient for Ian.


Every day Brian drove Karina to work. Every evening he picked her up. Sometimes she was alone at work, but not very often and not for very long. She was never alone at his house, unless Brian went for a walk. Interesting.


And so simple.