Oddly enough, Ian didn't prey on Karina's mind the next day. Mostly because she was too busy making herself sick over the coming weekend. Nerves and excitement had hit—hard.
Brian was picking her up early from the store so they could make the five o'clock ferry.
She had packed this morning before coming in to open. Thankfully, being a Friday, business was steady throughout the afternoon, keeping her well-occupied—a blessing as far as Karina was concerned.
Hearing the door yet again, she looked up with a bright smile to welcome the next customer. Instead, her face prickled as the blood seemed to drain out of it at the sight of Brian, only to tingle warmly with embarrassment. Nervousness took over and she didn't know what to say.
Susan looked over at her, her expression curious. "Hi Brian. Is it time to pick Karina up all ready?"
"I'm a little early," he replied easily.
Karina found her voice with effort. "I'm not quite done. I'll be a few minutes yet. Do you want to come back or…"
"I'll wait. I don't have many chances to visit with Susan. So you go ahead and finish off."
He was as good as his word. He headed towards the back of the store where Susan had gone to give them a few moments together.
Karina stared at his receding back in frustration. How could he be so calm and unconcerned? He'd obviously not gone through a day of paralyzing nerves like she had. Damn him anyways.
Her temper simmered as she returned to the unpacking. She tore into the top shipment, ripping off the cardboard and tossing the packing foam on the floor. Calm and cool was he? Fine, she could be the same way. She was done in record time.
"Brian, I'm ready!" She reached for her purse and went into the back to talk to Susan.
"We're leaving now. See you on Monday."
"Have a wonderfully sexy weekend." Susan grinned mischievously.
Karina stopped to stare suspiciously at her friend. "Sexy weekend?"
"Brian said he was taking you away to his cabin for some R & R," Susan said, her grin growing.
Heat warmed her cheeks. She turned, quickly pinning Brian in place with her accusing glare.
He widened his eyes, a glint of amusement shining deep inside as he said, "What's wrong with telling Susan where we're going?"
She knew when she couldn't win. Reaching out, she gave Susan a quick hug, and then brushed past Brian.
She could hear his deep laughter as he followed her out of the store.
"Second thoughts?" His voice was gentle and considerate.
She was quiet for a few minutes. "No, I don't have second thoughts." She hesitated for a moment. "I just wanted it to be private, ours alone."
They'd reached his parked car. Gently, Brian pulled her into his arms for a tender moment. "And it is," he whispered in her ear while stroking her back. The comforting motion reassured her of his strength and understanding.
Curled tight against him, Karina realized that she really was hiding. She leaned back to study this man who held her as if she were precious and irreplaceable. His face was so beautiful. Strength and confidence flowed from the crags and dips. The late afternoon had brought a shadow of bristles to his lower jaw. Slowly, she stroked the planes of his face. With every caress, the light in his eyes deepened and darkened. He tilted his head into her hand, a regal greyhound asking to be stroked. Content in whom he was, capable of surrendering to his own needs, willing to bend for hers. She could learn much from this man.
Lost in the moment, she felt a wave of love overwhelm her. She reached up to cup his face with her hands. Slowly, oh, so slowly she lifted her face to his and placed an angel's kiss on his devilish lips.
With a Madonna smile, she pulled back to look at the flabbergasted man in front of her. "We'd better go or we might miss our ferry."
With a pat on the cheek, she turned and slid onto the front seat of his car. This time she was the one to walk away. This time he was the one left standing still in one spot, stunned.
Ian followed the Porsche as it wove through the traffic from the store back to Brian's house. He pulled over a couple of hundred feet away from the building and sat, considering his options. It was a Friday. He really wanted to get Karina alone, but for whatever reason, Brian had picked her from the store early today. Why?
Even as he watched, Brian and Karina came back out carrying overnight bags. They stored the bags in the back before getting back in the car. Interesting. They appeared to be going away for the weekend. The question was—where?
He let them get a fair distance down the road before he pulled out behind them. He wasn't too worried about losing sight of them—Porsches weren't exactly common on the streets. He watched as they headed into the ferry lanes leading to the terminals. He pulled off to the side, keeping his car on the shoulder. Thankfully this terminal was smaller. At the big ones, once you went down the access road you'd end up right on the ferry without any way out.
From where he sat he could still see the sports car, and he watched as Brian pulled into the Saltspring Island ferry line up.
He grinned when he realized that meant they'd be gone overnight for sure and possibly for the whole weekend.
Now he had time to case Brian's house. And find the perfect hiding spot.