About the Author

Diana Rajchel is the author of Divorcing a Real Witch: For Pagans and the People That Used to Love Them.

She is also the former executive editor for the Pagan Newswire Collective, the network founded by Jason Pitzl-Waters of The Wild Hunt. She works as a journalist, author, blogger, and general creative. She identifies as an eclectic Wiccan with more leanings towards Witch than Wiccan.

Diana has contributed to Llewellyn annuals along with occasional submissions to Circle Magazine, SageWoman, the Beltane Papers and Facing North. Her writing style is notable among Pagan writers because it almost never begins with a description of a walk in the woods. When it does … look for the rolling head. There always seems to be a rolling head after that.

She is a third-degree Wiccan priestess in the Shadowmoon tradition, an American Eclectic Wiccan tradition.

Rajchel is a San Francisco Bay transplant alongside her non-Pagan life partner. She is an urban gardener and enjoys bellydance, Pilates, hypnosis, and shamanic dance.
