As May fades into June, my texts and calls with Hamilton remain as they were prior to Adrian’s wedding. I don’t allude to our good bye. I allow him time to focus on his pitching and to work out his feelings. I’m sure he is as confused as I am.

This week I began my senior year of college by taking summer classes. My goal to fast track my education came to fruition. I begin student teaching this fall, have my college graduation in December, and hopefully I will secure a teaching position for the spring semester. My summer classes move at a rapid pace providing me with many hours of homework each day. So, this morning Liberty is enjoying tummy time on her quilt in the center of the floor while I finish up my lesson plan assignment for Monday’s class.

I find my eyes constantly drift to my daughter when I should be working. She’s currently holding her head up and babbling at her nearby toys. I slide my laptop to the side of the sofa and crawl down to join her. We babble, she drools, and we smile. She’s growing too fast. Everyday there is something new—Hamilton is missing too much. My ringing phone interrupts our playtime.

“I love you baby girl,” I whisper to my sleepy daughter. “One day, you will meet your daddy. You will meet Bethany and Troy, Adrian and Winston, Salem and Latham, and my friend Savannah.” I kiss her cheek. “For now, it’s time for a bottle and little girls to nap.”