Our plan seems to be working. I limit my substitute-teaching to three days a week. Every day, I schedule me-time like showering or soaking in the bathtub, reading a book, giving myself a manicure or pedicure, doing things for me. Liberty greets me at the door each afternoon I teach. Her unconditional love and contagious smile bring light to my world.
On the days I don’t teach, I attend counseling appointments then Liberty and I take a quick nap together enjoying our sleepy cuddles. With our naps I’m not tired all the time and still get a full night’s sleep most nights. My depression meds are working. They make me feel like I’m living my life in a thick haze, but my new doctor likes the progress I’ve made. He claims we will adjust my dosage again soon.
Our evenings contain walks through the neighborhood, meals at the table, and a fifteen-minute break after every hour spent on work. With Alma’s help, I better schedule my work and personal times. I will always need to work evenings and weekends to plan lessons or grade papers, but by balancing work and personal time, it seems easier.
It’s a long uphill battle. I’m constantly struggling to swim against the current, but with the help of Alma and Hamilton I have the stamina I need. My days and nights contain more light than darkness now. With each passing week, the darkness continues to shrink. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and I can fight this battle for me and for Liberty.