Many thanks to the following who have, in one way or another, influenced this book:
My father, for his forbearance with a headstrong 20-something-year-old son who seemed intent on wasting his education in search of adventure.
Sharyn Meeks, our stalwart office manager, who holds the fort with such reliable efficiency while we’re treading boldly.
Charlie Waite, fellow photographer and friend, who provided the initial advice and impetus to getting this project off the ground.
All my photo-mates, who drink my whisky every year, but especially Peter Adams, Jeremy Walker and Jon Gooding; we keep each other vaguely rational while navigating our way through this strange profession.
Freya Dangerfield, Emily Pitcher and Martin Smith at David & Charles, and editor Ame Verso, all who have been such a pleasure to work with on this book.
My wife, Wendy. We make quite a team. I couldn’t do half of what I do without her.