File under “AA!”: Another member joins Acroholics Anonymous (which can be refigured to read “Acro- nymics Anoholous”).

Let's engage in a little word play, in the literal sense of the, um, word play:

POSH: You there in the back, the ancient-Latin-looking fellow. You’re a new member to the group, aren’t you? Welcome.

NEW MEMBER: Thank you. I am Sic.

POSH: Well, we all are sick to a certain degree, sir. That’s why we’re here.

NEW MEMBER: I mean, that is my name. I am a word called Sic.

POSH: Have we seen you before?

NEW MEMBER: Yes, but you may not have noticed me, because I’m usually cloaked in parentheses or brackets.

POSH: Ah, well—anyway, welcome, Sic. I am Posh.

TIPS: And I’m Tips.

SHIT: And I’m . .. well, just refer to my biography on page 56 of the book called Everything You Know About English Is Wrong.

POSH: Does our new member have anything to say tonight? NEW MEMBER: Yes, I am Sic, and ... 7 am not an acronym! POSH: Bravo! Bravo!

NEW MEMBER: I'm a real word, a Latin word. Check my papers. I mean “thus” or “so.” I do not mean “Spelled In Context” or “Same In Copy” or “Spelled In-Correctly” or “Said or Spelled in Context” or “Stet Its Clunkiness” or “Strudel Is Cheesy” or any of those things, just as you, my friend (pointing) are not “Port Out Starboard Home.” And you (pointing) are not “To Insure Prompt Service.” And you (pointing) are not “Ship High in Transit.” And you (pointing) are not “Without Papers.” And you! You are not “Pussy Hips Ass Twat”!

PH AT: What if I want to be?

NEW MEMBER: You’re not! You’re just a jocular misspelling. Me . . . me ... I am a word! I am not an acronym, and thank you, Elephant Man! What’s more, if I were an acronym, I would stand for “Stop Idiotic Coinages!”

THE CROWD: Here! Here! (Sic!) (Sic!)


Bill Brohaugh