The basis for just about every fruity beach drink under the sun, rum is the rare liquor beloved by both creative mixologists and those who prefer it on its own merits. No matter how much you like rum, you probably shouldn’t just fill a Mason jar with it, though. Instead, reach for some punch. Caribbean Rum Punch can be made in a variety of different ways, all of them delicious.

Makes 1 serving.

1 part silver rum

1 part coconut rum

1/2 lime (juiced)

1 dash bitters

2 parts orange juice

2 parts pineapple juice

2 or 3 pineapple wedges (garnish)

1. Add ice to your Mason jar, then pour in the rums and lime juice. Add a dash of bitters.

2. Pour the orange juice and pineapple juice in approximately equal parts and stir until completely mixed.

3. Garnish with a few pineapple wedges, if you’ve got them, and enjoy!


Caribbean Rum Punch is just that—a punch. As such, it can really be manipulated in any way you see if. Don’t like coconut rum? Take it out. Think cranberry juice is a better choice than pineapple juice? Make the switch! Rum is an incredibly versatile cocktail, and you know your personal tastes better than anyone.

Images Crowd Pleaser

The Caribbean Rum Punch drink might look like a chore to multiply into larger proportions, but it pays off. With a bottle of orange juice, a bottle of pineapple juice, and a half bottle each of silver rum and coconut rum, you’ll have a drink ready to fill a punch bowl and keep your guests happy all night. Just add a little lime to taste and add a few drops of bitters and you’re done! For some extra panache, add fresh fruit, like oranges, lemons, and grapes, to the punch.