Like the Bloody Mary, Sangria is a cocktail with about a million different variations. Everyone loves to put their own spin on it, and that’s part of what makes it so great. When it comes to Mason jar cocktails, sometimes you want more than just a classic cocktail repackaged. Sangria is the perfect homespun and customizable drink to encapsulate the rustic, self-sufficient attitude that the Mason jar conveys.

Makes 4 to 6 servings.

1 bottle red wine

6 oz brandy

4 oz simple syrup (page 162)

4 oz orange juice

1 apple (peeled, cored, and diced)

1 orange (peeled and thinly sliced)

1 cup blackberries

1 lemon (cut into wheels)

1 lime (cut into wheels)

1. Combine all ingredients (including the fruit) into a large container and seal tightly.

2. Refrigerate for about 24 hours to allow the flavors to combine.

3. Pour the resulting fruit mixture into a punch bowl and enjoy!


Any and all fruit is acceptable in Sangria. The drink is essentially a fruit salad mixed with wine. Like pomegranate? Like honeydew? Throw it in! It’s up to you to create the drink that best suits your tastes.

Images Crowd Pleaser

Mason Jar Sangria is designed to be made in large batches. The recipe above is already intended for a half dozen people or so, but you can double everything in the recipe to put together something for an even larger brunch party. The real joy of Sangria is the fruit, so adding more of that will never go awry!