Rumored to take its name from none other than famous Alabama quarterback Brett Favre, the Alabama Slammer has been a popular drink in the American South for decades. Whether its origin story is true or not, it has entered into popular culture as fact. And who’s to argue? Despite carrying almost two full shots of liquor, the Alabama Slammer is a delicious medley of flavors perfect for any summer day. The drink doesn’t usually call for grenadine, but why miss out on an opportunity to give it that beautiful sunset look? This cocktail is a classic, but make it your own!

Makes 1 serving.

3/4 oz peach liqueur

3/4 oz Amaretto

3/4 oz sloe gin

3/4 oz vodka

6 oz orange juice

1 dash grenadine

1 orange slice (garnish)

1 maraschino cherry (garnish)

1. Add the desired amount of ice to your Mason jar, then add the liquor ingredients.

2. Top off with orange juice and a dash of grenadine, then stir until everything is thoroughly mixed.

3. Garnish with a slice or orange and a maraschino cherry and enjoy.


Red Death: This popular spinoff is a standard Alabama Slammer with a Kamikaze shot added to it. Be careful.