“Steven Greenberg’s chilling novel, Galerie, opens the minds of readers to a time when there was no clear right and wrong, when there was only life and death, and the defining line depended on what the individual person was willing to do to assure the preservation of his or her life and that of their loved ones. As Vanesa’s Uncle Tomas tells her as a child, ‘Many things in your life will leave you, but we never really lose anything as long as we remember. Your memories, the good and the bad, will never abandon you.’ And whilst some people might be willing to do anything, to sacrifice anything just to live, there are others who could not in good conscience give up their souls in order to live a mere shell of a life, one marred with disturbing memories. A powerful story about a troubling time in history with poignant lessons about choices and consequences.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Award FINALIST, 2016, Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
“...a story that will mesmerize readers from page one.” ~ Singing Librarian Books
“Imagine Steven King wrote Schindler’s List. Though it is well accepted that Nazi atrocities were among the most horrible in history, Galerie manages to break away from the accepted treatment of Europe’s darkest hour and explore the horror from an unexpected point of view. In his meticulously well researched novel, Greenberg picks open scabs that other authors have all agreed to let lie. I identified so personally with the heroine that I was sucked in to the story, even though at times I wished I could put the book aside to escape the unraveling mystery and horror.” ~ Nikki
“...brings the psychological and cultural legacy of the holocaust up to date...” ~ Escapology Reviews
“...so provocative that it is impossible to put down.” ~ Sydology
“Buy this book and say goodbye to your family for the weekend, because you will not want to put it down...” ~ Eric W. Swett