Lunar Lifeboat

If this crew gets back, it will be because of the absolute faith the crew and the [flight] directors have in each other.

—NASA technician

Flight controllers, engineers, scientists, and technicians rushed to mission control when they heard about the explosion on Apollo 13. NASA called on everyone who had worked on the spacecraft to help figure out how to get the astronauts home, including Ken Mattingly, the command module pilot most familiar with the Apollo 13 spacecraft. Mattingly had been replaced from the crew because of his exposure to German measles, but he had not developed the disease. Mattingly tested procedures in simulators before instructions were relayed to the men in the spacecraft. In this way, mission control worked out problems on the ground before they sent the procedures to space.

The lunar module’s role had been only to land on the moon and return to the command module in space. But it would have to drag the powered-down command module back to Earth and provide a home for three men for four days. NASA called hundreds of engineers who designed and built Aquarius at the Grumman Aerospace Corporation in New York. They drove to the factory in the middle of the night through an ice storm to help bring the astronauts home.

The Best Way Home

Lovell, Swigert, and Haise were safe in Aquarius for the time being. They took stock of their surroundings and prepared to live in the confined space. It would be crowded and uncomfortable. There were no seats. Pilots stood to grip the controls like a captain at the helm of a ship. Swigert floated through the tunnel to Odyssey and grabbed food packets before they froze. He filled plastic drinking bags with water from a water gun. Some of the water splashed onto his soft cloth shoes. With the temperature in the spacecraft falling, Swigert worried his feet would freeze before his shoes dried.

As the crew gathered provisions for their new home, flight controllers decided on the safest way to get them back to Earth. Since they didn’t know what caused the explosion in the service module, it was a difficult task.

Flight controllers debated two options. The first was a direct abort. In this procedure, the crew would stop the spacecraft, turn it around so it faced the opposite direction, and head straight back to Earth. A direct abort was the fastest way to bring the astronauts home. It would take about a day and a half. But nobody knew how badly damaged the powerful service module engine was. The crew would need to fire the giant engine full blast for more than five minutes. A damaged or improperly working engine could cause the spacecraft to explode, crash into the moon, or fly around in space forever.

The second option was to use Aquarius’s smaller engine to slingshot around the moon and use the moon’s gravity to send them back toward Earth. That option would take about four days—twice as long as the direct abort procedure. Mission control worried that the astronauts would run out of power and water before they made it back to Earth.

During a lively debate in mission control, some controllers favored a direct abort, arguing that the life-support system on Aquarius wouldn’t last long enough for the astronauts to survive a trip around the moon. Others argued for the slingshot method, citing the dead service module as proof that its engine probably wouldn’t work. Those who participated in the discussion knew that a wrong decision could mean the death of the astronauts.

The group decided on the slingshot option. The direct abort was too risky since no one knew the condition of the service module after the explosion. By going around the moon, the moon’s gravity would shoot the spacecraft toward Earth without using up valuable power the astronauts needed for reentry.

After they chose to cruise around the moon, flight controllers had to change the trajectory, or path, on which the spacecraft was traveling. Apollo 13 was currently moving on a course that would land it in the Fra Mauro area of the moon. They had to change that path, or the spacecraft would whip around the moon and miss Earth by about 2,500 miles (4,023 km). Flight controllers also had to work out recovery options. Changing the path of a spacecraft changed where it landed. Would they splash down in the Pacific, Atlantic, or Indian Ocean? It was an important question because mission control had to make sure a ship was nearby to pick up the crew.

Kranz formed teams of controllers to solve key problems. One team worked on the complex calculations to set the spacecraft trajectory. Another team was in charge of making sure Aquarius’s power supply would last long enough to get the crew back to Earth. A third team worked on figuring out how to power up Odyssey for reentry when the time came. And still another team worked on a recovery plan. It was never a question of if the crew would make it home. The question was always how. Kranz told the controllers, “This crew is coming home. You have to believe it. Your people have to believe it. And we must make it happen.”

Getting on Track

Mission control swiftly put together a two-part plan to put Apollo 13 on the correct track home. They told the crew they would need to burn Aquarius’s engine for less than a minute to get the spacecraft lined up correctly to go around the far side of the moon. The moon’s gravity would whip them around and fling them toward Earth. Then the crew would perform another, longer burn to speed up the spacecraft and cut the time it would take to reach Earth. The plan was risky because each time the crew performed a burn, equipment would need to be turned on and cooled. With limited electrical power and water for cooling, it was very possible they would run out before they made it home.

Mission control wanted to do the first burn as soon as possible to conserve the limited electrical power on Aquarius. They asked the crew if they could be ready in thirty-seven minutes.

“Could you give us a little bit more time?” Lovell asked.

Preparing for a burn normally took two hours. There were precise settings to adjust, and the complicated procedure had to be exact.

Mission control stretched the time to one hour and five minutes.

Astronaut Alan B. Shepard monitors communications between the Apollo 13 spacecraft and the Mission Control Center from a console in the Mission Operations Control Room of the center.

To put the spacecraft on the correct path, the crew needed to make sure they started from the right attitude, or orientation, in space. To check attitude, astronauts aligned the spacecraft with stars and constellations as points of reference. But Lovell couldn’t see stars because the hazy cloud of gas surrounding the spacecraft obstructed his view. Sunlight reflected off the gas and debris particles from the explosion, and it all looked like stars.

Lovell tried maneuvering the combined Aquarius-Odyssey spacecraft away from the debris field manually. He tried turning the spacecraft so the service module cast a shadow and blocked the sun. But steering Aquarius was a challenge. It felt as if it was attached to a dead refrigerator. The center of gravity was completely off, and Lovell had to learn to fly all over again. Still, no matter which way Lovell steered the ship, he couldn’t identify stars. They would have to execute the burn without verifying the spacecraft’s attitude and hope it sent them on a path around the moon rather than plummeting into it.

Flight controllers at mission control prepared detailed instructions for the first burn. They calculated engine angles, speed, the amount of power to use, and the length of time to run the engine. They checked and rechecked the numbers because even a slight error could mean dire consequences for the men in space. Aquarius’s small engine was not designed to propel the combined Aquarius-Odyssey spacecraft. The maneuver had never been tried. No one knew if it was powerful enough to do the job.

Lovell and Haise turned on equipment in Aquarius to prepare for the burn. They entered the data from mission control into the spacecraft’s computer. They extended four spidery legs to get them out of the engine’s way. Then they fired the engine for thirty seconds. This increased their speed and put them on the correct path to the moon. The procedure worked perfectly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The crew then worked with mission control to power down as much of Aquarius as possible. They had to conserve every bit of its water and power.

Conserving Consumables

As the lunar module pilot, Haise knew every inch of Aquarius. He’d spent hours at the Grumman factory learning about the machine from the inside out. He knew how much oxygen, electrical power, and water the spacecraft held. And he knew it wasn’t enough to support the crew all the way home. Haise had to figure out ways to stretch the limited supplies. A team of flight controllers at mission control also worked on plans to conserve the life-support systems on Aquarius. They worked with Grumman engineers to come up with the best strategy.

According to their calculations, there was enough oxygen to keep the astronauts alive until splashdown. The problems were electrical power and water. Aquarius ran on battery power instead of fuel cells as Odyssey did. At full power, they had enough for two days. To make the power supply last four days, the crew shut down everything that wasn’t essential for survival—roughly four-fifths of the systems on the spacecraft. They switched off cabin lights, heaters, gauges, some of the communications hardware, antennas, and the computer.

When the crew finished powering down Aquarius to the bare minimum, the spacecraft was operating the same amount of power that it takes to run a household vacuum cleaner. The air-to-ground communications link became garbled and full of static. The crew and mission control had a hard time understanding each other.

“Houston, this is Aquarius.” Lovell shouted as they worked to improve the connection. “The comm is very, very, very noisy. Over.”

Aquarius, Houston. Copy that. It’s noisy on our end, too,” said mission control. “Stand by while we think about it.”

Mission control and the crew worked on the problem. Lovell shifted the position of the spacecraft and angled antennas to point them directly at Earth. The crew changed settings on Aquarius. Nothing helped. The static on the line made it nearly impossible for either side to hear. As a last resort, mission control asked the crew to turn off the air-to-ground link completely for five minutes and then turn it back on. They hoped that like a computer reboot, when the system came back online, the signal would be stronger. To the relief of all, it was.

Lack of water was another huge problem for Apollo 13. The astronauts needed water to drink, and the spacecraft needed water to cool its equipment. Haise did some calculations and realized the crew would run out of water before they reached Earth. Mission control came up with the same estimate. To conserve the precious resource, the crew ate food that did not need water, such as bread cubes and peanuts. They drank only 6 ounces (177 mL) of water each day, a fraction of the normal amount for a healthy adult. They risked dehydration, which often causes fatigue, headaches, confusion, nausea, and dizziness. But stretching their water supply seemed a more pressing need. To help stave off dehydration, they also ate food that was packaged wet, such as hot dogs.

Rolls and Sleep Schedules

The astronauts had not slept in more than a day. Mission control, worried that the crew would make critical mistakes because they were tired, made a sleep schedule for them. But before the astronauts rested, they had to set up a passive thermal control roll. This procedure slowly rolled the spacecraft so it didn’t get too hot on the part facing the sun or too cold on the part facing away from the sun. Aquarius did not have an automatic system for performing this task as Odyssey had. Lovell struggled to set up the spin manually—not easy with Aquarius and Odyssey joined at their noses. Just when Lovell thought he had the procedure set, Aquarius wobbled, and the spin veered away from the sun line. He eventually managed to get the spacecraft into a slow spin.

Haise was first up on the sleep schedule. He tried to rest while Lovell and Swigert monitored the spacecraft. Then they slept, and Haise kept watch over the equipment. The crew floated into Odyssey to sleep, which they called the bedroom. Even though the spacecraft was turned off, plenty of oxygen flowed through the tunnel from Aquarius to keep them breathing comfortably.

But it was noisy in Odyssey. The open hatch that provided breathable air also brought every clank, gurgle, squeak, and hiss from Aquarius and every crackly word spoken between the crew and mission control. And it was nearly impossible for the astronauts to turn off their minds. As tired as they were, they couldn’t stop thinking about the situation they were in and imagining all sorts of possible outcomes. No one slept long or well.

A close-up view of the lunar module Aquarius from the Odyssey.

How Fast Is Fast?

While the crew rested, teams of flight controllers worked to find the safest way to speed up their return to Earth. They calculated three different scenarios for a burn the crew would perform after they rounded the moon. A superfast burn would run the Aquarius engine at full power for six minutes and cut twenty-four hours off the trip. Some flight controllers liked this plan because the spacecraft would definitely splash down before they ran out of electricity and water.

However, the crew would use nearly all their fuel on this one maneuver. Nothing would be left to make a midcourse correction later. Another disadvantage to the superfast plan was that the crew would need to jettison, or detach, the service module before the burn. Some flight controllers thought this was a bad idea. The service module fit over the base of the command module and protected its heat shield from the cold of space. They didn’t want to risk exposing the heat shield to possible damage because the heat shield was the only thing that protected the astronauts from burning up in Earth’s atmosphere during reentry.

The second option was a little slower than the first, so the spacecraft’s power and water supply would need to stretch further. However, this burn left more fuel for later midcourse corrections. This option also required jettisoning the service module.

The final option would take the longest to return home. The crew would leave the service module attached and burn Aquarius’s engine for four and a half minutes. They would splash down in the Pacific Ocean a full day later than option 2. Some flight controllers worried power and water on the spacecraft wouldn’t last that long. Other controllers, the group working out recovery options, were nervous about this plan for another reason. Tropical Storm Helen was heading to the same spot in the southwest Pacific Ocean as the landing site.

Flight controllers, spacecraft engineers, and NASA officials debated the plans for hours. They discussed the pros and cons and the risks and benefits of each. It was the space program’s “longest night,” said flight director Glynn Lunney of the black team.They decided that the slowest route to Earth was the safest. NASA trusted the flight controllers working to stretch Aquarius’s consumables to find enough electricity and water to get the crew home. And they didn’t want to lose the service module. If the heat shield was even slightly cracked from the explosion, the harsh temperatures in space could split it wide open.

With a decision made, the meeting broke up, and flight controllers went back to work.

“What do you say we quit talking about this thing,” said flight director Gerald Griffin of the gold team, “and go see if we can’t do it.”