Richard D. Patterson (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles) is distinguished professor emeritus, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. He has been involved in numerous Bible projects either as a translator, peer reviewer, or contributor. He was associate editor of the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (Zondervan).

Hermann J. Austel (Ph.D. in ancient Near Eastern Languages, UCLA) has taught at Los Angeles Baptist College and Seminary and presently professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma, Washington.

General editor: Tremper Longman III (Ph.D., Yale University) is Robert H. Gundry professor of biblical studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.

General editor: David E. Garland (Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate dean of academic affairs and William M. Hinson professor of Christian Scriptures at George W. Truett Seminary, Baylor University, in Waco, Texas.