Mia slipped in the back door of the Mini Mart and shrugged off her coat. She hurried through the store, flipping lights along the way, until she finally made it to the front where she turned the sign to open and unlocked the door. Next, she started stocking shelves and tried not to think about what lurked outside. It was early in the morning and she was a little twitchy. The wind tossed a garbage can across the parking lot and had her reaching for her blade. She rose and peered over the top of the shelf, staring out of the picture windows through the front of the store. While she knew demons were not usually out in the daylight, it didn’t mean they had never been seen. However, they seemed to prefer darkness to wield their nightmarish deeds.
The lightening sky revealed nothing out of the ordinary. She laughed. What the hell was ordinary these days anyway? Demons were real and so was some asshole who was in charge of them and wanted humanity to bow to his whim.
Picking up the empty box, Mia pushed a dark curl from her eyes, cursing how she’d been blessed with her mother’s unruly hair and would kill for long, straight locks. Even a flat iron wouldn’t tame this beast. Heading back to the counter, the bell chimed, indicating a customer had entered. She turned to greet them with a smile, but instead her mouth momentarily dropped open. Staring back at her was the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on. Silky, black as midnight hair lay perfectly straight past his shoulders. Odd, considering the wind outside. Brown eyes with flecks of copper studied her. If she didn’t know better, she would swear fire burned behind them. A firm jaw shadowed by a few days’ growth framed the most delectable lips she had ever seen.
“Can I help you?” Lord, how had she managed to find her voice?
“Twizzlers.” His reply was low, dark, and sent a shiver up her spine.
“Second aisle.” She pointed and watched as he moved quiet and stealthy as a panther. Black leather covered a round ass that looked as if it were chiseled from granite it was so firm.
Damn that be fine.
He stopped midstride and looked over his shoulder at her, a wicked grin curved kissable lips. Panic made her wonder if she had mistakenly spoken out loud. But no, she was certain she hadn’t. The TV in the corner shrilled, indicating a broadcast was coming through, so she forced her gaze away from that fine ass to watch the news.
The handsome man they called Aidyn appeared with the woman she’d seen earlier. A child cradled in her arms. Supposedly, they were some kind of guardians or angels, she wasn’t sure, but what she did know was the demons were still out there and she was terrified. A strong presence brushed against her, causing her to glance out of the corner of her eye only to find Mr. Hottie had slipped in beside her.
“Do you think these people are who they say? I mean, if they really are angels, then why can’t they stop the evil?” she asked her strange customer. Did she really want his opinion or just to hear that sinful voice again?
He stared straight at the screen. “That one is more than anyone realizes.”
She faced him straight on. “Huh? What does that mean?”
Mia ripped her focus away from the distraction next to her and back to the broadcast. “Peace? For the holidays?” She laughed. “If they can’t stop this Lowan and his army of nasty creatures, how the hell do they expect to make him behave for Christmas?” She marched behind the counter, having enough of false hopes. Mr. Hottie stepped up and placed an entire box of Twizzlers on the counter. She raised a brow.
“Must be your favorite.”
“I can’t get them where I live.”
“Serious? Where you from, outer space?”
He tossed a fifty on the counter. “Not far, yet not close.”
Well, that was the strangest damn answer she’d ever heard. Apparently, the guy wanted his privacy. She got that.

Vanilla wafted through the room and Hades wanted to bathe in it. He hated vanilla, but the scent was coming from the beauty behind the counter, and he suddenly had an intense craving for it. For her. Granted, the only females he’d been with in centuries were demons. Still, they were the most beautiful in the world. This creature in front of him was different with her swirl of copper curls that reached her shoulders. Stormy gray eyes stared back at him and made him wonder what brewed behind them. He searched deeper into her soul. Used his gift to see her truth and what he found startled him. She was not unlike him. Desires, fears, and her own torture had him pulling away to bring his focus back to her full lips. A mouth he suddenly wanted to plunder, and this new desire unsettled him.
“You would like peace for the holiday?” he questioned, already knowing where she stood on the matter.
“I want peace period, but I highly doubt they are going to bring it.”
He tried not to study her, but the sweater she wore didn’t do anything to hide her ample breasts. His gaze did a lazy glide downward. Over faded jeans that revealed full, round hips. The woman was all curves, exactly how he liked them. He could have her right here and ease the pressure behind his zipper. There was no missing the fact she was also aroused. Yet… Something held him back. An urge he had never before experienced. He wanted this female but not here. Not like this. A woman like her deserved better, so he ignored his discomfort and continued the conversation. “A little skeptical, are you?”
She rang up his order. “That’s nineteen ninety-nine. You want this in a bag?”
“No need. You didn’t answer my question.” He wasn’t sure why, but her opinion was important.
“They haven’t fixed it yet. How many people have died or been terrorized?”
He stiffened. “Have you been terrorized?” The thought of her even being looked at by one of Lowan’s henchmen iced over his very soul. Never a good thing when you were Hades.
“No, but I feel I’ve been lucky so far. I try to stay under the radar.” She shoved an unruly curl out of the way, and he rolled his fingers to keep from reaching out to do it for her.
He sensed her lying but rather than press the issue, he ignored it. “What is your name?”
“Mia.” He liked the way it rolled off his lips. “Hold out your hand.” He pushed a slight compulsion at her, so she would comply. Long, delicate fingers tipped with pink polish reached out. He took her hand, not missing the instant warmth that nearly made him shiver. The smoothness of her creamed coffee skin was like heaven against his fingertips. Turning over her hand, he placed two fingers at her wrist then slowly traced across her palm until he reached the tips of her fingers where he lingered for a moment. He was loath to break contact but knew he must.
She blinked, then thick lashes lowered over her stormy eyes. “What was that about?”
He grinned. “You have been marked. You’re now under my protection. No demon will dare touch you.” And if any did, they would know his full wrath.
Her eyes widened, and she stared at her hand. “What? Who the hell are you?”
“I am the lord of the dark. The one who will silence the evil, so you can have your holiday.”
She gasped and backed up. “The devil?”
Her words stung. He slapped his palms down and leaned over the counter. “The devil is a spineless prick who kneels at my feet. I hold more power in my pinky than that bastard does in his entire body. He quivers when I speak his name. I am Hades, god of the Underworld, and I will be back for you.” He didn’t bother to use the door. Instead, he summoned his power, wanting to show her how strong he was and left in a swirl of black smoke.

Mia stared at the empty space where the hot number... Umm, Hades––as he had referred to himself––had been standing. Her gaze then quickly went to her hand where he had traced his fingers. Her palm still tingled with heat and it freaked her out. There was nothing there, at least visibly anyway, and that made her heart race even more.
She swallowed.
He said he would be back for her. “What the hell does that even mean?” she yelled at no one, and thank god, because she didn’t want an answer. “And why the hell am I attracted to the fucking devil?” Oh wait. Not the devil but Hades, as if there was a damn difference. She forced her shaky legs to carry her to the coffee machine and poured herself a mocha. She needed to think and began to pace. Her hands trembled so badly she left a trail of coffee in her wake. This had to be some kind of sick joke. She stopped and forced her shoulders to relax.
“Yeah, a joke.” She sipped her beverage then suddenly remembered he had vanished into thin air. “Okay, not a joke.” Pushing back an aggravating curl, she went back to the counter and sat on a stool. Hopefully, some customers would come in soon and take her mind off the morning’s crazy events. The silence in the room was deafening, and since radio no longer worked, she stuck her iPod into the slot on her speaker box and turned on some soothing music.
The door jangled, and a middle-aged lady stuck her head in. “You have to come see this.”
Mia shoved off her stool. “What’s going on?” She headed for the door and stepped into the crisp air. The sun making its way higher into the sky took the edge off the cool breeze.
“It’s true.” A man shouted as he ran by.
Mia walked to the sidewalk where the woman stood and looked down the street. “What’s...” Her jaw dropped, and she instinctively shoved her hand over her gaping mouth. Standing in the middle of the street was Mr. Sexy himself. His face turned to the sky and his hands outstretched. Wind whipped around him, but his hair never moved. Screams laced with pain filled the morning air and she had to cover her ears. Hades, or whoever he was, snapped his gaze back to the street and started walking, shouting in a foreign language.
“What the hell is he doing?” she whispered to the woman next to her. Mia figured the smart thing to do would be to turn and run, but her feet remained planted. Apparently, she wasn’t very bright.

Hades felt Mia’s eyes on him as spectators began to line the sidewalks and watch the event unfold. So much for being anonymous, but then again, the only one who knew who he was was Mia, and he doubted she was going to tell.
He began his chant. “Children of the dark, I command you to return home.” A black hole snapped open, spinning into a vortex that reached several feet into the sky. A tornado spawned from Hell. Screams from protesting demons nearby permeated the air as their bodies were dragged––involuntarily––toward the darkness. Unfortunately, if there were any of his good demons in the area, they too would be pulled home. His spell did not differentiate between good or evil, and he had warned those close to him to leave this realm while Hades cleaned house.
Humans backed away, terror plastered on their faces, yet they were compelled by curiosity to watch the spectacle. As long as they kept their distance from those forced into the vortex, they would remain unharmed.
After several minutes, the funnel snapped shut indicating the cleansing was complete. Similar black holes had appeared all around the world, thus wrenching any demon from its hiding place. He closed his eyes and did a quick mental scan. Yes, all the evil had been captured and was tucked away in Hell. He set a timer which would reverse the vortex and spit everyone back out to where they originally came from at midnight tomorrow. Now, all that was left was Lowan and he felt the demigod brush his mind. The little twerp should be arriving any moment.
“You bastard!”
“Ah, right on cue.” Hades turned to face his grandson and felt the color drain from his face. Lowan stood behind Mia with a blade touching her delicate throat.
“Did you really think you could break the rules and get away with it?” Lowan pushed his nose into Mia’s hair and inhaled. “She stinks of you.”
Hades’ temper reached critical, and lightning split open the sky. Had no one learned it wasn’t wise to piss him off? With several deep breaths, he managed to dial back his rage a notch, or maybe a half. He widened his stance and crossed his arms. “You’re a fucking idiot and a disgrace to my DNA. I have not broken any rules, because if I had, you would be incinerated. I merely made a deal to stop your tirade and give people a reprieve.” He narrowed his gaze and allowed the red in his eyes to come forth.
“Until midnight tomorrow, there will be peace. Either live with it or I will show you what real suffering is all about.”
Lowan’s cackle filled the air. “You seem to be missing my point.” He pressed his blade harder against Mia’s throat until tears streamed down her cheeks. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m holding a knife against the throat of the female you marked as your own.”
Hades quickly tired of this game. He had more important things to do with his limited time in the Upperworld. Like fucking for starters and the female he’d intended to do that with was in Lowan’s grip. He flicked his gaze to the blade pressed against her perfect skin and watched in delight as it turned to dust and floated away. Next, he put an invisible hold around Lowan’s windpipe and squeezed until the demigod dropped to his knees, releasing Mia as he went.
Hades stormed closer and was pleased to see Mia step away from Lowan. He forced his anger to recede, and hopefully his eyes returned to their normal color. “I would kill you now if given the chance and be damned the consequences. However, I relish the thought of torturing your soul for eternity once it’s ripped from your body.” He gave Lowan an invisible kick in the gut.
“You are a minor god, and while you may be far stronger than these humans, compared to me you are a speck on my boot. I will confine you until my agreement is up.” He snapped his fingers and sent Lowan to his worst dungeon to wait out the holiday. Hades turned his attention to a trembling Mia. The desire to pull her into his arms and soothe her fears was overwhelming. Instead, he refrained from the rather new and frightening emotions bombarding him.
“T-that is your grandson?”
He held his hands up. “As much as I hate to admit it, yes.”
“Then why don’t you destroy him and stop all of this?” She looked around, her eyes wild. “Apparently you’re powerful enough.”
“Rules. And while I thoroughly enjoy breaking them, there are some even I will obey. Now, your place, or shall I find us a nice hotel?” He reverted back to his womanizing ways, hopeful she might say yes.
Her perfect pink mouth fell open before she glared at him and slammed it shut. “When Hell freezes over.” Then she turned and ran.
“Well, that was rather ungrateful, and I could freeze Hell if that was your desire.” He shouted after her, trying to hide his disappointment. “Very well. I have other things to take care of. For now,” he muttered knowing full well he would search her out later.