Chapter Seven

Mia hurried and showered, not lingering after spending way too much time chatting it up with Hades. Once toweled off, she slipped on the new clothes he brought her and felt like an absolute princess. Never had her skin touched anything so soft. With clothes nicer than any she owned, she decided a bit of makeup was called for. Usually she didn’t wear it, but a swipe of gloss, a touch of blush, and mascara had her feeling beautiful. She pulled on the leather boots and decided she was going to skip the entire way to the shelter, her feet felt so good.

Grabbing a jacket and her keys, she headed out the door. Outside, the sounds of Christmas sang through the crisp morning air. She pulled the jacket tight around her neck to ward off the harsh breeze and headed down the sidewalk. The shelter was only four blocks from her apartment but was into the wind the entire way, making her wish she had grabbed a pair of gloves.

Inside, she shed the coat and placed it on a hook in exchange for an apron. There was no way she was taking any chances of spilling on her new clothes. Suddenly, she was filled with remorse. Hades had given her an exceptional gift, yet she had nothing to offer him. There wasn’t a store in town open today to get anything either. Besides, what did one get the god of Hell? He did say he didn’t celebrate the holiday, but still…

“Morning, Mia.”

“Morning, Michael.” She greeted the manager of the shelter. Michael was a thirty-five-year-old who ran his own business as well as kept the shelter going. He was also a transplant from California, having lived in New Orleans for five years now. She’d had a crush on him when he’d first arrived, but with the curse, she had refused a date with him when he’d asked. Finally, he’d tired of waiting for her to change her mind and moved on. Now, Michael was engaged and would be marrying in the spring. It was difficult not to be jealous, but she was happy for him.

“We’re going to be shorthanded for a while. Betty has family matters and will be in later,” he said not ever bothering to give her a second look.

“I’m sure we’ll manage. I hope everything’s okay.”

“She said not to worry.”

“Good.” Mia moved past Michael and into the kitchen, where those who’d been here since the crack of dawn cooking were busy filling trays. She grabbed one and headed for the dining room, depositing it over the warmer.

“We’re ready to start serving,” one of the helpers said.

Mia took a spot in front of the mashed potatoes and put on her best smile. She really did love helping out those who were less fortunate. It was the only thing that gave her a sense of satisfaction and put her life back into perspective. As people who had nothing left in the world filed past her full of thanks and holiday cheer, she was once again reminded that her problems were small in comparison. She scooped a spoonful of potatoes onto the plate of Mr. Benson, a gentleman of African-American descent, who she guessed was nearing seventy or so. He had once been a teacher in one of the poorer neighborhoods of New Orleans. When the last hurricane hit, he had lost everything and with no insurance, there was no money to replace his home. He’d been living at the shelter for the past two years, yet he never uttered a negative word about his plight.

“Morning, Ms. Brown. I’ll be in the kitchen later to help with the dishes.”

She smiled. “Morning, Mr. Benson. We’ll be happy for the help.”

“Please girl, how many times must I tell you to call me James?”

She gave a nod. “Only if you stop calling me Ms. Brown and call me Mia.”

“We have an agreement then.” He grinned and moved down the line.

Two hours and several full bellies later, someone played the piano. People gathered around and began singing while Mia and the others carried the empty trays back to the kitchen and started the cleanup. As promised, James was elbow deep in soapsuds washing dishes while he hummed along with the carolers.

“You seem far away, Mia.”

She exchanged her already soaked towel for a dry one. No way was she going to admit her mind was on a sexy god who was having dinner with her later. She wondered what he was up to. “I was just thinking of my family.”

He gave a nod. “I understand that. Sometimes I think they are better off not being here. With everything going on in the world today, that is.”

“True. I hate to think of my family being hurt or worse by those demons.” She’d seen enough of their destruction up close and personal. The thought of living in Hell for any length of time had her shivering.

“I’ve been thinking of going to meet with that Aidyn fellow about what I might do to help.” James stared into the dishwater.

Mia set down her towel and touched his arm. “You’re not thinking of becoming one of them, are you?”

He chuckled. “Oh, heavens no. I understand when the change occurs you will be frozen at your current age. I’m much too old for that, but there must be some way for me to help.”

“I see.” She picked up her towel and began drying. Her mind again wandered back to Hades.

Hades strode down the street, opening his mind to his brothers.

Argathos, Zarek, the girl is in possession of the dagger.

Seconds later, both brothers appeared in his path. Zarek crossed his arms and took a wide stance. Was Hades supposed to be intimidated? Not fucking likely. He was more than happy to go toe-to-toe with his elder brother. Matter of fact, he would love nothing more.

“Then we can expect it to happen today,” Zarek stated.

“And why is that?” Hades asked.

“The guardians are holding a celebration in Vandeldor with the shifters. It will be the perfect setting for Leria to carry out your orders.”

“Perfect. When do we expect them to gather?”

“This evening,” Argathos replied then smiled. “You still have plenty of time to carry out your own plans.”

Hades drew in a deep breath. “Perhaps you and I need to have a chat, brother.”

“Yes. I think we do,” Argathos said.

Hades had already set his minions to work on Mia’s apartment. They were ordered to make it look like Christmas had retched its glittery cheer everywhere. He hoped when she returned, she would find her home transformed into a wonderland of holiday on steroids. “I have nothing but time at the moment.”

“I have things to do. I will leave you both to your secrets, but I will summon you later.” Zarek vanished.

“I see he’s still an ass.” Hades started to walk again, not sure where he was even headed. He knew that even with Christmas cheer all around, New Orleans still fueled the dark side of him. There was, however, one thing he intended to do before he returned to Mia’s apartment.

“Zarek has changed, but I know you’ve not been here to see it.” Argathos walked beside him.

“Whatever.” Hades was quick to dismiss the statement. Still angry with his eldest brother for the centuries of torture Hades had lived with. Even using the rationale that Hades had been too much like his father, wild and downright mean, did little to make him feel better. Zarek was the king of gods, his word law. He had a beautiful wife as well. Something Hades would never admit he longed for. Family came with sacrifices though. Zarek’s only daughter had given her life for the creation of the guardian Seth. Argathos had long ago lost the woman he loved, and war had broken out causing the death of their brother, Pyros. Seemed they all had paid a price. Except for him. He had never fallen in love and wasn’t about to start any time in the next ten centuries.

“You need to find happiness, brother.” Argathos tore Hades out of his pity party.

“Have you ever been to Hell? No, you haven’t. It’s full of misery and not exactly the ideal conditions for being joyful. I’ve even grown bored with torture and am actually considering staying here.” There, he’d said it.

Argathos stopped. “You know you can’t stay here, but there is no reason you cannot find what you’re searching for. I’m even certain Zarek will consider lifting your sentence so you may move between realms without a summons. You only need ask him.”

Hades broke out into a fit of laughter. “You seriously want me to ask Zarek for a favor? I think your crystal ball has cracked.”

His brother crossed his arms. “You know I don’t use such a thing.” He leaned closer. “Your world is about to change, Hades. You will be brought to your knees by a female. Like it or not.”

He laughed even harder. “Now I know you’re delusional. You’ve not seen what I’m capable of, brother. The acts I’ve ordered be done to those who are condemned to my realm,” he snarled. “I’ve been with more females than you have ever even met and not one has come close to bringing me to my knees. I am our father’s son more than you know.”

Argathos only shook his head. “You will soon learn the hard way.”

Hades started walking, his pace even faster than before. He would never admit his brother had rattled him. Argathos was the god of visions and a seerer. He had been known to predict future events with exact accuracy. However, the god was not able to see his own future. Had that been the case, Hades was certain Argathos would have prevented his own wife, Brianna’s death. Even Hades cringed at the memories of that day. He was surprised his brother had remained sane after that.

Argathos grabbed Hades’ arm. “Just keep my words in mind.” Argathos smiled. “I promise, Hades, you will find happiness.” He backed away. “I will see you later.” Then he was gone with the wind that swirled over the street.

Hades swallowed and for a moment, weakness had his muscles softening. He was quick to regain himself and remember who he was. He was Hades, god of all evil, and his torture was known in Hell and beyond. Humans and demons quaked at the mention of his name. Any female foolish enough to become his would quickly grow to regret it.

Mia hurried out of the shelter and down the street toward her apartment. For some strange reason, she was excited to see what Hades had planned. There was a time when Christmas had been her favorite holiday, and she wished she could once again find the spirit of the season. No matter how hard she tried, she hadn’t been able to erase the bad memories associated with it. Her brother’s death hung like a black cloud over her but was also the reason she did volunteer work. When her brother had been deep into the drugs, he had lived on the street. If she was able to bring even a little hope into someone else's life, then maybe it would spare another person the same grief she suffered.

When she approached her building, she hesitated at the entrance. Drawing on her courage, she opened the door and climbed the stairs. Once at the second story, she walked the creaky floors to the end of the hall where her apartment was and fumbled for her key. The door swung open before she was able to retrieve it and… Oh. My. God!

“You cut your hair and…” She leaned closer. “Your eyes are blue.” The most intense steel blue she’d ever seen. With his much shorter hair, it brought out his strong jaw covered with the dark dusting of whiskers. And the short curl that fell across his forehead only added to the desire she had to run her fingers through the thick, black mass.

“I felt I needed a change. Do you approve?”

Did he seriously need her approval? Her gaze fell to the black, button-down shirt that was open just enough to allow a hint of what lay beneath. His ensemble was completed by dark jeans and boots. “I like the shorter hair. It suits you.” She dared not say any more than that.

“The eyes…seem to change with my mood since I’ve been in your world. I’m not sure why though. Your new clothes suit you. Do you like them?”

“Umm. Y-yes, they are very nice,” she managed to stutter while still trying not to stare. His gaze, now almost as dark as his shirt, bore right through her. Finally, he stepped back and waved her into the small foyer. When she walked through the door he didn’t bother moving, and there was no possible way to get past his large frame without some kind of bodily contact. She turned and slid by, her hands instinctively went up and touched his chest. A firm, muscular chest that promised a view of manly perfection should he take off his shirt.

Mia managed to pull her thoughts from such nonsense and continued into the room where she swore she was in the wrong apartment.

“What do you think?”

“Holy shit!”

Hades let out a deep laugh and she found even that sexy as hell. Mia rubbed her temples, wondering if she had hit her head on the way home. No normal thinking female would find the laugh of the god of the Underworld sexy.

“I’ve never seen the like… Hell, my apartment has never seen the likes of so much holiday.” The biggest tree she had ever had was stuffed into the corner and decked out with lights, old-fashioned glass balls, and tinsel. It shimmered like something from an overdone Christmas card. Several poinsettias of varying sizes were placed on the floor, table, and shelves. She glanced toward the ceiling and her jaw went slack.

“Please tell me I’m not standing under mistletoe?” She looked at Hades whose grin spoke of seduction.

“You most certainly are. You can’t have Christmas without it.”

She quickly stepped back, her heart racing. “That’s not playing fair.”

He laughed. “I am Hades and I never play fair. If I did, those under me would try and take advantage.” He moved closer. “You owe me a kiss, Mia.”

“No, you promised.” She took another step back.

“I promised not to have sex with you and a kiss is a far cry from fucking you.” He didn’t move closer, but his presence slid across her skin and she was forced to hide a shiver.

“Still not fair.”

“Are you afraid of yourself?” One side of his mouth curled upward.

“That makes no sense. I’m afraid of you, not me.” As if to make her point, she walked away from him and set her purse on the counter. It was then she spied the spread of food in her small kitchen.

“I am a man of my word, but you are tempted by what I can offer. That is why you are afraid of yourself. You fear if you kiss me, you won’t be able to stop there. I wouldn’t blame you though.”

She whirled and pinned her glare on him, wishing she could make him burst into flames. He mocked her. Insinuated she had no willpower and would simply fall under his spell. Well, Mia was no weakling. She’d already been on her own version of hell’s rollercoaster and was still fighting her way back. If he thought to intimidate her, he was mistaken. Drawing her shoulders back, she marched to him. Stopped within inches of actual body contact, wrapped her arms around his neck then pulled him closer. Before she could chicken out, she planted her lips on his and upon contact realized what a grave error she had made.

He rested his palms on her hips but thankfully didn’t tug her closer. His whiskers were surprisingly soft against her skin, and she found herself pressing into him. He parted his lips and his tongue swept out and caressed her own. She moaned and found herself opening to him.

What have I done?