Hades was dressed and storming down the corridor within minutes of receiving the message from Baal that Mia’s father had been located. He had insisted on meeting the demon before Mia got anywhere near him. Reluctantly, she had agreed and was waiting in their suite with Baal’s mate, Ranata. Hades was certain the only reason Mia was being so cooperative was because she didn’t want to offend the fae queen and this was their first meeting. He hoped the females got along. He wanted Mia to have friends as well as allies in this new world of hers.
He shoved open the door to his office and stepped inside. The demon next to Baal dropped to one knee.
“My lord.”
Hades didn’t indicate for him to rise, instead he studied the man. Same dark hair and coffee-colored skin as Mia. “Look at me,” he commanded.
The demon tipped his head back and stared at Hades with the same gray eyes Hades had looked into earlier. He had to give credit. The man didn’t show any fear and that was something Hades could respect.
“You may rise.”
The demon stood to his full height, which matched that of Hades’ six-foot-three and didn’t once cast his gaze downward. A sign that while he respected Hades’ position, he was also a warrior who would not be intimidated.
“What is your name?”
“You have been summoned here regarding your daughter.” No sense beating around the bush. He watched for any indications of how this demon felt regarding the matter. Omar’s features remained unchanged.
“My daughter?”
“Yes. Certainly, you have felt her power.”
“I thought I had but it was so brief and never returned I thought I had imagined it. You know of my daughter? Is she well?” There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“She is, but you will need to be explaining the situation to her. You can understand that she is confused.”
Omar gave a single nod. “Yes. Where can I find her?”
“She is here, and you should also know that Mia is now my mate. You hurt her, and you pay the penalty. I promise it will be one that will last for an eternity.”
The demon’s gaze softened. “I am honored to have you mated to my only daughter. Please, I am anxious to see her.”
Hades tipped his head. “Then it shall be done.”

Mia was enjoying her chat with Ranata. The fae queen turned out to be no different from Mia herself. Seems both their lives were a total mess. Ranata, however, was only beginning to find out just how messed up hers was and Mia wouldn’t want to trade places for anything. Finding out you were queen to an entire race of people definitely didn’t sound like good times.
“I can’t believe you and Hades. We didn’t even get a chance to throw you a party! That will be rectified and soon.”
Mia offered a smile. Still not used to the fact that she was now basically the wife of the god of the Underworld. Un-freaking believable!
She jumped, not used to Hades entering her mind. What?
Are you ready to meet your father?
Panic must have caused lines on her face because Ranata gave her a funny look.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m just not used to this non-verbal form of communication. Also, Hades asked if I was ready to meet my father.” Her body shook from the emotions that racked her.
“Are you? It is a big step. I remember how nervous I was when I saw my mother again.”
Mia recalled the story Ranata had shared earlier how her mate, Baal, had bargained with Zarek in order for Ranata to see her mother in the afterlife. Miracles never ceased, and she wondered if she might one day see her own mother again. Pulling her shoulders back, she replied.
Hades, I’m ready. I’ll be there in a moment. Mia looked at Ranata. “Walk with me?” She knew the woman would offer much needed moral support.
“I’m so happy you want me to accompany you.” Ranata laced her arm around Mia’s and led her out of the room. As they walked down the corridor that seemed to go on forever, Mia tried to calm her nerves. It was unreal that she was going to meet her father. A demon.
As they approached Hades’ office, he stepped out and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. “Your father is a good man and is anxious to see you.” He offered his arm to Mia and a warm smile to Ranata then escorted both of them inside.
A man as tall as Hades, with a head of black hair and the same eyes that Mia stared at every time she looked in the mirror, met her gaze. There was no mistaking he was her father, and if his looks weren’t enough, she felt it deep in her soul.
He took several steps toward her then stopped. “You are as beautiful as your mother.”
Suddenly she needed to know everything. “How did you come to be with my mother, impregnate her, and then leave?” Surprisingly, there was no anger in her regarding the situation.
Sadness drew lines across his face. “I met your mother through a mutual friend and there was an instant attraction. I never hid what I was from her. She knew and had even seen me in my demon form. She was the most accepting woman I had ever met.” He glanced at the floor, no longer did he look like a formidable warrior. More like a broken man and Mia took the last few steps. Reaching him, she placed her hand on his arm.
“What happened?” she asked in a gentle tone.
He looked her in the eyes. “She became pregnant. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but the gods must have willed it so. I knew I had to leave her to keep you both safe. I prayed your power would never surface.” He gently gripped both her arms. “There was a real good chance it wouldn’t, and you would be safe.” He looked over her shoulder at Hades. “I never imagined you would become the mate to the most powerful god ever. I am pleased he will be your protector.”
Mia pulled her father into an embrace. “I understand.” And she really did. There was a kind of connection with this man that told her he spoke only the truth.
He squeezed her, kissing the top of her head. “I am the luckiest man alive. I will assist you in your transition and make sure you know how to use your power.” He released her, and Hades came in beside her.
“That makes two of us. You will have an entire army to protect you as well. Nothing and no one will dare harm you again.”

Hades had insisted Omar stay in the palace and already placed the demon in a suite of his own. He was welcome here for as long as he wanted to stay. Hades liked the fact there was another he could trust to care for Mia besides himself and Baal. There was still the little incident with Lowan, but he hoped the little prick would take care before he fucked with Mia again.
After checking in with Argathos, he learned there was still no news of Aidyn returning. However, both of his brothers were anxious to meet their new sister-in-law and Hades couldn’t agree more that Mia would be far safer in the gods’ realm than in Hell. At least until her power was fully under her control. He currently made his way to find his lovely bride and tell her they were going to move. At least temporarily. He located her in the kitchen, supervising the cook.
“Love.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, causing her to turn into him. Her smile undid him. Gods, how had he fallen so hard for this female? It didn’t matter. A question he could not answer, nor did he care to.
“You look like you’re up to something.” She smiled.
“Yes. We are going to be making a temporary move to my other home.”
“You mean where your brothers live?”
“Yes. It will be a safer place for you while you learn your powers. Besides, my brothers wish to meet you, and there are many who can also help you as well as provide protection.”
“What about my father?”
“He will come as my guest. Zarek will not dare tell me who I can have in my home.”
“Okay. When do we leave?”
“Start packing anything you want to take with you. We will leave as soon as you’re ready. Just remember, I can get you anything you desire. Soon, you’ll be able to do the same.”
“So, pack light?” She laughed as she walked away toward their suite.
An hour later, and they were settled into a home he had not been in since he was exiled to Hell. Nothing had changed. Everything in its place as it had been so long ago. Everyone was in their rooms and he lay with Mia in his arms.
“It was so nice meeting Zarek, Qadira, and Argathos today. I can’t wait for the party tomorrow, so I can meet the others.” She snuggled in closer. “I know I’m going to like everyone, and it really is a comfort having so much support.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for bringing my father along. We both have a lot of time to make up for.”
He rolled on top of her. Pinned her arms over her head and nuzzled her neck. “Anything to make you happy.”
“Ohh. Right now, this makes me happy,” she purred.
Hades would do anything to make this woman smile. “I love you and I intend to devote my entire existence to showing you just how much.”
So many things were wrong in the world, but finally it seemed fate had smiled on him. Mia was a strong woman, a rare demon who would only grow her power every day. Together, they could do anything, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

Pain sliced through his chest and squeezed his heart. An invisible grip wrapped around the organ so tightly that he clenched his jaw. Fangs punched through his bottom lip as his entire body convulsed. Muscles locked down and kept him pinned to where he lay. Aidyn’s mind a mess of jumbled memories that were familiar yet felt as if they belonged to someone else. There was one that shouted above all the rest of a raven-haired beauty.
Tears filled her blue eyes then fell to caress her cheek. Full lips folded inward between her teeth as she bit down on the soft flesh and stared back at him.
Her pain gutted him.
He wanted to pull her to him and kiss her mouth. Ease her heartache and then he would slay whatever had caused her so much grief. His feelings for her confused him. He didn’t even know her name.
A wall of flames licked all around him, but their heat never touched his skin. Oddly, he was cold. So very cold and alone. He screamed until his throat was raw and he swore his intestines were being shredded. Something inside him clawed to be free.
Where was he?
All he could see was the wall of flames. If he stared long enough, she came to him again. Who was the beautiful female that refused to go away? Deep down he knew she was the cause of his pain.
The flash of a blade in her hand as she came toward him.
He should wish her to suffer as he did, yet the very idea of it made him hurt worse. More memories. Pictures of a war centuries old flashed behind his closed eyes.
Hundreds of bodies cold on a battlefield and three men stood next to him.
He realized they were powerful beings the same as him. Brothers? His soul recognized them to be men he cared deeply for. Where were they now? Why did they not come to his aid? Maybe they were being tortured as well. A powerful instinct to protect them and the unknown female pushed him to force his body into cooperation. Aidyn commanded constricted muscles to relax enough that he was able to rise to sitting. The flames dropped slightly so he could focus his blurry vision on his surroundings. Besides the fire, there were two torches casting shadows on stone walls that boxed him into a small room. No windows and no exit as far as he could tell. He sucked in a ragged breath, wishing he knew where the fuck he was and why he hurt so damn bad. Another vision slammed into him.
The female with eyes the color of sapphires shoved a blade into his chest.
He clawed at his own flesh to try to stop the pain. Knowing she had tried to kill him didn’t bring rise to his anger, only a drive to find her and assure himself she was safe. Looking at his chest, he was surprised to see blood dripping from a wound that he swore hadn’t been there earlier. Apparently, he was losing his mind. Nothing made sense as he rolled off the stone slab and through parted red-orange flames to land with a hard thud on his knees.
His gut twisted as nausea threatened to send his stomach into a convulsing fit. He ignored it and crawled––the naked flesh on his knees scraping against hard stone left a trail of blood as he went. There had to be a way out. Instinct drove him until he reached the wall where he clawed his way to his feet. Taking a moment to rest, he placed his forehead on the stone, absorbing the coolness while he waited for the dizziness to pass. He’d gone from freezing to sweating in a matter of seconds.
After what seemed an eternity, he began to pull himself along the wall. He searched for something but had no idea what until he located it.
A small crevice.
He slipped his fingers inside. Stone tearing at his knuckles but he ignored the pain. What he sought was here and it struck him as odd, considering he had no idea where he was. Finally, his fingertips brushed across what felt like a lever. He pressed it and the ground shook as the wall next to him slid open. Cool, fresh air rushed in and Aidyn managed to make his way outside where the passage opened to a large room. Squinting against the brightness, he spotted a statue. Seven feet of golden metal in the form of a man stood across the room. The wings at his back were spread wide. The face was partially covered by a mask, a small pair of jeweled wings jetted from either side to create a glorious crown.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” a voice called out.
He swung his gaze to focus on the individual who sat on the throne beside the statue. “Who are you?” Razors sliced at his throat.
“I’m hurt that you do not remember me, Uncle.” The man rose, his height only slightly less than Aidyn’s own. “I am Lowan and I’ve come to care for you while you recover.”
Finally, relief swept over him that family was here to assist him until he regained his strength. “I am in your debt, nephew.”
The man offered a smile. “Think nothing of it.”