1. The inspiration for The Sculptress came from Flaubert’s novel Madame Bovary. Do you see parallels between the two books? If so, what are they?
2. Emma from Madame Bovary and Emma from The Sculptress have two decidedly different character endings. Do you believe this was because societal roles for women had softened from 1856 (Bovary’s publication date) to World War I?
3. Are the issues that Emma struggled with in the book still prevalent today?
4. “The War to End All Wars” became a common catchphrase for World War I. How did the war change women’s lives, including their fashions?
5. The war was also supposed to “make the world safe for democracy.” Do you believe that happened?
6. If the book were set in contemporary time, how would Emma have reacted to her circumstances? Her pregnancy? Her relationships with Linton, Andrew Stoneman, and Tom?
7. Would you have liked to see Emma and Linton come together as a couple?
8. Who was the most likable character in the book?
9. Besides Everett, who do you believe was the least likable character in the book?
10. The book closes with Emma seeing Linton’s face on the drawing pad. Do you believe she and Tom get back together?