Moms, you’re the MVP and you’ve always been that to me. As kids, we used to hate when you’d take us to the library and we’d stay there for hours, but I guess it paid off, right? Your little boy has a book on shelves that real-life people can choose to buy. Praise Jesus! Would you ever have thought? I’m sure your answer is, “Uh, yeah—cuz you’re my son.” Well, here we are, and it only happened because of you. Thanks for being so gracious with me and loving me even when I didn’t see what you saw. Now you can take your grandkids to the library or to the bookstore to check this one out! And you know what? I’ll even see if I can get the author to sign it for them—just because I love you. Keep being a trooper. Love, Mookie.

Dionté, your love for reading has always inspired me. The reason I started reading more is because I once saw you with a book that had hundreds of pages and knew I couldn’t let you show me up. So, I went and got two books with hundreds of pages, and the rest is sibling-rivalry history! I’ll let you think you’re a better reader than me if you promise to take a look at this one in your spare time. Wait—never mind—you’ll never be that, but you’ll always be my big, little brother! I love you, dude.

DeJhari, you’re the best sister I’ve ever had. To date, lovingly helping raise you alongside Mommy has been one of my greatest accomplishments. I feel honored to be your brother, and to be honest, I think you’re one of the biggest reasons why I love kids. I remember when you suggested that we start our own book club. It was such an awesome idea, and hearing you break down literature with such ease was absolutely beautiful. Your mind, your talent, your humor, your thoughtfulness, and your care for others are all tremendous things, and I can’t wait to see how you continue to use who you are to help make the world a better place. I love you, Jhari.

Dear Nana and Papa, thank you for being awesome grandparents. Nana, you taught me how to read. ’Nuff said. Game changer. You win. But also, thanks for letting me take all those naps at your house, and for singing “In the Name of Jesus” to me. It was comforting. You have always been my comfort. You’re definitely my #1 Nana. And Papa, thank you for helping me to T-H-I-N-K. You’ve always been so careful and thoughtful with everything, and thankfully, I think those traits have been passed down to me. Thank you for letting me grow up in the house you built. I love you both.

Elizabeth, you are such a G! I know you do this literary agent stuff for a bunch of people, but you’ve made me feel like I’m your only client. I don’t feel like I’m just any random ol’ author with you; I feel like THE author with you! You make this feeling happen. Thank you for taking a shot on a kid from Chicago who didn’t know nothin’ about nothin’. And thank you for always challenging me and fighting for me. You should be proud of your work, EB. Thank you.

Sam, from the moment we spoke together on the phone that first time, I knew I was going to publish with you and Little, Brown. You believed in Simon, and I felt that energy from you immediately. In fact, I literally only chose LBYR because of you. You have been one of the most gracious and sweetest editors during this whole process, and I wish you nothing but success and happiness moving forward. Thank you, Sam.

Ellien, thank you for helping me bring Simon to life! God gives us dreams, but He also places people in our life who He knows will make those dreams come true. You’re definitely one of those people for me. Thank you, friend.

Shout-out to all the kids on the West Side of Chicago. Y’all are some of the brightest, funniest, most beautiful people in the entire world. Don’t ever let anybody tell you what you can’t do. Put on for y’all’s city, man. I love you to bits and pieces.

Dear Chaseton, thank you for changing my everything. You being here has redeemed so much in my life. I can’t wait to see you reading books like Simon and many others. Maybe you’ll even rap like your pops one day. Whatever you do, you’ll be great. Daddy loves you so much.

Dear Simoné, a full book couldn’t completely capture what I feel for you. I have loved you since we were Simon’s age, and I will love you until the last chapter of our life is complete. Thank you for being my everything, Monie. Love, Dwaynie Pooh.